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<rev user="Jmertic" timestamp="2017-11-28T17:22:03Z" comment="/* Get Involved */" contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">== Welcome to the R Consortium Wiki ==
The R Consortium, Inc. is a group organized under an open source governance and foundation model to provide support to the R community, the R Foundation and groups and individuals, using, maintaining and distributing R software.
This wiki space is for working groups and ISC Project collaboration and documentation.
== Get Involved ==
* [ R Consortium Website]
* [ Looking to Submit a Proposal]
* [ Sign up and follow along in mailing lists]
* [ Follow us on Twitter]
* [[R Consortium and the R Community Code of Conduct]]
* [[Top Level Projects]]
== Working Groups ==
* [[R Native API|Native APIs for R]]
* [[Distributed Computing Working Group|Distributed Computing]]
* [[Code Coverage Tool for R|Code Coverage for R]]
* [[R Certification|R Certification]]
* [[R in Medicine|R in Medicine]]
* [[R in Pharma|R in Pharma]]
'''''This wiki supports Linux Foundation ID single-sign-on and registration with the link at the top this page. Other components of the R Consortium that do not support single-sign-on will directly request your Linux Foundation ID username and password for login.'''''
Consult the [// User's Guide] for information on using the wiki software.</rev>