Native API stats of R.h

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#include "R.h"


#define Calloc(n, t) (t *) R_chk_calloc( (size_t) (n), sizeof(t) ) // Calloc used 5657 times in 240 packages
#define CallocCharBuf(n) (char *) R_chk_calloc((size_t) ((n)+1), sizeof(char)) // CallocCharBuf used 3 times in cplexAPI, patchDVI
#define DOUBLE_DIGITS 53                                     // DOUBLE_DIGITS used 42 times in evd
#define DOUBLE_EPS 2.2204460492503131e-16                    // DOUBLE_EPS used 180 times in 40 packages
#define DOUBLE_XMAX 1.7976931348623157e+308                  // DOUBLE_XMAX used 63 times in 13 packages
#define DOUBLE_XMIN 2.2250738585072014e-308                  // DOUBLE_XMIN used 13 times in unmarked, deSolve, ifultools, spatstat
#define ENABLE_NLS 1                                         // ENABLE_NLS used 80 times in 59 packages
#define ERROR <defined>                                      // ERROR used 6406 times in 293 packages
#define F77_CALL(x) x_                                       // F77_CALL used 4269 times in 195 packages
#define F77_COM(x) x_                                        // F77_COM used 2 times in igraph
#define F77_COMDECL(x) x_                                    // F77_COMDECL used 2 times in igraph
#define F77_NAME(x) x_                                       // F77_NAME used 1913 times in 117 packages
#define F77_SUB(x) x_                                        // F77_SUB used 771 times in 89 packages
#define Free(p) (R_chk_free( (void *)(p) ), (p) = __null)    // Free used 21329 times in 683 packages
#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1                                      // HAVE_ALLOCA_H used 15 times in treatSens, Matrix, TMB, pbdZMQ, ore, dbarts
#define HAVE_AQUA 1                                          // HAVE_AQUA used 13 times in 11 packages
#define HAVE_F77_UNDERSCORE 1                                // HAVE_F77_UNDERSCORE used 2 times in igraph
#define IEEE_754 1                                           // IEEE_754 used 47 times in igraph, Rcpp, data.table, stringi
#define ISNA(x) R_IsNA(x)                                    // ISNA used 649 times in 100 packages
#define ISNAN(x) R_isnancpp(x)                               // ISNAN used 1342 times in 146 packages
#define IndexWidth Rf_IndexWidth                             // IndexWidth unused
#define LOCAL_EVALUATOR                                      // LOCAL_EVALUATOR used 11 times in rggobi, XML, ifultools, RGtk2
#define LibExport                                            // LibExport used 2 times in hsmm
#define LibExtern extern                                     // LibExtern used 4 times in rJava
#define LibImport                                            // LibImport unused
#define MESSAGE <defined>                                    // MESSAGE used 172 times in 33 packages
#define M_1_PI 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724        // M_1_PI used 42 times in SpatialExtremes, decon, mvabund, geoR, geoRglm, ExomeDepth, libamtrack, miRada, RandomFields, DescTools
#define M_2_PI 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448        // M_2_PI used 27 times in RandomFieldsUtils, dynaTree, ExomeDepth, RandomFields, svd, DescTools, spatstat
#define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257389615890312154517     // M_2_SQRTPI used 6 times in excursions, PearsonDS, SpecsVerification, ExomeDepth
#define M_E 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250            // M_E used 40 times in Runuran, lamW, gmum.r, ExomeDepth, CEC, PoweR, TMB, Bmix, tgp, RcppShark
#define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568401799145468436421         // M_LN10 used 27 times in monomvn, rphast, secr, Runuran, rtfbs, PlayerRatings, ExomeDepth, spaMM, logistf, laGP
#define M_LN2 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568         // M_LN2 used 166 times in 30 packages
#define M_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082      // M_LOG10E used 2 times in ExomeDepth
#define M_LOG2E 1.44269504088896340735992468100189214        // M_LOG2E used 2 times in ExomeDepth
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288           // M_PI used 1853 times in 207 packages
#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144         // M_PI_2 used 149 times in 28 packages
#define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721        // M_PI_4 used 18 times in 12 packages
#define M_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039     // M_SQRT1_2 used 26 times in SpatialExtremes, gmwm, excursions, forecast, subrank, dplR, ExomeDepth, SpecsVerification
#define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880168872420969808        // M_SQRT2 used 72 times in 23 packages
#define Memcpy(p,q,n) memcpy( p, q, (size_t)(n) * sizeof(*p) ) // Memcpy used 483 times in 32 packages
#define Memzero(p,n) memset(p, 0, (size_t)(n) * sizeof(*p))  // Memzero used 5 times in Matrix
#define NA_INTEGER R_NaInt                                   // NA_INTEGER used 1520 times in 183 packages
#define NA_LOGICAL R_NaInt                                   // NA_LOGICAL used 355 times in 73 packages
#define NA_REAL R_NaReal                                     // NA_REAL used 1667 times in 226 packages
#define NORET __attribute__((noreturn))                      // NORET unused
#define NULL_ENTRY                                           // NULL_ENTRY used 170 times in 12 packages
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288             // PI unused
#define PROBLEM <defined>                                    // PROBLEM used 861 times in 78 packages
#define RECOVER <defined>                                    // RECOVER used 170 times in 14 packages
#define R_ARITH_H_                                           // R_ARITH_H_ unused
#define R_COMPLEX_H                                          // R_COMPLEX_H used 1 times in uniqueAtomMat
#define R_Calloc(n, t) (t *) R_chk_calloc( (size_t) (n), sizeof(t) ) // R_Calloc used 81 times in clpAPI, cplexAPI, poppr, rLindo, glpkAPI
#define R_ERROR_H_                                           // R_ERROR_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_BOOLEAN_H_                                     // R_EXT_BOOLEAN_H_ used 2 times in jpeg, Rcpp11
#define R_EXT_CONSTANTS_H_                                   // R_EXT_CONSTANTS_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_MEMORY_H_                                      // R_EXT_MEMORY_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_PRINT_H_                                       // R_EXT_PRINT_H_ used 6 times in spTDyn, spTimer
#define R_EXT_UTILS_H_                                       // R_EXT_UTILS_H_ unused
#define R_FINITE(x) R_finite(x)                              // R_FINITE used 1387 times in 145 packages
#define R_Free(p) (R_chk_free( (void *)(p) ), (p) = __null)  // R_Free used 78 times in clpAPI, cplexAPI, poppr, glpkAPI
#define R_INLINE inline                                      // R_INLINE used 330 times in 34 packages
#define R_PROBLEM_BUFSIZE 4096                               // R_PROBLEM_BUFSIZE unused
#define R_RANDOM_H                                           // R_RANDOM_H unused
#define R_RCONFIG_H                                          // R_RCONFIG_H unused
#define R_RS_H                                               // R_RS_H unused
#define R_R_H                                                // R_R_H used 9 times in TMB, uniqueAtomMat, DatABEL, GenABEL, VariABEL
#define R_Realloc(p,n,t) (t *) R_chk_realloc( (void *)(p), (size_t)((n) * sizeof(t)) ) // R_Realloc used 3 times in poppr, seqminer, gpuR
#define Realloc(p,n,t) (t *) R_chk_realloc( (void *)(p), (size_t)((n) * sizeof(t)) ) // Realloc used 244 times in 57 packages
#define SINGLE_BASE 2                                        // SINGLE_BASE unused
#define SINGLE_EPS 1.19209290e-7F                            // SINGLE_EPS unused
#define SINGLE_XMAX 3.40282347e+38F                          // SINGLE_XMAX used 4 times in mapproj
#define SINGLE_XMIN 1.17549435e-38F                          // SINGLE_XMIN unused
#define SINT_MAX 2147483647                                  // SINT_MAX used 4 times in robust, AnalyzeFMRI
#define SINT_MIN (-2147483647 -1)                            // SINT_MIN used 2 times in robust
#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8                                      // SIZEOF_SIZE_T used 1 times in PythonInR
#define SUPPORT_MBCS 1                                       // SUPPORT_MBCS used 1 times in bibtex
#define SUPPORT_UTF8 1                                       // SUPPORT_UTF8 used 3 times in tau, rindex, stringi
#define StringFalse Rf_StringFalse                           // StringFalse used 3 times in iotools
#define StringTrue Rf_StringTrue                             // StringTrue used 3 times in iotools
#define USING_R                                              // USING_R used 238 times in 29 packages
#define WARN <defined>                                       // WARN used 122 times in 20 packages
#define WARNING <defined>                                    // WARNING used 957 times in 190 packages
#define cPsort Rf_cPsort                                     // cPsort unused
#define error Rf_error                                       // error used 63771 times in 1109 packages
#define iPsort Rf_iPsort                                     // iPsort used 3 times in matrixStats, robustbase
#define isBlankString Rf_isBlankString                       // isBlankString used 1 times in iotools
#define rPsort Rf_rPsort                                     // rPsort used 63 times in 15 packages
#define revsort Rf_revsort                                   // revsort used 60 times in 20 packages
#define setIVector Rf_setIVector                             // setIVector unused
#define setRVector Rf_setRVector                             // setRVector used 3 times in RcppClassic, RcppClassicExamples
#define warning Rf_warning                                   // warning used 7679 times in 434 packages
# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
typedef double Sfloat;                                       // Sfloat used 440 times in AnalyzeFMRI, wavethresh, IGM.MEA, spatial, LS2W, robust, MASS, PBSmapping
typedef int Sint;                                            // Sint used 2750 times in 48 packages
extern "C" {
void R_FlushConsole(void);                                   // R_FlushConsole used 651 times in 78 packages
void R_ProcessEvents(void);                                  // R_ProcessEvents used 275 times in 39 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
extern double R_NaN;                                         // R_NaN used 469 times in 68 packages
extern double R_PosInf;                                      // R_PosInf used 562 times in 112 packages
extern double R_NegInf;                                      // R_NegInf used 699 times in 105 packages
extern double R_NaReal;                                      // R_NaReal used 140 times in 34 packages
                                                             // NA_REAL used 1667 times in 226 packages
extern int R_NaInt;                                          // R_NaInt used 58 times in 20 packages
                                                             // NA_INTEGER used 1520 times in 183 packages
                                                             // NA_LOGICAL used 355 times in 73 packages
int R_IsNA(double);                                          // R_IsNA used 161 times in 40 packages
int R_IsNaN(double);                                         // R_IsNaN used 75 times in 28 packages
int R_finite(double);                                        // R_finite used 232 times in 44 packages
  int R_isnancpp(double);                                    // R_isnancpp used 8 times in igraph, PwrGSD

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
typedef enum { FALSE = 0, TRUE } Rboolean;

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
 double r;
 double i;
} Rcomplex;                                                  // Rcomplex used 893 times in 47 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
void __attribute__((noreturn)) Rf_error(const char *, ...);
void __attribute__((noreturn)) UNIMPLEMENTED(const char *);
void __attribute__((noreturn)) WrongArgCount(const char *);
void Rf_warning(const char *, ...);                          // Rf_warning used 316 times in 66 packages
                                                             // warning used 7679 times in 434 packages
void R_ShowMessage(const char *s);                           // R_ShowMessage used 104 times in Rserve, rJava, HiPLARM

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
void* vmaxget(void);                                         // vmaxget used 279 times in 20 packages
void vmaxset(const void *);                                  // vmaxset used 279 times in 20 packages
void R_gc(void);                                             // R_gc used 6 times in TMB,, gmatrix, microbenchmark
int R_gc_running();                                          // R_gc_running unused
char* R_alloc(size_t, int);                                  // R_alloc used 7787 times in 330 packages
long double *R_allocLD(size_t nelem);
char* S_alloc(long, int);                                    // S_alloc used 540 times in 50 packages
char* S_realloc(char *, long, long, int);                    // S_realloc used 55 times in 11 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
void Rprintf(const char *, ...);                             // Rprintf used 33813 times in 729 packages
void REprintf(const char *, ...);                            // REprintf used 2531 times in 135 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
extern void *R_chk_calloc(size_t, size_t);                   // R_chk_calloc used 6 times in rpart, XML, itree, ifultools, mgcv
extern void *R_chk_realloc(void *, size_t);                  // R_chk_realloc used 5 times in seqminer, gpuR, ifultools, mgcv
extern void R_chk_free(void *);                              // R_chk_free used 2 times in mgcv
void call_R(char*, long, void**, char**, long*, char**, long, char**); // call_R used 2 times in PoweR

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
typedef enum {
} RNGtype;                                                   // RNGtype unused
typedef enum {
} N01type;                                                   // N01type unused
void GetRNGstate(void);                                      // GetRNGstate used 1753 times in 434 packages
void PutRNGstate(void);                                      // PutRNGstate used 1794 times in 427 packages
double unif_rand(void);                                      // unif_rand used 2135 times in 327 packages
double norm_rand(void);                                      // norm_rand used 408 times in 93 packages
double exp_rand(void);                                       // exp_rand used 110 times in 25 packages
typedef unsigned int Int32;
double * user_unif_rand(void);                               // user_unif_rand used 10 times in randaes, rstream, rngwell19937, SuppDists, randtoolbox, rlecuyer, Rrdrand
void user_unif_init(Int32);                                  // user_unif_init used 5 times in randaes, SuppDists, randtoolbox, rngwell19937
int * user_unif_nseed(void);                                 // user_unif_nseed used 4 times in randaes, SuppDists, rngwell19937
int * user_unif_seedloc(void);                               // user_unif_seedloc used 4 times in randaes, SuppDists, rngwell19937
double * user_norm_rand(void);                               // user_norm_rand used 1 times in RcppZiggurat

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/
extern "C" {
void R_isort(int*, int);                                     // R_isort used 45 times in 18 packages
void R_rsort(double*, int);                                  // R_rsort used 210 times in 29 packages
void R_csort(Rcomplex*, int);                                // R_csort unused
void rsort_with_index(double *, int *, int);                 // rsort_with_index used 77 times in 40 packages
void Rf_revsort(double*, int*, int);                         // Rf_revsort unused
                                                             // revsort used 60 times in 20 packages
void Rf_iPsort(int*, int, int);                              // Rf_iPsort unused
                                                             // iPsort used 3 times in matrixStats, robustbase
void Rf_rPsort(double*, int, int);                           // Rf_rPsort unused
                                                             // rPsort used 63 times in 15 packages
void Rf_cPsort(Rcomplex*, int, int);                         // Rf_cPsort unused
                                                             // cPsort unused
void R_qsort (double *v, size_t i, size_t j);                // R_qsort used 10 times in extWeibQuant, pomp, robustbase, dplR, tclust, pcaPP
void R_qsort_I (double *v, int *II, int i, int j);           // R_qsort_I used 33 times in 15 packages
void R_qsort_int (int *iv, size_t i, size_t j);              // R_qsort_int unused
void R_qsort_int_I(int *iv, int *II, int i, int j);          // R_qsort_int_I used 19 times in ff, matrixStats, arules, Rborist, slam, eco, bnlearn
const char *R_ExpandFileName(const char *);                  // R_ExpandFileName used 42 times in 20 packages
void Rf_setIVector(int*, int, int);                          // Rf_setIVector unused
                                                             // setIVector unused
void Rf_setRVector(double*, int, double);                    // Rf_setRVector unused
                                                             // setRVector used 3 times in RcppClassic, RcppClassicExamples
Rboolean Rf_StringFalse(const char *);                       // Rf_StringFalse unused
                                                             // StringFalse used 3 times in iotools
Rboolean Rf_StringTrue(const char *);                        // Rf_StringTrue unused
                                                             // StringTrue used 3 times in iotools
Rboolean Rf_isBlankString(const char *);                     // Rf_isBlankString unused
                                                             // isBlankString used 1 times in iotools
double R_atof(const char *str);                              // R_atof used 9 times in SSN, tree, foreign, iotools
double R_strtod(const char *c, char **end);                  // R_strtod used 4 times in ape, iotools
char *R_tmpnam(const char *prefix, const char *tempdir);     // R_tmpnam used 2 times in geometry
char *R_tmpnam2(const char *prefix, const char *tempdir, const char *fileext); // R_tmpnam2 unused
void R_CheckUserInterrupt(void);                             // R_CheckUserInterrupt used 1487 times in 234 packages
void R_CheckStack(void);                                     // R_CheckStack used 115 times in vcrpart, actuar, cplm, lme4, Matrix, GNE, randtoolbox, HiPLARM, rngWELL, pedigreemm
void R_CheckStack2(size_t);                                  // R_CheckStack2 unused
int findInterval(double *xt, int n, double x,                // findInterval used 11 times in BSquare, DNAprofiles, unfoldr, chebpol, pomp, eco, protViz, PBSmapping, spatstat
   Rboolean rightmost_closed, Rboolean all_inside, int ilo,
   int *mflag);
void find_interv_vec(double *xt, int *n, double *x, int *nx, // find_interv_vec unused
       int *rightmost_closed, int *all_inside, int *indx);
void R_max_col(double *matrix, int *nr, int *nc, int *maxes, int *ties_meth); // R_max_col used 2 times in geostatsp, MNP


              0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10+
     Macro:  15   3   6   3   2   1   2   0   0   1  36  (usage count)
      (69)   15  11   4   2   5   2   1   1   1   0  27  (distinct package count)
  Function:   8   2   4   4   3   2   2   0   1   1  32  (usage count)
      (59)    8   7   5   3   4   1   1   2   0   1  27  (distinct package count)
  Variable:   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   5  (usage count)
       (5)    0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   5  (distinct package count)
   TypeDef:   2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   3  (usage count)
       (5)    2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   2  (distinct package count)
     Alias:   3   1   2   4   1   0   0   0   0   0  11  (usage count)
      (22)    3   6   2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0  11  (distinct package count)

(e.g., 5 functions were referenced by exactly 2 distinct packages, and 3 typedefs have 10 or more individual usages)