Difference between revisions of "Native API stats of all header files"

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(Created page with "== Input == <pre> #define USE_RINTERNALS #include "Rembedded.h" #include "Rmath.h" #include "libintl.h" #include "R.h" #include "Rinterface.h" #include "Rdefines.h" #include "...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:20, 20 June 2016


#include "Rembedded.h"
#include "Rmath.h"
#include "libintl.h"
#include "R.h"
#include "Rinterface.h"
#include "Rdefines.h"
#include "Rinternals.h"
#include "S.h"

#include "R_ext/Applic.h"
#include "R_ext/Arith.h"
#include "R_ext/BLAS.h"
#include "R_ext/Boolean.h"
#include "R_ext/Callbacks.h"
#include "R_ext/Complex.h"
#include "R_ext/Connections.h"
#include "R_ext/Constants.h"
#include "R_ext/Error.h"
#include "R_ext/eventloop.h"
#include "R_ext/GetX11Image.h"
#include "R_ext/GraphicsEngine.h"
#include "R_ext/GraphicsDevice.h"
#include "R_ext/Itermacros.h"
#include "R_ext/Lapack.h"
#include "R_ext/libextern.h"
#include "R_ext/Linpack.h"
#include "R_ext/MathThreads.h"
#include "R_ext/Memory.h"
#include "R_ext/Parse.h"
#include "R_ext/Print.h"
#include "R_ext/PrtUtil.h"
#include "R_ext/QuartzDevice.h"
#include "R_ext/R-ftp-http.h"
#include "R_ext/Rallocators.h"
#include "R_ext/Random.h"
#include "R_ext/Rdynload.h"
#include "R_ext/Riconv.h"
#include "R_ext/RS.h"
#include "R_ext/RStartup.h"
#include "R_ext/stats_package.h"
#include "R_ext/stats_stubs.h"
#include "R_ext/Utils.h"
#include "R_ext/Visibility.h"


#define ANYSXP 18                                            // ANYSXP used 14 times in RPostgreSQL, Rcpp11, seqminer, Rcpp, pryr, rtkpp, rtkore, RGtk2
#define AS_CHARACTER(x) Rf_coerceVector(x,16)                // AS_CHARACTER used 115 times in 27 packages
#define AS_COMPLEX(x) Rf_coerceVector(x,15)                  // AS_COMPLEX used 28 times in PearsonDS, kza, diversitree
#define AS_INTEGER(x) Rf_coerceVector(x,13)                  // AS_INTEGER used 753 times in 66 packages
#define AS_LIST(x) Rf_coerceVector(x,19)                     // AS_LIST used 81 times in RPostgreSQL, lfe, CRF, memisc, catnet, polyclip, sdnet
#define AS_LOGICAL(x) Rf_coerceVector(x,10)                  // AS_LOGICAL used 59 times in 13 packages
#define AS_NUMERIC(x) Rf_coerceVector(x,14)                  // AS_NUMERIC used 1099 times in 71 packages
#define AS_RAW(x) Rf_coerceVector(x,24)                      // AS_RAW used 24 times in CrypticIBDcheck, IRISSeismic, seqinr, oce
#define AS_VECTOR(x) Rf_coerceVector(x,19)                   // AS_VECTOR used 3 times in catnet, PET, sdnet
#define ATTRIB(x) ((x)->attrib)                              // ATTRIB used 83 times in 20 packages
#define AdobeSymbol2utf8 Rf_AdobeSymbol2utf8                 // AdobeSymbol2utf8 used 2 times in Cairo
#define BCODESXP 21                                          // BCODESXP used 15 times in rcppbugs, Rcpp11, seqminer, Rcpp, pryr, rtkpp, rtkore
#define BCODE_CODE(x) ((x)->u.listsxp.carval)                // BCODE_CODE unused
#define BCODE_CONSTS(x) ((x)->u.listsxp.cdrval)              // BCODE_CONSTS unused
#define BCODE_EXPR(x) ((x)->u.listsxp.tagval)                // BCODE_EXPR unused
#define BEGIN_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS do { Rboolean __oldsusp__ = R_interrupts_suspended; R_interrupts_suspended = 1; // BEGIN_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS used 22 times in 12 packages
#define BLAS_extern extern                                   // BLAS_extern used 2 times in sparseSEM
#define BODY(x) ((x)->u.closxp.body)                         // BODY used 48 times in 15 packages
#define BODY_EXPR(e) R_ClosureExpr(e)                        // BODY_EXPR unused
#define BUILTINSXP 8                                         // BUILTINSXP used 24 times in 11 packages
#define CAAR(e) ((((e)->u.listsxp.carval))->u.listsxp.carval) // CAAR unused
#define CAD4R(e) ((((((((((e)->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.carval) // CAD4R used 14 times in earth, foreign, actuar
#define CADDDR(e) ((((((((e)->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.carval) // CADDDR used 21 times in RPostgreSQL, foreign, actuar, bibtex
#define CADDR(e) ((((((e)->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.carval) // CADDR used 52 times in 11 packages
#define CADR(e) ((((e)->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.carval) // CADR used 104 times in 17 packages
#define CAR(e) ((e)->u.listsxp.carval)                       // CAR used 575 times in 63 packages
#define CDAR(e) ((((e)->u.listsxp.carval))->u.listsxp.cdrval) // CDAR unused
#define CDDDR(e) ((((((e)->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval) // CDDDR unused
#define CDDR(e) ((((e)->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.cdrval) // CDDR used 52 times in Rlabkey, Rcpp11, dplyr, proxy, Rcpp, slam, tikzDevice, OpenCL, svd
#define CDR(e) ((e)->u.listsxp.cdrval)                       // CDR used 4523 times in 76 packages
#define CHAR(x) ((const char *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // CHAR used 4405 times in 362 packages
#define CHARACTER_DATA(x) (((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))) // CHARACTER_DATA used 22 times in pomp, rggobi, XML, RGtk2
#define CHARACTER_POINTER(x) ((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // CHARACTER_POINTER used 19 times in multic, RPostgreSQL, arules, Hmisc, lazy, R4dfp
#define CHARACTER_VALUE(x) ((const char *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (Rf_asChar(x))) + 1)) // CHARACTER_VALUE used 269 times in 11 packages
#define CHARSXP 9                                            // CHARSXP used 106 times in 33 packages
#define CLOENV(x) ((x)->u.closxp.env)                        // CLOENV used 23 times in Rcpp11, covr, pomp, Rcpp, pryr, testthat, qtbase
#define CLOSXP 3                                             // CLOSXP used 83 times in 30 packages
#define COMPLEX(x) ((Rcomplex *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // COMPLEX used 1697 times in 71 packages
#define COMPLEX_DATA(x) (((Rcomplex *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))) // COMPLEX_DATA unused
#define COMPLEX_POINTER(x) ((Rcomplex *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // COMPLEX_POINTER used 3 times in timsac, ifs
#define CONS(a, b) Rf_cons((a), (b))                         // CONS used 458 times in 30 packages
#define COPY_TO_USER_STRING(x) Rf_mkChar(x)                  // COPY_TO_USER_STRING used 374 times in 21 packages
#define CPLXSXP 15                                           // CPLXSXP used 409 times in 49 packages
#define CREATE_FUNCTION_CALL(name, argList) createFunctionCall(name, argList) // CREATE_FUNCTION_CALL used 5 times in rggobi, XML, RGtk2
#define CREATE_STRING_VECTOR(x) Rf_mkChar(x)                 // CREATE_STRING_VECTOR used 244 times in igraph, rggobi, XML, dbarts, lazy, rwt, RGtk2
#define Calloc(n, t) (t *) R_chk_calloc( (size_t) (n), sizeof(t) ) // Calloc used 5657 times in 240 packages
#define CallocCharBuf(n) (char *) R_chk_calloc((size_t) ((n)+1), sizeof(char)) // CallocCharBuf used 3 times in cplexAPI, patchDVI
#define CreateAtVector Rf_CreateAtVector                     // CreateAtVector unused
#define CreateTag Rf_CreateTag                               // CreateTag used 1 times in rgp
#define DATAPTR(x) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)             // DATAPTR used 113 times in 11 packages
#define DDVAL(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.gp & 1)                       // DDVAL unused
#define DDVAL_MASK 1                                         // DDVAL_MASK unused
#define DECREMENT_REFCNT(x) do {} while(0)                   // DECREMENT_REFCNT unused
#define DISABLE_REFCNT(x) do {} while(0)                     // DISABLE_REFCNT unused
#define DOTSXP 17                                            // DOTSXP used 16 times in RPostgreSQL, PythonInR, Rcpp11, seqminer, Rcpp, pryr, rtkpp, spikeSlabGAM, rtkore
#define DOUBLE_DATA(x) (((double *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))) // DOUBLE_DATA used 9 times in bigalgebra
#define DOUBLE_DIGITS 53                                     // DOUBLE_DIGITS used 42 times in evd
#define DOUBLE_EPS 2.2204460492503131e-16                    // DOUBLE_EPS used 180 times in 40 packages
#define DOUBLE_XMAX 1.7976931348623157e+308                  // DOUBLE_XMAX used 63 times in 13 packages
#define DOUBLE_XMIN 2.2250738585072014e-308                  // DOUBLE_XMIN used 13 times in unmarked, deSolve, ifultools, spatstat
#define DropDims Rf_DropDims                                 // DropDims unused
#define ENABLE_NLS 1                                         // ENABLE_NLS used 80 times in 59 packages
#define ENABLE_REFCNT(x) do {} while(0)                      // ENABLE_REFCNT unused
#define ENCLOS(x) ((x)->u.envsxp.enclos)                     // ENCLOS used 7 times in Rcpp, pryr, rJava, Rcpp11, RGtk2
#define END_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS R_interrupts_suspended = __oldsusp__; if (R_interrupts_pending && ! R_interrupts_suspended) Rf_onintr(); } while(0) // END_SUSPEND_INTERRUPTS used 18 times in 12 packages
#define ENVFLAGS(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.gp)                        // ENVFLAGS unused
#define ENVSXP 4                                             // ENVSXP used 63 times in 25 packages
#define ERROR <defined>                                      // ERROR used 6406 times in 293 packages
#define EVAL(x) Rf_eval(x,R_GlobalEnv)                       // EVAL used 108 times in 13 packages
#define EXPRSXP 20                                           // EXPRSXP used 84 times in 14 packages
#define EXTPTRSXP 22                                         // EXTPTRSXP used 386 times in 55 packages
#define EXTPTR_PROT(x) ((x)->u.listsxp.cdrval)               // EXTPTR_PROT used 5 times in rJava, pryr
#define EXTPTR_PTR(x) ((x)->u.listsxp.carval)                // EXTPTR_PTR used 428 times in 15 packages
#define EXTPTR_TAG(x) ((x)->u.listsxp.tagval)                // EXTPTR_TAG used 9 times in excel.link, pryr, rJava, gsl
#define EncodeComplex Rf_EncodeComplex                       // EncodeComplex unused
#define EncodeInteger Rf_EncodeInteger                       // EncodeInteger used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
#define EncodeLogical Rf_EncodeLogical                       // EncodeLogical used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
#define EncodeReal Rf_EncodeReal                             // EncodeReal used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
#define EncodeReal0 Rf_EncodeReal0                           // EncodeReal0 unused
#define F77_CALL(x) x_                                       // F77_CALL used 4269 times in 195 packages
#define F77_COM(x) x_                                        // F77_COM used 2 times in igraph
#define F77_COMDECL(x) x_                                    // F77_COMDECL used 2 times in igraph
#define F77_NAME(x) x_                                       // F77_NAME used 1913 times in 117 packages
#define F77_SUB(x) x_                                        // F77_SUB used 771 times in 89 packages
#define FALSE 0                                              // FALSE used 17931 times in 545 packages
#define FORMALS(x) ((x)->u.closxp.formals)                   // FORMALS used 15 times in qtpaint, RSclient, PBSddesolve, Rserve, covr, pryr, rgp, testthat, RandomFields
#define FRAME(x) ((x)->u.envsxp.frame)                       // FRAME used 19 times in deTestSet, IRISSeismic, pryr, BayesBridge, datamap, BayesLogit
#define FREESXP 31                                           // FREESXP used 4 times in rtkpp, rtkore
#define FUNSXP 99                                            // FUNSXP used 6 times in dplyr, rtkpp, data.table, rtkore
#define Free(p) (R_chk_free( (void *)(p) ), (p) = __null)    // Free used 21329 times in 683 packages
#define GAxisPars Rf_GAxisPars                               // GAxisPars unused
#define GETX11IMAGE_H_                                       // GETX11IMAGE_H_ unused
#define GET_ATTR(x,what) Rf_getAttrib(x, what)               // GET_ATTR used 66 times in kergp, rggobi, XML, maptools, dbarts, RGtk2
#define GET_CLASS(x) Rf_getAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol)          // GET_CLASS used 56 times in 17 packages
#define GET_COLNAMES(x) Rf_GetColNames(x)                    // GET_COLNAMES used 14 times in multic, pomp
#define GET_DIM(x) Rf_getAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol)              // GET_DIM used 421 times in 55 packages
#define GET_DIMNAMES(x) Rf_getAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol)    // GET_DIMNAMES used 60 times in multic, lfe, pomp, adaptivetau
#define GET_LENGTH(x) Rf_length(x)                           // GET_LENGTH used 1265 times in 28 packages
#define GET_LEVELS(x) Rf_getAttrib(x, R_LevelsSymbol)        // GET_LEVELS used 13 times in rjson, cba, yaml
#define GET_NAMES(x) Rf_getAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol)          // GET_NAMES used 84 times in 22 packages
#define GET_ROWNAMES(x) Rf_GetRowNames(x)                    // GET_ROWNAMES used 46 times in multic, pomp, RSQLite
#define GET_SLOT(x, what) R_do_slot(x, what)                 // GET_SLOT used 1680 times in 42 packages
#define GET_TSP(x) Rf_getAttrib(x, R_TspSymbol)              // GET_TSP unused
#define GetArrayDimnames Rf_GetArrayDimnames                 // GetArrayDimnames unused
#define GetColNames Rf_GetColNames                           // GetColNames unused
#define GetMatrixDimnames Rf_GetMatrixDimnames               // GetMatrixDimnames used 2 times in Kmisc, optmatch
#define GetOption Rf_GetOption                               // GetOption used 5 times in rgl, gmp, Cairo, RGtk2
#define GetOption1 Rf_GetOption1                             // GetOption1 used 1 times in PCICt
#define GetOptionDigits Rf_GetOptionDigits                   // GetOptionDigits unused
#define GetOptionWidth Rf_GetOptionWidth                     // GetOptionWidth unused
#define GetRowNames Rf_GetRowNames                           // GetRowNames unused
#define HASHTAB(x) ((x)->u.envsxp.hashtab)                   // HASHTAB used 12 times in Rcpp, pryr, datamap, Rcpp11, qtbase
#define HAVE_ALLOCA_H 1                                      // HAVE_ALLOCA_H used 15 times in treatSens, Matrix, TMB, pbdZMQ, ore, dbarts
#define HAVE_AQUA 1                                          // HAVE_AQUA used 13 times in 11 packages
#define HAVE_EXPM1 1                                         // HAVE_EXPM1 used 4 times in igraph, Rcpp, BiasedUrn, Rcpp11
#define HAVE_F77_UNDERSCORE 1                                // HAVE_F77_UNDERSCORE used 2 times in igraph
#define HAVE_HYPOT 1                                         // HAVE_HYPOT used 6 times in BH, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define HAVE_LOG1P 1                                         // HAVE_LOG1P used 3 times in igraph, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define HAVE_WORKING_LOG1P 1                                 // HAVE_WORKING_LOG1P unused
#define IEEE_754 1                                           // IEEE_754 used 47 times in igraph, Rcpp, data.table, stringi
#define INCREMENT_NAMED(x) do { SEXP __x__ = (x); if (((__x__)->sxpinfo.named) != 2) (((__x__)->sxpinfo.named)=(((__x__)->sxpinfo.named) + 1)); } while (0) // INCREMENT_NAMED unused
#define INCREMENT_REFCNT(x) do {} while(0)                   // INCREMENT_REFCNT unused
#define INLINE_PROTECT                                       // INLINE_PROTECT unused
#define INTEGER(x) ((int *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))   // INTEGER used 41659 times in 758 packages
#define INTEGER_DATA(x) (((int *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))) // INTEGER_DATA used 246 times in RPostgreSQL, excel.link, rggobi, XML, biganalytics, RTextTools, bcp, RGtk2
#define INTEGER_POINTER(x) ((int *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // INTEGER_POINTER used 2082 times in 83 packages
#define INTEGER_VALUE(x) Rf_asInteger(x)                     // INTEGER_VALUE used 451 times in 47 packages
#define INTERNAL(x) ((x)->u.symsxp.internal)                 // INTERNAL used 1014 times in 63 packages
#define INTSXP 13                                            // INTSXP used 6341 times in 471 packages
#define ISNA(x) R_IsNA(x)                                    // ISNA used 649 times in 100 packages
#define ISNAN(x) R_isnancpp(x)                               // ISNAN used 1342 times in 146 packages
#define IS_CHARACTER(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.type) == 16)          // IS_CHARACTER used 45 times in 16 packages
#define IS_COMPLEX(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.type) == 15)            // IS_COMPLEX used 2 times in rjson, spsurvey
#define IS_GETTER_CALL(call) (((((call)->u.listsxp.cdrval))->u.listsxp.carval) == R_TmpvalSymbol) // IS_GETTER_CALL unused
#define IS_INTEGER(x) Rf_isInteger(x)                        // IS_INTEGER used 61 times in 19 packages
#define IS_LIST(x) Rf_isVector(x)                            // IS_LIST used 12 times in RPostgreSQL, Runuran, XML, PythonInR, ROracle
#define IS_LOGICAL(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.type) == 10)            // IS_LOGICAL used 28 times in 12 packages
#define IS_LONG_VEC(x) ((((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length) == -1) // IS_LONG_VEC used 1 times in RProtoBuf
#define IS_NUMERIC(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.type) == 14)            // IS_NUMERIC used 57 times in 17 packages
#define IS_RAW(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.type) == 24)                // IS_RAW used 3 times in digest, ROracle
#define IS_S4_OBJECT(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.gp & ((unsigned short)(1<<4))) // IS_S4_OBJECT used 23 times in Rmosek, Runuran, data.table, xts, Matrix, slam, zoo, HiPLARM, OpenMx, tau
#define IS_SCALAR(x, type) (((x)->sxpinfo.type) == (type) && (((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length) == 1) // IS_SCALAR unused
#define IS_SIMPLE_SCALAR(x, type) ((((x)->sxpinfo.type) == (type) && (((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length) == 1) && ((x)->attrib) == R_NilValue) // IS_SIMPLE_SCALAR unused
#define IS_VECTOR(x) Rf_isVector(x)                          // IS_VECTOR used 20 times in igraph, sprint, rggobi, catnet, RGtk2, sdnet
#define IndexWidth Rf_IndexWidth                             // IndexWidth unused
#define LANGSXP 6                                            // LANGSXP used 1276 times in 53 packages
#define LCONS(a, b) Rf_lcons((a), (b))                       // LCONS used 212 times in 24 packages
#define LENGTH(x) (((((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length) == -1) ? R_BadLongVector(x, \"/var/folders/t8/1ry582nx6438y8pn6gk20f3c0000gn/T/preprocessor_test2759381993482855372.cpp\", 496) : (((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length)) // LENGTH used 5845 times in 356 packages
#define LEVELS(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.gp)                          // LEVELS used 18 times in rtdists, rPref, BsMD, data.table, stringi, dplyr, OBsMD, pbdZMQ, astrochron, RandomFields
#define LGLSXP 10                                            // LGLSXP used 1430 times in 166 packages
#define LISTSXP 2                                            // LISTSXP used 87 times in 21 packages
#define LISTVAL(x) ((x)->u.listsxp)                          // LISTVAL unused
#define LIST_POINTER(x) ((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // LIST_POINTER used 15 times in RPostgreSQL, rggobi, XML, AdaptFitOS, locfit, RMySQL, RGtk2
#define LIST_VALUE(x) Rf_error(\"the 'value' of a list object is not defined\") // LIST_VALUE unused
#define LOCAL_EVALUATOR                                      // LOCAL_EVALUATOR used 11 times in rggobi, XML, ifultools, RGtk2
#define LOGICAL(x) ((int *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))   // LOGICAL used 4473 times in 288 packages
#define LOGICAL_DATA(x) (((int *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))) // LOGICAL_DATA used 114 times in excel.link, rggobi, XML, redland, RSNNS, kza, lazy, NMF, littler, RGtk2
#define LOGICAL_POINTER(x) ((int *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // LOGICAL_POINTER used 144 times in 15 packages
#define LOGICAL_VALUE(x) Rf_asLogical(x)                     // LOGICAL_VALUE used 110 times in rphast, rtfbs, bigalgebra, subplex, GenABEL
#define LONG_VECTOR_SUPPORT                                  // LONG_VECTOR_SUPPORT used 56 times in stringdist, matrixStats, RApiSerialize, Rhpc, pbdMPI, Rcpp11, Matrix
#define LONG_VEC_LENGTH(x) ((R_long_vec_hdr_t *) (x))[-1].lv_length // LONG_VEC_LENGTH used 1 times in Rcpp11
#define LONG_VEC_TRUELENGTH(x) ((R_long_vec_hdr_t *) (x))[-1].lv_truelength // LONG_VEC_TRUELENGTH unused
#define LOOP_WITH_INTERRUPT_CHECK(LOOP, ncheck, n, ...) do { for (size_t __intr_threshold__ = ncheck; 1; __intr_threshold__ += ncheck) { size_t __intr_end__ = n < __intr_threshold__ ? n : __intr_threshold__; LOOP(__intr_end__, ...); if (__intr_end__ == n) break; else R_CheckUserInterrupt(); } } while (0) // LOOP_WITH_INTERRUPT_CHECK unused
#define LTY_BLANK -1                                         // LTY_BLANK used 6 times in RSvgDevice, R2SWF, rvg, svglite
#define LTY_DASHED 4 + (4<<4)                                // LTY_DASHED used 4 times in qtutils, devEMF, RSvgDevice, rvg
#define LTY_DOTDASH 1 + (3<<4) + (4<<8) + (3<<12)            // LTY_DOTDASH used 3 times in qtutils, devEMF, RSvgDevice
#define LTY_DOTTED 1 + (3<<4)                                // LTY_DOTTED used 4 times in qtutils, devEMF, RSvgDevice, rvg
#define LTY_LONGDASH 7 + (3<<4)                              // LTY_LONGDASH used 4 times in qtutils, devEMF, RSvgDevice, rvg
#define LTY_SOLID 0                                          // LTY_SOLID used 15 times in qtutils, devEMF, rscproxy, cairoDevice, Cairo, RSvgDevice, R2SWF, rvg, JavaGD, svglite
#define LTY_TWODASH 2 + (2<<4) + (6<<8) + (2<<12)            // LTY_TWODASH used 2 times in qtutils, RSvgDevice
#define La_extern extern                                     // La_extern unused
#define LibExport                                            // LibExport used 2 times in hsmm
#define LibExtern extern                                     // LibExtern used 4 times in rJava
#define LibImport                                            // LibImport unused
#define MAKE_CLASS(what) R_do_MAKE_CLASS(what)               // MAKE_CLASS used 231 times in 29 packages
#define MARK(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.mark)                          // MARK used 251 times in 21 packages
#define MARK_NOT_MUTABLE(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.named)=(2))       // MARK_NOT_MUTABLE unused
#define MAX_GRAPHICS_SYSTEMS 256                             // MAX_GRAPHICS_SYSTEMS unused
#define MAX_NUM_SEXPTYPE (1<<5)                              // MAX_NUM_SEXPTYPE unused
#define MAYBE_REFERENCED(x) (! (((x)->sxpinfo.named) == 0))  // MAYBE_REFERENCED unused
#define MAYBE_SHARED(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.named) > 1)           // MAYBE_SHARED unused
#define MESSAGE <defined>                                    // MESSAGE used 172 times in 33 packages
#define MISSING(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.gp & 15)                    // MISSING used 125 times in 25 packages
#define MISSING_MASK 15                                      // MISSING_MASK used 10 times in rJPSGCS
#define MOD_ITERATE(n, n1, n2, i, i1, i2, loop_body) do { i = i1 = i2 = 0; do { for (; i < n; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE unused
#define MOD_ITERATE3(n, n1, n2, n3, i, i1, i2, i3, loop_body) do { i = i1 = i2 = i3 = 0; do { for (; i < n; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE3 unused
#define MOD_ITERATE3_CHECK(ncheck, n, n1, n2, n3, i, i1, i2, i3, loop_body) do { i = i1 = i2 = i3 = 0; do { for (size_t __intr_threshold__ = ncheck; 1; __intr_threshold__ += ncheck) { size_t __intr_end__ = n < __intr_threshold__ ? n : __intr_threshold__; do { for (; i < __intr_end__; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); if (__intr_end__ == n) break; else R_CheckUserInterrupt(); } } while (0); } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE3_CHECK unused
#define MOD_ITERATE3_CORE(n, n1, n2, n3, i, i1, i2, i3, loop_body) do { for (; i < n; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE3_CORE unused
#define MOD_ITERATE4(n, n1, n2, n3, n4, i, i1, i2, i3, i4, loop_body) do { i = i1 = i2 = i3 = i4 = 0; do { for (; i < n; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, i4 = (++i4 == n4) ? 0 : i4, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE4 unused
#define MOD_ITERATE4_CHECK(ncheck, n, n1, n2, n3, n4, i, i1, i2, i3, i4,  loop_body) do { i = i1 = i2 = i3 = i4 = 0; do { for (size_t __intr_threshold__ = ncheck; 1; __intr_threshold__ += ncheck) { size_t __intr_end__ = n < __intr_threshold__ ? n : __intr_threshold__; do { for (; i < __intr_end__; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, i4 = (++i4 == n4) ? 0 : i4, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); if (__intr_end__ == n) break; else R_CheckUserInterrupt(); } } while (0); } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE4_CHECK unused
#define MOD_ITERATE4_CORE(n, n1, n2, n3, n4, i, i1, i2, i3, i4, loop_body) do { for (; i < n; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, i4 = (++i4 == n4) ? 0 : i4, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE4_CORE unused
#define MOD_ITERATE5(n, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, i, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, loop_body) do { i = i1 = i2 = i3 = i4 = i5 = 0; do { for (; i < n; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, i4 = (++i4 == n4) ? 0 : i4, i5 = (++i5 == n5) ? 0 : i5, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE5 unused
#define MOD_ITERATE5_CHECK(ncheck, n, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5,  i, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5,			 loop_body) do { i = i1 = i2 = i3 = i4 = i5 = 0; do { for (size_t __intr_threshold__ = ncheck; 1; __intr_threshold__ += ncheck) { size_t __intr_end__ = n < __intr_threshold__ ? n : __intr_threshold__; do { for (; i < __intr_end__; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, i4 = (++i4 == n4) ? 0 : i4, i5 = (++i5 == n5) ? 0 : i5, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); if (__intr_end__ == n) break; else R_CheckUserInterrupt(); } } while (0); } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE5_CHECK unused
#define MOD_ITERATE5_CORE(n, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, i, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5,  loop_body) do { for (; i < n; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, i3 = (++i3 == n3) ? 0 : i3, i4 = (++i4 == n4) ? 0 : i4, i5 = (++i5 == n5) ? 0 : i5, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE5_CORE unused
#define MOD_ITERATE_CHECK(ncheck, n, n1, n2, i, i1, i2, loop_body) do { i = i1 = i2 = 0; do { for (size_t __intr_threshold__ = ncheck; 1; __intr_threshold__ += ncheck) { size_t __intr_end__ = n < __intr_threshold__ ? n : __intr_threshold__; do { for (; i < __intr_end__; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); if (__intr_end__ == n) break; else R_CheckUserInterrupt(); } } while (0); } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE_CHECK unused
#define MOD_ITERATE_CORE(n, n1, n2, i, i1, i2, loop_body) do { for (; i < n; i1 = (++i1 == n1) ? 0 : i1, i2 = (++i2 == n2) ? 0 : i2, ++i) { loop_body } } while (0) // MOD_ITERATE_CORE unused
#define M_1_PI 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724        // M_1_PI used 42 times in SpatialExtremes, decon, mvabund, geoR, geoRglm, ExomeDepth, libamtrack, miRada, RandomFields, DescTools
#define M_1_SQRT_2PI 0.398942280401432677939946059934        // M_1_SQRT_2PI used 61 times in 23 packages
#define M_2PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559               // M_2PI used 106 times in 16 packages
#define M_2_PI 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448        // M_2_PI used 27 times in RandomFieldsUtils, dynaTree, ExomeDepth, RandomFields, svd, DescTools, spatstat
#define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257389615890312154517     // M_2_SQRTPI used 6 times in excursions, PearsonDS, SpecsVerification, ExomeDepth
#define M_E 2.71828182845904523536028747135266250            // M_E used 40 times in Runuran, lamW, gmum.r, ExomeDepth, CEC, PoweR, TMB, Bmix, tgp, RcppShark
#define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568401799145468436421         // M_LN10 used 27 times in monomvn, rphast, secr, Runuran, rtfbs, PlayerRatings, ExomeDepth, spaMM, logistf, laGP
#define M_LN2 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568         // M_LN2 used 166 times in 30 packages
#define M_LN_2PI 1.837877066409345483560659472811            // M_LN_2PI used 4 times in OpenMx, MPSEM
#define M_LN_SQRT_2PI 0.918938533204672741780329736406       // M_LN_SQRT_2PI used 111 times in 31 packages
#define M_LN_SQRT_PI 0.572364942924700087071713675677        // M_LN_SQRT_PI used 29 times in 12 packages
#define M_LN_SQRT_PId2 0.225791352644727432363097614947      // M_LN_SQRT_PId2 used 9 times in MCMCpack, MasterBayes, phcfM, RandomFields, gof
#define M_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082      // M_LOG10E used 2 times in ExomeDepth
#define M_LOG10_2 0.301029995663981195213738894724           // M_LOG10_2 used 9 times in Bessel
#define M_LOG2E 1.44269504088896340735992468100189214        // M_LOG2E used 2 times in ExomeDepth
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288           // M_PI used 1853 times in 207 packages
#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144         // M_PI_2 used 149 times in 28 packages
#define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721        // M_PI_4 used 18 times in 12 packages
#define M_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039     // M_SQRT1_2 used 26 times in SpatialExtremes, gmwm, excursions, forecast, subrank, dplR, ExomeDepth, SpecsVerification
#define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880168872420969808        // M_SQRT2 used 72 times in 23 packages
#define M_SQRT_2dPI 0.797884560802865355879892119869         // M_SQRT_2dPI used 2 times in SpatialExtremes, energy
#define M_SQRT_3 1.732050807568877293527446341506            // M_SQRT_3 used 4 times in poibin, SpatialExtremes, RandomFields, DescTools
#define M_SQRT_32 5.656854249492380195206754896838           // M_SQRT_32 used 10 times in MCMCpack, MasterBayes, rforensicbatwing, phcfM, gof
#define M_SQRT_PI 1.772453850905516027298167483341           // M_SQRT_PI used 31 times in SpatialExtremes, geoR, plugdensity, anchors, BayesBridge, copula, RandomFields, bda, DescTools
#define Memcpy(p,q,n) memcpy( p, q, (size_t)(n) * sizeof(*p) ) // Memcpy used 483 times in 32 packages
#define Memzero(p,n) memset(p, 0, (size_t)(n) * sizeof(*p))  // Memzero used 5 times in Matrix
#define NAMED(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.named)                        // NAMED used 62 times in 22 packages
#define NAMEDMAX 2                                           // NAMEDMAX unused
#define NA_INTEGER R_NaInt                                   // NA_INTEGER used 1520 times in 183 packages
#define NA_LOGICAL R_NaInt                                   // NA_LOGICAL used 355 times in 73 packages
#define NA_REAL R_NaReal                                     // NA_REAL used 1667 times in 226 packages
#define NA_STRING R_NaString                                 // NA_STRING used 574 times in 90 packages
#define NEW(class_def) R_do_new_object(class_def)            // NEW used 1245 times in 153 packages
#define NEWSXP 30                                            // NEWSXP used 4 times in rtkpp, rtkore
#define NEW_CHARACTER(n) Rf_allocVector(16,n)                // NEW_CHARACTER used 636 times in 49 packages
#define NEW_COMPLEX(n) Rf_allocVector(15,n)                  // NEW_COMPLEX used 3 times in igraph, ifs
#define NEW_INTEGER(n) Rf_allocVector(13,n)                  // NEW_INTEGER used 870 times in 94 packages
#define NEW_LIST(n) Rf_allocVector(19,n)                     // NEW_LIST used 532 times in 52 packages
#define NEW_LOGICAL(n) Rf_allocVector(10,n)                  // NEW_LOGICAL used 157 times in 38 packages
#define NEW_NUMERIC(n) Rf_allocVector(14,n)                  // NEW_NUMERIC used 1139 times in 112 packages
#define NEW_OBJECT(class_def) R_do_new_object(class_def)     // NEW_OBJECT used 218 times in 25 packages
#define NEW_RAW(n) Rf_allocVector(24,n)                      // NEW_RAW used 9 times in RPostgreSQL, rggobi, ROracle, oce
#define NEW_STRING(n) Rf_allocVector(16,n)                   // NEW_STRING used 38 times in 11 packages
#define NILSXP 0                                             // NILSXP used 169 times in 44 packages
#define NORET __attribute__((noreturn))                      // NORET unused
#define NOT_SHARED(x) (! (((x)->sxpinfo.named) > 1))         // NOT_SHARED unused
#define NO_REFERENCES(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.named) == 0)         // NO_REFERENCES unused
#define NULL_ENTRY                                           // NULL_ENTRY used 170 times in 12 packages
#define NULL_USER_OBJECT R_NilValue                          // NULL_USER_OBJECT used 8268 times in rggobi, XML, rjson, bigmemory, dbarts, lazy, RGtk2
#define NUMERIC_DATA(x) (((double *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))) // NUMERIC_DATA used 71 times in excel.link, rggobi, XML, biganalytics, bigalgebra, bcp, RGtk2
#define NUMERIC_POINTER(x) ((double *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // NUMERIC_POINTER used 2527 times in 101 packages
#define NUMERIC_VALUE(x) Rf_asReal(x)                        // NUMERIC_VALUE used 178 times in 25 packages
#define NewFrameConfirm Rf_NewFrameConfirm                   // NewFrameConfirm unused
#define NoDevices Rf_NoDevices                               // NoDevices used 1 times in tkrplot
#define NonNullStringMatch Rf_NonNullStringMatch             // NonNullStringMatch used 8 times in proxy, arules, arulesSequences, cba
#define NumDevices Rf_NumDevices                             // NumDevices used 3 times in JavaGD
#define OBJECT(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.obj)                         // OBJECT used 102 times in 28 packages
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288             // PI unused
#define PREXPR(e) R_PromiseExpr(e)                           // PREXPR used 4 times in igraph, lazyeval
#define PRINTNAME(x) ((x)->u.symsxp.pname)                   // PRINTNAME used 92 times in 29 packages
#define PROBLEM <defined>                                    // PROBLEM used 861 times in 78 packages
#define PROMSXP 5                                            // PROMSXP used 43 times in 14 packages
#define PROTECT(s) Rf_protect(s)                             // PROTECT used 24686 times in 767 packages
#define PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(x,i) R_ProtectWithIndex(x,i)      // PROTECT_WITH_INDEX used 91 times in 27 packages
#define PRTUTIL_H_                                           // PRTUTIL_H_ unused
#define PairToVectorList Rf_PairToVectorList                 // PairToVectorList used 7 times in cba, rcdd
#define PrintValue Rf_PrintValue                             // PrintValue used 119 times in 13 packages
#define QDFLAG_DISPLAY_LIST 0x0001                           // QDFLAG_DISPLAY_LIST unused
#define QDFLAG_INTERACTIVE 0x0002                            // QDFLAG_INTERACTIVE unused
#define QDFLAG_RASTERIZED 0x0004                             // QDFLAG_RASTERIZED unused
#define QNPF_REDRAW 0x0001                                   // QNPF_REDRAW unused
#define QPFLAG_ANTIALIAS 0x0100                              // QPFLAG_ANTIALIAS unused
#define QP_Flags_CFLoop 0x0001                               // QP_Flags_CFLoop unused
#define QP_Flags_Cocoa 0x0002                                // QP_Flags_Cocoa unused
#define QP_Flags_Front 0x0004                                // QP_Flags_Front unused
#define QuartzParam_EmbeddingFlags \"embeddeding flags\"     // QuartzParam_EmbeddingFlags unused
#define RAW(x) ((Rbyte *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))     // RAW used 880 times in 99 packages
#define RAWSXP 24                                            // RAWSXP used 587 times in 92 packages
#define RAW_POINTER(x) ((Rbyte *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // RAW_POINTER used 31 times in RPostgreSQL, CrypticIBDcheck, rggobi, seqinr, IRISSeismic, oce, RGtk2
#define RAW_VALUE(x) Rf_error(\"the 'value' of a raw object is not defined\") // RAW_VALUE unused
#define RDEBUG(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.debug)                       // RDEBUG used 69 times in rmetasim
#define REAL(x) ((double *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))   // REAL used 30947 times in 687 packages
#define REALSXP 14                                           // REALSXP used 10171 times in 573 packages
#define RECOVER <defined>                                    // RECOVER used 170 times in 14 packages
#define RECURSIVE_DATA(x) (((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))) // RECURSIVE_DATA used 5 times in XML
#define REFCNT(x) 0                                          // REFCNT unused
#define REFCNTMAX (4 - 1)                                    // REFCNTMAX unused
#define REMBEDDED_H_                                         // REMBEDDED_H_ unused
#define REPROTECT(x,i) R_Reprotect(x,i)                      // REPROTECT used 130 times in 25 packages
#define RGBpar Rf_RGBpar                                     // RGBpar used 3 times in Cairo, jpeg
#define RGBpar3 Rf_RGBpar3                                   // RGBpar3 unused
#define RINTERFACE_H_                                        // RINTERFACE_H_ unused
#define RMATH_H                                              // RMATH_H used 1 times in phyclust
#define RSTEP(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.spare)                        // RSTEP unused
#define RTRACE(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.trace)                       // RTRACE unused
#define R_ALLOCATOR_TYPE                                     // R_ALLOCATOR_TYPE unused
#define R_ALPHA(col) (((col)>>24)&255)                       // R_ALPHA used 35 times in 13 packages
#define R_APPLIC_H_                                          // R_APPLIC_H_ unused
#define R_ARITH_H_                                           // R_ARITH_H_ unused
#define R_BLAS_H                                             // R_BLAS_H used 2 times in slam
#define R_BLUE(col) (((col)>>16)&255)                        // R_BLUE used 29 times in 12 packages
#define R_CALLBACKS_H                                        // R_CALLBACKS_H unused
#define R_COMPLEX_H                                          // R_COMPLEX_H used 1 times in uniqueAtomMat
#define R_CONNECTIONS_VERSION 1                              // R_CONNECTIONS_VERSION used 3 times in curl, iotools
#define R_Calloc(n, t) (t *) R_chk_calloc( (size_t) (n), sizeof(t) ) // R_Calloc used 81 times in clpAPI, cplexAPI, poppr, rLindo, glpkAPI
#define R_CheckStack() do { void __attribute__((noreturn)) R_SignalCStackOverflow(intptr_t); int dummy; intptr_t usage = R_CStackDir * (R_CStackStart - (uintptr_t)&dummy); if(R_CStackLimit != -1 && usage > ((intptr_t) R_CStackLimit)) R_SignalCStackOverflow(usage); } while (0) // R_CheckStack used 115 times in vcrpart, actuar, cplm, lme4, Matrix, GNE, randtoolbox, HiPLARM, rngWELL, pedigreemm
#define R_DEFINES_H                                          // R_DEFINES_H unused
#define R_ERROR_H_                                           // R_ERROR_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_BOOLEAN_H_                                     // R_EXT_BOOLEAN_H_ used 2 times in jpeg, Rcpp11
#define R_EXT_CONNECTIONS_H_                                 // R_EXT_CONNECTIONS_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_CONSTANTS_H_                                   // R_EXT_CONSTANTS_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_DYNLOAD_H_                                     // R_EXT_DYNLOAD_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_EVENTLOOP_H                                    // R_EXT_EVENTLOOP_H unused
#define R_EXT_ITERMACROS_H_                                  // R_EXT_ITERMACROS_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_MATHTHREADS_H_                                 // R_EXT_MATHTHREADS_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_MEMORY_H_                                      // R_EXT_MEMORY_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_PARSE_H_                                       // R_EXT_PARSE_H_ used 2 times in Rserve
#define R_EXT_PRINT_H_                                       // R_EXT_PRINT_H_ used 6 times in spTDyn, spTimer
#define R_EXT_QUARTZDEVICE_H_                                // R_EXT_QUARTZDEVICE_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_RALLOCATORS_H_                                 // R_EXT_RALLOCATORS_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_RSTARTUP_H_                                    // R_EXT_RSTARTUP_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_UTILS_H_                                       // R_EXT_UTILS_H_ unused
#define R_EXT_VISIBILITY_H_                                  // R_EXT_VISIBILITY_H_ unused
#define R_FINITE(x) R_finite(x)                              // R_FINITE used 1387 times in 145 packages
#define R_FTP_HTTP_H_                                        // R_FTP_HTTP_H_ unused
#define R_Free(p) (R_chk_free( (void *)(p) ), (p) = __null)  // R_Free used 78 times in clpAPI, cplexAPI, poppr, glpkAPI
#define R_GE_version 10                                      // R_GE_version used 51 times in 12 packages
#define R_GRAPHICSDEVICE_H_                                  // R_GRAPHICSDEVICE_H_ unused
#define R_GRAPHICSENGINE_H_                                  // R_GRAPHICSENGINE_H_ unused
#define R_GREEN(col) (((col)>> 8)&255)                       // R_GREEN used 29 times in 12 packages
#define R_ICONV_H                                            // R_ICONV_H unused
#define R_INLINE inline                                      // R_INLINE used 330 times in 34 packages
#define R_INTERNALS_H_                                       // R_INTERNALS_H_ used 7 times in uniqueAtomMat, rtkpp, rtkore, spatstat
#define R_ITERATE(n, i, loop_body) do { i = 0; do { for (; i < n; ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); } while (0) // R_ITERATE unused
#define R_ITERATE_CHECK(ncheck, n, i, loop_body) do { i = 0; do { for (size_t __intr_threshold__ = ncheck; 1; __intr_threshold__ += ncheck) { size_t __intr_end__ = n < __intr_threshold__ ? n : __intr_threshold__; do { for (; i < __intr_end__; ++i) { loop_body } } while (0); if (__intr_end__ == n) break; else R_CheckUserInterrupt(); } } while (0); } while (0) // R_ITERATE_CHECK unused
#define R_ITERATE_CORE(n, i, loop_body) do { for (; i < n; ++i) { loop_body } } while (0) // R_ITERATE_CORE unused
#define R_LAPACK_H                                           // R_LAPACK_H unused
#define R_LEN_T_MAX 2147483647                               // R_LEN_T_MAX used 4 times in stringdist, matrixStats, FREGAT, Rcpp11
#define R_LINPACK_H_                                         // R_LINPACK_H_ unused
#define R_LONG_VEC_TOKEN -1                                  // R_LONG_VEC_TOKEN used 1 times in Rcpp11
#define R_OPAQUE(col) ((((col)>>24)&255) == 255)             // R_OPAQUE used 6 times in devEMF, tikzDevice, cairoDevice
#define R_PROBLEM_BUFSIZE 4096                               // R_PROBLEM_BUFSIZE unused
#define R_RANDOM_H                                           // R_RANDOM_H unused
#define R_RCONFIG_H                                          // R_RCONFIG_H unused
#define R_RED(col) (((col) )&255)                            // R_RED used 37 times in 12 packages
#define R_RGB(r,g,b) ((r)|((g)<<8)|((b)<<16)|0xFF000000)     // R_RGB used 23 times in qtutils, rscproxy, cairoDevice, Cairo, jpeg, R2SWF, rvg, JavaGD, png, svglite
#define R_RGBA(r,g,b,a) ((r)|((g)<<8)|((b)<<16)|((a)<<24))   // R_RGBA used 6 times in Cairo, jpeg, png, showtext
#define R_RS_H                                               // R_RS_H unused
#define R_R_H                                                // R_R_H used 9 times in TMB, uniqueAtomMat, DatABEL, GenABEL, VariABEL
#define R_Realloc(p,n,t) (t *) R_chk_realloc( (void *)(p), (size_t)((n) * sizeof(t)) ) // R_Realloc used 3 times in poppr, seqminer, gpuR
#define R_SHORT_LEN_MAX 2147483647                           // R_SHORT_LEN_MAX used 1 times in pbdMPI
#define R_STATS_PACKAGE_H                                    // R_STATS_PACKAGE_H unused
#define R_S_H                                                // R_S_H unused
#define R_TRANSPARENT(col) ((((col)>>24)&255) == 0)          // R_TRANSPARENT used 16 times in qtutils, devEMF, tikzDevice, Cairo
#define R_TRANWHITE (((255)|((255)<<8)|((255)<<16)|((0)<<24))) // R_TRANWHITE used 6 times in qtutils, devEMF, rscproxy, cairoDevice, showtext
#define R_USE_PROTOTYPES 1                                   // R_USE_PROTOTYPES used 10 times in qtutils, rscproxy, tikzDevice, R2SWF, showtext
#define R_VERSION_STRING \"3.2.4\"                           // R_VERSION_STRING unused
#define R_XDR_DOUBLE_SIZE 8                                  // R_XDR_DOUBLE_SIZE used 2 times in rgdal
#define R_XDR_INTEGER_SIZE 4                                 // R_XDR_INTEGER_SIZE used 3 times in rgdal
#define R_XLEN_T_MAX 4503599627370496                        // R_XLEN_T_MAX used 7 times in stringdist, Matrix, matrixStats, RApiSerialize, Rhpc
#define Realloc(p,n,t) (t *) R_chk_realloc( (void *)(p), (size_t)((n) * sizeof(t)) ) // Realloc used 244 times in 57 packages
#define S3Class Rf_S3Class                                   // S3Class used 4 times in RInside, littler
#define S4SXP 25                                             // S4SXP used 71 times in 15 packages
#define S4_OBJECT_MASK ((unsigned short)(1<<4))              // S4_OBJECT_MASK unused
#define SETLENGTH(x,v) do { SEXP sl__x__ = (x); R_xlen_t sl__v__ = (v); if (((((VECSEXP) (sl__x__))->vecsxp.length) == -1)) (((R_long_vec_hdr_t *) (sl__x__))[-1].lv_length = (sl__v__)); else ((((VECSEXP) (sl__x__))->vecsxp.length) = ((R_len_t) sl__v__)); } while (0) // SETLENGTH used 65 times in 11 packages
#define SETLEVELS(x,v) (((x)->sxpinfo.gp)=((unsigned short)v)) // SETLEVELS used 2 times in Rcpp11
#define SET_ATTR(x, what, n) Rf_setAttrib(x, what, n)        // SET_ATTR used 12 times in rphast, kergp, rtfbs, TPmsm, dbarts, PBSmapping
#define SET_CLASS(x, n) Rf_setAttrib(x, R_ClassSymbol, n)    // SET_CLASS used 120 times in 19 packages
#define SET_DDVAL(x,v) ((v) ? (((x)->sxpinfo.gp) |= 1) : (((x)->sxpinfo.gp) &= ~1)) // SET_DDVAL unused
#define SET_DDVAL_BIT(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.gp) |= 1)            // SET_DDVAL_BIT unused
#define SET_DIM(x, n) Rf_setAttrib(x, R_DimSymbol, n)        // SET_DIM used 54 times in 18 packages
#define SET_DIMNAMES(x, n) Rf_setAttrib(x, R_DimNamesSymbol, n) // SET_DIMNAMES used 17 times in multic, lfe, pomp, subplex, TPmsm, cba
#define SET_ELEMENT(x, i, val) SET_VECTOR_ELT(x, i, val)     // SET_ELEMENT used 344 times in 18 packages
#define SET_ENVFLAGS(x,v) (((x)->sxpinfo.gp)=(v))            // SET_ENVFLAGS unused
#define SET_LENGTH(x, n) (x = Rf_lengthgets(x, n))           // SET_LENGTH used 45 times in 12 packages
#define SET_LEVELS(x, l) Rf_setAttrib(x, R_LevelsSymbol, l)  // SET_LEVELS used 9 times in cba, rggobi
#define SET_LONG_VEC_LENGTH(x,v) (((R_long_vec_hdr_t *) (x))[-1].lv_length = (v)) // SET_LONG_VEC_LENGTH unused
#define SET_LONG_VEC_TRUELENGTH(x,v) (((R_long_vec_hdr_t *) (x))[-1].lv_truelength = (v)) // SET_LONG_VEC_TRUELENGTH unused
#define SET_MISSING(x,v) do { SEXP __x__ = (x); int __v__ = (v); int __other_flags__ = __x__->sxpinfo.gp & ~15; __x__->sxpinfo.gp = __other_flags__ | __v__; } while (0) // SET_MISSING used 1 times in sprint
#define SET_NAMED(x, v) (((x)->sxpinfo.named)=(v))           // SET_NAMED used 10 times in dplyr, yaml, data.table, iotools, RSQLite
#define SET_NAMES(x, n) Rf_setAttrib(x, R_NamesSymbol, n)    // SET_NAMES used 346 times in 37 packages
#define SET_OBJECT(x,v) (((x)->sxpinfo.obj)=(v))             // SET_OBJECT used 32 times in RSclient, reshape2, Rserve, data.table, actuar, dplyr, proxy, rmongodb, slam, tau
#define SET_RDEBUG(x,v) (((x)->sxpinfo.debug)=(v))           // SET_RDEBUG unused
#define SET_REFCNT(x,v) do {} while(0)                       // SET_REFCNT unused
#define SET_RSTEP(x,v) (((x)->sxpinfo.spare)=(v))            // SET_RSTEP unused
#define SET_RTRACE(x,v) (((x)->sxpinfo.trace)=(v))           // SET_RTRACE unused
#define SET_S4_OBJECT(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.gp) |= ((unsigned short)(1<<4))) // SET_S4_OBJECT used 12 times in RSclient, redland, Rserve, data.table, FREGAT, rJPSGCS, tau
#define SET_SLOT(x, what, value) R_do_slot_assign(x, what, value) // SET_SLOT used 561 times in 32 packages
#define SET_TRACKREFS(x,v) do {} while(0)                    // SET_TRACKREFS unused
#define SET_TRUELENGTH(x,v) do { SEXP sl__x__ = (x); R_xlen_t sl__v__ = (v); if (((((VECSEXP) (sl__x__))->vecsxp.length) == -1)) (((R_long_vec_hdr_t *) (sl__x__))[-1].lv_truelength = (sl__v__)); else ((((VECSEXP) (sl__x__))->vecsxp.truelength) = ((R_len_t) sl__v__)); } while (0) // SET_TRUELENGTH used 26 times in data.table
#define SET_TYPEOF(x,v) (((x)->sxpinfo.type)=(v))            // SET_TYPEOF used 38 times in 21 packages
#define SEXPREC_HEADER <defined>                             // SEXPREC_HEADER unused
#define SHORT_VEC_LENGTH(x) (((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length) // SHORT_VEC_LENGTH used 1 times in Rcpp11
#define SHORT_VEC_TRUELENGTH(x) (((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.truelength) // SHORT_VEC_TRUELENGTH unused
#define SINGLESXP 302                                        // SINGLESXP used 1 times in rgl
#define SINGLE_BASE 2                                        // SINGLE_BASE unused
#define SINGLE_EPS 1.19209290e-7F                            // SINGLE_EPS unused
#define SINGLE_XMAX 3.40282347e+38F                          // SINGLE_XMAX used 4 times in mapproj
#define SINGLE_XMIN 1.17549435e-38F                          // SINGLE_XMIN unused
#define SINT_MAX 2147483647                                  // SINT_MAX used 4 times in robust, AnalyzeFMRI
#define SINT_MIN (-2147483647 -1)                            // SINT_MIN used 2 times in robust
#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 8                                      // SIZEOF_SIZE_T used 1 times in PythonInR
#define SPECIALSXP 7                                         // SPECIALSXP used 22 times in RPostgreSQL, PythonInR, Rcpp11, purrr, seqminer, Rcpp, yaml, pryr, rtkpp, rtkore
#define STRING_ELT(x,i) ((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))[i] // STRING_ELT used 4143 times in 333 packages
#define STRING_PTR(x) ((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // STRING_PTR used 65 times in 14 packages
#define STRING_VALUE(x) ((const char *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (Rf_asChar(x))) + 1)) // STRING_VALUE used 13 times in rggobi, XML, rgenoud, ParamHelpers, digest, lazy, RGtk2, SoDA, spatstat
#define STRSXP 16                                            // STRSXP used 3247 times in 327 packages
#define SUPPORT_MBCS 1                                       // SUPPORT_MBCS used 1 times in bibtex
#define SUPPORT_UTF8 1                                       // SUPPORT_UTF8 used 3 times in tau, rindex, stringi
#define SYMSXP 1                                             // SYMSXP used 94 times in 25 packages
#define SYMVALUE(x) ((x)->u.symsxp.value)                    // SYMVALUE unused
#define S_EVALUATOR                                          // S_EVALUATOR used 66 times in 13 packages
#define Salloc(n,t) (t*)S_alloc(n, sizeof(t))                // Salloc used 299 times in logspline, multic, polspline, splusTimeDate, geoRglm, haplo.stats, tree, ibdreg, IDPmisc, robust
#define ScalarComplex Rf_ScalarComplex                       // ScalarComplex unused
#define ScalarInteger Rf_ScalarInteger                       // ScalarInteger used 704 times in 88 packages
#define ScalarLogical Rf_ScalarLogical                       // ScalarLogical used 450 times in 64 packages
#define ScalarRaw Rf_ScalarRaw                               // ScalarRaw used 4 times in qtbase, RGtk2
#define ScalarReal Rf_ScalarReal                             // ScalarReal used 330 times in 65 packages
#define ScalarString Rf_ScalarString                         // ScalarString used 198 times in 37 packages
#define Srealloc(p,n,old,t) (t*)S_realloc(p,n,old,sizeof(t)) // Srealloc unused
#define StdinActivity 2                                      // StdinActivity unused
#define StringBlank Rf_StringBlank                           // StringBlank unused
#define StringFalse Rf_StringFalse                           // StringFalse used 3 times in iotools
#define StringTrue Rf_StringTrue                             // StringTrue used 3 times in iotools
#define TAG(e) ((e)->u.listsxp.tagval)                       // TAG used 513 times in 40 packages
#define TRACKREFS(x) 0                                       // TRACKREFS unused
#define TRUE 1                                               // TRUE used 17978 times in 575 packages
#define TRUELENGTH(x) (((((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length) == -1) ? R_BadLongVector(x, \"/var/folders/t8/1ry582nx6438y8pn6gk20f3c0000gn/T/preprocessor_test2759381993482855372.cpp\", 1384) : (((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.truelength)) // TRUELENGTH used 37 times in data.table
#define TYPEOF(x) ((x)->sxpinfo.type)                        // TYPEOF used 2832 times in 195 packages
#define TYPE_BITS 5                                          // TYPE_BITS used 2 times in dplyr
#define UNPROTECT(n) Rf_unprotect(n)                         // UNPROTECT used 12247 times in 758 packages
#define UNPROTECT_PTR(s) Rf_unprotect_ptr(s)                 // UNPROTECT_PTR used 307 times in 14 packages
#define UNSET_DDVAL_BIT(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.gp) &= ~1)         // UNSET_DDVAL_BIT unused
#define UNSET_S4_OBJECT(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.gp) &= ~((unsigned short)(1<<4))) // UNSET_S4_OBJECT used 2 times in data.table, slam
#define USING_R                                              // USING_R used 238 times in 29 packages
#define VECSXP 19                                            // VECSXP used 3142 times in 385 packages
#define VECTOR_DATA(x) (((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))) // VECTOR_DATA unused
#define VECTOR_ELT(x,i) ((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1))[i] // VECTOR_ELT used 8626 times in 291 packages
#define VECTOR_PTR(x) ((SEXP *) (((SEXPREC_ALIGN *) (x)) + 1)) // VECTOR_PTR used 17 times in bit, AdaptFitOS, RJSONIO, Rcpp11, bit64, Rcpp, locfit, iotools
#define VectorIndex Rf_VectorIndex                           // VectorIndex used 6 times in gnmf
#define VectorToPairList Rf_VectorToPairList                 // VectorToPairList used 13 times in pomp, arules
#define WARN <defined>                                       // WARN used 122 times in 20 packages
#define WARNING <defined>                                    // WARNING used 957 times in 190 packages
#define WEAKREFSXP 23                                        // WEAKREFSXP used 19 times in seqminer, Rcpp, pryr, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
#define XActivity 1                                          // XActivity used 1 times in rgl
#define XLENGTH(x) (((((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length) == -1) ? ((R_long_vec_hdr_t *) (x))[-1].lv_length : (((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length)) // XLENGTH used 287 times in 21 packages
#define XTRUELENGTH(x) (((((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.length) == -1) ? ((R_long_vec_hdr_t *) (x))[-1].lv_truelength : (((VECSEXP) (x))->vecsxp.truelength)) // XTRUELENGTH unused
#define __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT__ 1                  // __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT__ unused
#define acopy_string Rf_acopy_string                         // acopy_string used 10 times in splusTimeDate
#define addMissingVarsToNewEnv Rf_addMissingVarsToNewEnv     // addMissingVarsToNewEnv unused
#define alloc3DArray Rf_alloc3DArray                         // alloc3DArray used 21 times in mcmc, msm, TPmsm, unfoldr, RandomFields, cplm
#define allocArray Rf_allocArray                             // allocArray used 24 times in unfoldr, kergp, pomp, proxy, kza, slam, mvMORPH, TPmsm, ouch, RandomFields
#define allocFormalsList2 Rf_allocFormalsList2               // allocFormalsList2 unused
#define allocFormalsList3 Rf_allocFormalsList3               // allocFormalsList3 unused
#define allocFormalsList4 Rf_allocFormalsList4               // allocFormalsList4 unused
#define allocFormalsList5 Rf_allocFormalsList5               // allocFormalsList5 unused
#define allocFormalsList6 Rf_allocFormalsList6               // allocFormalsList6 unused
#define allocList Rf_allocList                               // allocList used 60 times in 25 packages
#define allocMatrix Rf_allocMatrix                           // allocMatrix used 1577 times in 244 packages
#define allocS4Object Rf_allocS4Object                       // allocS4Object used 1 times in arules
#define allocSExp Rf_allocSExp                               // allocSExp used 14 times in igraph, rgp, data.table, RandomFields, mmap, qtbase
#define allocVector Rf_allocVector                           // allocVector used 12419 times in 551 packages
#define allocVector3 Rf_allocVector3                         // allocVector3 unused
#define any_duplicated Rf_any_duplicated                     // any_duplicated used 5 times in data.table, checkmate
#define any_duplicated3 Rf_any_duplicated3                   // any_duplicated3 unused
#define applyClosure Rf_applyClosure                         // applyClosure unused
#define arraySubscript Rf_arraySubscript                     // arraySubscript used 13 times in proxy, arules, arulesSequences, cba, seriation
#define asChar Rf_asChar                                     // asChar used 194 times in 36 packages
#define asCharacterFactor Rf_asCharacterFactor               // asCharacterFactor used 11 times in fastmatch, Kmisc, data.table
#define asComplex Rf_asComplex                               // asComplex used 1 times in ff
#define asInteger Rf_asInteger                               // asInteger used 1277 times in 140 packages
#define asLogical Rf_asLogical                               // asLogical used 462 times in 64 packages
#define asReal Rf_asReal                                     // asReal used 383 times in 83 packages
#define asS4 Rf_asS4                                         // asS4 unused
#define attribute_hidden                                     // attribute_hidden used 170 times in 15 packages
#define attribute_visible                                    // attribute_visible used 14 times in lfe, rgl, quadprog, data.table, chebpol, rstan, rmongodb, TPmsm, MonoPoly, bibtex
#define bessel_i Rf_bessel_i                                 // bessel_i used 29 times in BiTrinA, Binarize, overlap, RCALI, Hankel, Rcpp11, rotations, Rcpp, moveHMM, dti
#define bessel_i_ex Rf_bessel_i_ex                           // bessel_i_ex used 5 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11, dti
#define bessel_j Rf_bessel_j                                 // bessel_j used 25 times in SpatialExtremes, constrainedKriging, BH, Rcpp, RandomFields, Rcpp11
#define bessel_j_ex Rf_bessel_j_ex                           // bessel_j_ex used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define bessel_k Rf_bessel_k                                 // bessel_k used 127 times in 26 packages
#define bessel_k_ex Rf_bessel_k_ex                           // bessel_k_ex used 9 times in geostatsp, Rcpp, tgp, Rcpp11
#define bessel_y Rf_bessel_y                                 // bessel_y used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define bessel_y_ex Rf_bessel_y_ex                           // bessel_y_ex used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define beta Rf_beta                                         // beta used 32773 times in 615 packages
#define cPsort Rf_cPsort                                     // cPsort unused
#define call_S call_R                                        // call_S used 2 times in locfit
#define choose Rf_choose                                     // choose used 1368 times in 287 packages
#define classgets Rf_classgets                               // classgets used 91 times in 30 packages
#define coerceVector Rf_coerceVector                         // coerceVector used 2585 times in 167 packages
#define col2name Rf_col2name                                 // col2name used 2 times in tikzDevice
#define conformable Rf_conformable                           // conformable used 141 times in 22 packages
#define cons Rf_cons                                         // cons used 609 times in 39 packages
#define copyListMatrix Rf_copyListMatrix                     // copyListMatrix used 1 times in Matrix
#define copyMatrix Rf_copyMatrix                             // copyMatrix used 7 times in BDgraph, Matrix, kza
#define copyMostAttrib Rf_copyMostAttrib                     // copyMostAttrib used 68 times in arules, robustbase, data.table, xts, memisc, proxy, zoo, tau
#define copyVector Rf_copyVector                             // copyVector used 12 times in tm, kza, mlegp, adaptivetau
#define countContexts Rf_countContexts                       // countContexts unused
#define curDevice Rf_curDevice                               // curDevice used 4 times in qtutils, showtext, tkrplot
#define dbeta Rf_dbeta                                       // dbeta used 377 times in 54 packages
#define dbinom Rf_dbinom                                     // dbinom used 290 times in 40 packages
#define dbinom_raw Rf_dbinom_raw                             // dbinom_raw used 50 times in igraph, MCMCpack, secr, AdaptFitOS, phcfM, gof, MasterBayes, locfit
#define dcauchy Rf_dcauchy                                   // dcauchy used 25 times in DPpackage, multimark, vcrpart, kernlab, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, aucm, ordinal, littler
#define dchisq Rf_dchisq                                     // dchisq used 57 times in 14 packages
#define defineVar Rf_defineVar                               // defineVar used 218 times in 38 packages
#define desc2GEDesc Rf_desc2GEDesc                           // desc2GEDesc used 5 times in Cairo, JavaGD, cairoDevice
#define dexp Rf_dexp                                         // dexp used 646 times in 82 packages
#define df Rf_df                                             // df unused
#define dgamma Rf_dgamma                                     // dgamma used 617 times in 57 packages
#define dgeom Rf_dgeom                                       // dgeom used 16 times in RInside, Rcpp, ergm.count, Rcpp11, littler
#define dhyper Rf_dhyper                                     // dhyper used 14 times in AdaptFitOS, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, CorrBin, locfit, littler
#define digamma Rf_digamma                                   // digamma used 20689 times in 54 packages
#define dimgets Rf_dimgets                                   // dimgets used 3 times in CorrBin
#define dimnamesgets Rf_dimnamesgets                         // dimnamesgets used 24 times in Matrix, RxCEcolInf, lxb, sapa
#define dlnorm Rf_dlnorm                                     // dlnorm used 68 times in 22 packages
#define dlogis Rf_dlogis                                     // dlogis used 91 times in 18 packages
#define dnbeta Rf_dnbeta                                     // dnbeta used 6 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define dnbinom Rf_dnbinom                                   // dnbinom used 170 times in 27 packages
#define dnbinom_mu Rf_dnbinom_mu                             // dnbinom_mu used 18 times in RDS, KFAS, Rcpp11, unmarked, Rcpp, sspse, Bclim
#define dnchisq Rf_dnchisq                                   // dnchisq used 7 times in spc, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define dnf Rf_dnf                                           // dnf used 13 times in RxODE, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define dnorm Rf_dnorm4                                      // dnorm used 1377 times in 151 packages
#define dnorm4 Rf_dnorm4                                     // dnorm4 used 27 times in 11 packages
#define dnt Rf_dnt                                           // dnt used 17 times in alineR, DNAtools, gmum.r, Rcpp11, Rcpp, bayesLife, spc
#define doKeybd Rf_doKeybd                                   // doKeybd used 2 times in cairoDevice
#define doMouseEvent Rf_doMouseEvent                         // doMouseEvent used 6 times in cairoDevice
#define dpois Rf_dpois                                       // dpois used 212 times in 37 packages
#define dpois_raw Rf_dpois_raw                               // dpois_raw used 25 times in igraph, MCMCpack, AdaptFitOS, phcfM, gof, MasterBayes, locfit
#define dpsifn Rf_dpsifn                                     // dpsifn used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define dsignrank Rf_dsignrank                               // dsignrank used 7 times in RInside, Rcpp, fuzzyRankTests, Rcpp11, littler
#define dt Rf_dt                                             // dt unused
#define dtukey Rf_dtukey                                     // dtukey used 5 times in timereg, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define dunif Rf_dunif                                       // dunif used 120 times in 18 packages
#define duplicate Rf_duplicate                               // duplicate used 2088 times in 224 packages
#define duplicated Rf_duplicated                             // duplicated used 402 times in 100 packages
#define dweibull Rf_dweibull                                 // dweibull used 38 times in 16 packages
#define dwilcox Rf_dwilcox                                   // dwilcox used 12 times in clinfun, fuzzyRankTests, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, DescTools, littler
#define elt Rf_elt                                           // elt used 2310 times in 37 packages
#define error Rf_error                                       // error used 63771 times in 1109 packages
#define error_return(msg) { Rf_error(msg); return R_NilValue; } // error_return used 100 times in rpg, RPostgreSQL, Rook, git2r, grr, rJava, rmumps
#define errorcall Rf_errorcall                               // errorcall used 103 times in RCurl, arules, XML, arulesSequences, pbdMPI, xts, proxy, cba, rJava, RSAP
#define errorcall_return(cl,msg) { Rf_errorcall(cl, msg); return R_NilValue; } // errorcall_return used 31 times in Runuran
#define eval Rf_eval                                         // eval used 25178 times in 269 packages
#define findFun Rf_findFun                                   // findFun used 13 times in sprint, tikzDevice, yaml, unfoldr, TraMineR, RGtk2
#define findVar Rf_findVar                                   // findVar used 1333 times in 24 packages
#define findVarInFrame Rf_findVarInFrame                     // findVarInFrame used 101 times in 13 packages
#define findVarInFrame3 Rf_findVarInFrame3                   // findVarInFrame3 used 5 times in datamap
#define fmax2 Rf_fmax2                                       // fmax2 used 345 times in 60 packages
#define fmin2 Rf_fmin2                                       // fmin2 used 224 times in 46 packages
#define formatComplex Rf_formatComplex                       // formatComplex unused
#define formatInteger Rf_formatInteger                       // formatInteger used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
#define formatLogical Rf_formatLogical                       // formatLogical used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
#define formatReal Rf_formatReal                             // formatReal used 5 times in data.table, qtbase, RGtk2
#define fprec Rf_fprec                                       // fprec used 38 times in wfe, Rcpp, msm, list, Rcpp11
#define fromDeviceHeight GEfromDeviceHeight                  // fromDeviceHeight unused
#define fromDeviceWidth GEfromDeviceWidth                    // fromDeviceWidth unused
#define fromDeviceX GEfromDeviceX                            // fromDeviceX used 1 times in RSVGTipsDevice
#define fromDeviceY GEfromDeviceY                            // fromDeviceY unused
#define fround Rf_fround                                     // fround used 13 times in bioPN, exactLoglinTest, frontiles, Rcpp11, FRESA.CAD, Rcpp, rmetasim, treethresh
#define fsign Rf_fsign                                       // fsign used 66 times in 15 packages
#define ftrunc Rf_ftrunc                                     // ftrunc used 123 times in 22 packages
#define gammafn Rf_gammafn                                   // gammafn used 374 times in 46 packages
#define getAttrib Rf_getAttrib                               // getAttrib used 1930 times in 239 packages
#define getCharCE Rf_getCharCE                               // getCharCE used 16 times in ore, RSclient, PythonInR, Rserve, jsonlite, tau, rJava
#define gsetVar Rf_gsetVar                                   // gsetVar used 4 times in RSVGTipsDevice, Cairo, RSvgDevice, JavaGD
#define iPsort Rf_iPsort                                     // iPsort used 3 times in matrixStats, robustbase
#define imax2 Rf_imax2                                       // imax2 used 150 times in 37 packages
#define imin2 Rf_imin2                                       // imin2 used 193 times in 28 packages
#define inherits Rf_inherits                                 // inherits used 814 times in 80 packages
#define install Rf_install                                   // install used 3178 times in 224 packages
#define installChar Rf_installChar                           // installChar used 4 times in dplyr
#define installDDVAL Rf_installDDVAL                         // installDDVAL unused
#define installS3Signature Rf_installS3Signature             // installS3Signature unused
#define isArray Rf_isArray                                   // isArray used 34 times in checkmate, PythonInR, data.table, ifultools, Rblpapi, Rvcg, unfoldr, TMB, kza, qtbase
#define isBasicClass Rf_isBasicClass                         // isBasicClass unused
#define isBlankString Rf_isBlankString                       // isBlankString used 1 times in iotools
#define isByteCode(x) (((x)->sxpinfo.type)==21)              // isByteCode unused
#define isComplex(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.type) == 15)             // isComplex used 119 times in checkmate, PythonInR, ifultools, Rblpapi, Rcpp11, rmatio, stringi, Matrix, qtbase
#define isEnvironment(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.type) == 4)          // isEnvironment used 113 times in 52 packages
#define isExpression(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.type) == 20)          // isExpression used 3 times in PythonInR, Rcpp11
#define isFactor Rf_isFactor                                 // isFactor used 42 times in checkmate, rggobi, PythonInR, data.table, Kmisc, partykit, cba, qtbase, RSQLite
#define isFrame Rf_isFrame                                   // isFrame used 15 times in checkmate, splusTimeDate, OjaNP, PythonInR, data.table, robfilter
#define isFree Rf_isFree                                     // isFree unused
#define isFunction Rf_isFunction                             // isFunction used 274 times in 43 packages
#define isInteger Rf_isInteger                               // isInteger used 402 times in 77 packages
#define isLanguage Rf_isLanguage                             // isLanguage used 63 times in PythonInR, rgp, RandomFields
#define isList Rf_isList                                     // isList used 40 times in 11 packages
#define isLogical(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.type) == 10)             // isLogical used 215 times in 53 packages
#define isMatrix Rf_isMatrix                                 // isMatrix used 293 times in 65 packages
#define isNewList Rf_isNewList                               // isNewList used 103 times in 27 packages
#define isNull(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.type) == 0)                 // isNull used 1915 times in 119 packages
#define isNumber Rf_isNumber                                 // isNumber used 14 times in PythonInR, readr, stringi, qtbase
#define isNumeric Rf_isNumeric                               // isNumeric used 468 times in 49 packages
#define isObject(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.obj) != 0)                // isObject used 11 times in dplyr, Rcpp, PythonInR, Rcpp11, stringi, rmumps
#define isOrdered Rf_isOrdered                               // isOrdered used 65 times in partykit, PythonInR, data.table, RSQLite
#define isPairList Rf_isPairList                             // isPairList used 2 times in PythonInR
#define isPrimitive Rf_isPrimitive                           // isPrimitive used 7 times in PythonInR, qtbase
#define isReal(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.type) == 14)                // isReal used 323 times in 64 packages
#define isS4 Rf_isS4                                         // isS4 used 13 times in PythonInR, Rcpp11, dplyr, Rcpp, catnet, rmumps, sdnet
#define isString(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.type) == 16)              // isString used 280 times in 59 packages
#define isSymbol(s) (((s)->sxpinfo.type) == 1)               // isSymbol used 68 times in PythonInR, data.table, Rcpp11, stringi, rgp, dbarts, rJava, sourcetools
#define isTs Rf_isTs                                         // isTs used 2 times in PythonInR
#define isUnordered Rf_isUnordered                           // isUnordered used 2 times in PythonInR
#define isUnsorted Rf_isUnsorted                             // isUnsorted unused
#define isUserBinop Rf_isUserBinop                           // isUserBinop used 2 times in PythonInR
#define isValidString Rf_isValidString                       // isValidString used 26 times in SSN, PythonInR, foreign, pbdMPI, RJSONIO, SASxport
#define isValidStringF Rf_isValidStringF                     // isValidStringF used 2 times in PythonInR
#define isVector Rf_isVector                                 // isVector used 182 times in 46 packages
#define isVectorAtomic Rf_isVectorAtomic                     // isVectorAtomic used 40 times in bit, matrixStats, checkmate, PythonInR, data.table, Matrix, bit64, potts, aster2, qtbase
#define isVectorList Rf_isVectorList                         // isVectorList used 12 times in RPostgreSQL, spsurvey, PythonInR, stringi, adaptivetau, PCICt, RandomFields
#define isVectorizable Rf_isVectorizable                     // isVectorizable used 3 times in PythonInR, robfilter
#define jump_to_toplevel Rf_jump_to_toplevel                 // jump_to_toplevel used 1 times in rJava
#define killDevice Rf_killDevice                             // killDevice used 3 times in tkrplot
#define lang1 Rf_lang1                                       // lang1 used 30 times in 11 packages
#define lang2 Rf_lang2                                       // lang2 used 216 times in 75 packages
#define lang3 Rf_lang3                                       // lang3 used 107 times in 28 packages
#define lang4 Rf_lang4                                       // lang4 used 65 times in 21 packages
#define lang5 Rf_lang5                                       // lang5 used 11 times in PBSddesolve, GNE, SMC
#define lang6 Rf_lang6                                       // lang6 used 2 times in GNE
#define lastElt Rf_lastElt                                   // lastElt unused
#define lazy_duplicate Rf_lazy_duplicate                     // lazy_duplicate unused
#define lbeta Rf_lbeta                                       // lbeta used 213 times in 23 packages
#define lchoose Rf_lchoose                                   // lchoose used 54 times in 17 packages
#define lcons Rf_lcons                                       // lcons used 16 times in rmgarch
#define leftButton 1                                         // leftButton unused
#define length(x) Rf_length(x)                               // length used 44060 times in 1224 packages
#define lengthgets Rf_lengthgets                             // lengthgets used 47 times in 11 packages
#define lgamma1p Rf_lgamma1p                                 // lgamma1p used 14 times in Rcpp, OpenMx, ergm.count, heavy, mixAK, Rcpp11
#define lgammafn Rf_lgammafn                                 // lgammafn used 407 times in 66 packages
#define lgammafn_sign Rf_lgammafn_sign                       // lgammafn_sign used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define list1 Rf_list1                                       // list1 used 197 times in 11 packages
#define list2 Rf_list2                                       // list2 used 441 times in 12 packages
#define list3 Rf_list3                                       // list3 used 72 times in marked, Rdsdp, BH, svd
#define list4 Rf_list4                                       // list4 used 58 times in igraph, PBSddesolve, Rserve, BH, yaml, treethresh, SMC
#define list5 Rf_list5                                       // list5 used 63 times in Rdsdp, BH
#define listAppend Rf_listAppend                             // listAppend used 1 times in ore
#define log1pmx Rf_log1pmx                                   // log1pmx used 20 times in DPpackage, BH, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define logspace_add Rf_logspace_add                         // logspace_add used 21 times in sna, BMN, Rcpp11, RxCEcolInf, SamplerCompare, STAR, Rcpp
#define logspace_sub Rf_logspace_sub                         // logspace_sub used 16 times in sna, Rcpp11, SamplerCompare, truncnorm, STAR, Rcpp, bfp
#define mainloop Rf_mainloop                                 // mainloop unused
#define match Rf_match                                       // match used 8773 times in 388 packages
#define matchE Rf_matchE                                     // matchE unused
#define middleButton 2                                       // middleButton unused
#define mkChar Rf_mkChar                                     // mkChar used 4545 times in 287 packages
#define mkCharCE Rf_mkCharCE                                 // mkCharCE used 72 times in 15 packages
#define mkCharLen Rf_mkCharLen                               // mkCharLen used 38 times in 16 packages
#define mkCharLenCE Rf_mkCharLenCE                           // mkCharLenCE used 23 times in 11 packages
#define mkNamed Rf_mkNamed                                   // mkNamed used 12 times in RCassandra, coxme, SamplerCompare, survival, JavaGD, DEoptim, qtbase
#define mkString Rf_mkString                                 // mkString used 814 times in 96 packages
#define namesgets Rf_namesgets                               // namesgets used 80 times in 14 packages
#define ncols Rf_ncols                                       // ncols used 3805 times in 182 packages
#define ndevNumber Rf_ndevNumber                             // ndevNumber used 11 times in Cairo, JavaGD, cairoDevice
#define nextDevice Rf_nextDevice                             // nextDevice used 3 times in rgl
#define nlevels Rf_nlevels                                   // nlevels used 546 times in 26 packages
#define nrows Rf_nrows                                       // nrows used 4332 times in 215 packages
#define nthcdr Rf_nthcdr                                     // nthcdr used 9 times in sprint, rmongodb, PythonInR, xts
#define onintr Rf_onintr                                     // onintr used 1 times in rJava
#define pbeta Rf_pbeta                                       // pbeta used 262 times in 39 packages
#define pbeta_raw Rf_pbeta_raw                               // pbeta_raw used 10 times in MCMCpack, MasterBayes, Rcpp, phcfM, gof, Rcpp11
#define pbinom Rf_pbinom                                     // pbinom used 53 times in 16 packages
#define pcauchy Rf_pcauchy                                   // pcauchy used 25 times in DPpackage, vcrpart, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, ordinal, RandomFields, littler
#define pchisq Rf_pchisq                                     // pchisq used 152 times in 33 packages
#define pentagamma Rf_pentagamma                             // pentagamma used 8 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define pexp Rf_pexp                                         // pexp used 117 times in 26 packages
#define pf Rf_pf                                             // pf unused
#define pgamma Rf_pgamma                                     // pgamma used 164 times in 40 packages
#define pgeom Rf_pgeom                                       // pgeom used 10 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define phyper Rf_phyper                                     // phyper used 17 times in Runuran, Rcpp11, cpm, RInside, Rcpp, RandomFields, vegan, littler
#define plnorm Rf_plnorm                                     // plnorm used 37 times in 14 packages
#define plogis Rf_plogis                                     // plogis used 125 times in 21 packages
#define pmatch Rf_pmatch                                     // pmatch used 169 times in ore, git2r, AdaptFitOS, data.table, seqminer, locfit, oce, rmumps
#define pnbeta Rf_pnbeta                                     // pnbeta used 23 times in bayesSurv, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define pnbinom Rf_pnbinom                                   // pnbinom used 29 times in 13 packages
#define pnbinom_mu Rf_pnbinom_mu                             // pnbinom_mu used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define pnchisq Rf_pnchisq                                   // pnchisq used 13 times in spc, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define pnf Rf_pnf                                           // pnf used 12 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define pnorm Rf_pnorm5                                      // pnorm used 1582 times in 159 packages
#define pnorm5 Rf_pnorm5                                     // pnorm5 used 77 times in 12 packages
#define pnorm_both Rf_pnorm_both                             // pnorm_both used 12 times in MCMCpack, MasterBayes, Rcpp, phcfM, gof, Rcpp11
#define pnt Rf_pnt                                           // pnt used 111 times in BayesXsrc, hypervolume, Rcpp, spc, Rcpp11
#define ppois Rf_ppois                                       // ppois used 62 times in 18 packages
#define prevDevice Rf_prevDevice                             // prevDevice unused
#define printComplexVector Rf_printComplexVector             // printComplexVector unused
#define printIntegerVector Rf_printIntegerVector             // printIntegerVector used 2 times in bvpSolve, deTestSet
#define printRealVector Rf_printRealVector                   // printRealVector used 2 times in bvpSolve, deTestSet
#define protect Rf_protect                                   // protect used 599 times in 101 packages
#define psigamma Rf_psigamma                                 // psigamma used 9 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define psignrank Rf_psignrank                               // psignrank used 11 times in FRESA.CAD, RInside, Rcpp, fuzzyRankTests, Rcpp11, littler
#define psmatch Rf_psmatch                                   // psmatch used 5 times in rgl
#define pt Rf_pt                                             // pt unused
#define ptukey Rf_ptukey                                     // ptukey used 6 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define punif Rf_punif                                       // punif used 70 times in 11 packages
#define pweibull Rf_pweibull                                 // pweibull used 42 times in 14 packages
#define pwilcox Rf_pwilcox                                   // pwilcox used 16 times in fuzzyRankTests, Rcpp11, FRESA.CAD, RInside, simctest, Rcpp, littler
#define pythag Rf_pythag                                     // pythag used 105 times in 21 packages
#define qbeta Rf_qbeta                                       // qbeta used 57 times in 17 packages
#define qbinom Rf_qbinom                                     // qbinom used 18 times in DPpackage, Runuran, BayesXsrc, mvabund, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, ump, littler
#define qcauchy Rf_qcauchy                                   // qcauchy used 11 times in RInside, DPpackage, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define qchisq Rf_qchisq                                     // qchisq used 38 times in 21 packages
#define qchisq_appr Rf_qchisq_appr                           // qchisq_appr used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define qexp Rf_qexp                                         // qexp used 20 times in monomvn, GeoGenetix, Rcpp11, icenReg, RInside, TMB, Rcpp, Sunder, RandomFields, littler
#define qf Rf_qf                                             // qf unused
#define qgamma Rf_qgamma                                     // qgamma used 58 times in 25 packages
#define qgeom Rf_qgeom                                       // qgeom used 10 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define qhyper Rf_qhyper                                     // qhyper used 11 times in RInside, Runuran, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define qlnorm Rf_qlnorm                                     // qlnorm used 11 times in icenReg, RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define qlogis Rf_qlogis                                     // qlogis used 16 times in DPpackage, geoBayes, Rcpp11, RInside, TMB, qrjoint, Rcpp, littler
#define qnbeta Rf_qnbeta                                     // qnbeta used 8 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define qnbinom Rf_qnbinom                                   // qnbinom used 12 times in RInside, Runuran, Rcpp, mvabund, Rcpp11, littler
#define qnbinom_mu Rf_qnbinom_mu                             // qnbinom_mu used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define qnchisq Rf_qnchisq                                   // qnchisq used 9 times in spc, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define qnf Rf_qnf                                           // qnf used 8 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define qnorm Rf_qnorm5                                      // qnorm used 444 times in 96 packages
#define qnorm5 Rf_qnorm5                                     // qnorm5 used 30 times in igraph, PwrGSD, geepack, robustvarComp, Rcpp11, tpr, Rcpp
#define qnt Rf_qnt                                           // qnt used 12 times in ore, Rcpp, spc, Rcpp11
#define qpois Rf_qpois                                       // qpois used 23 times in 11 packages
#define qsignrank Rf_qsignrank                               // qsignrank used 6 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define qt Rf_qt                                             // qt unused
#define qtukey Rf_qtukey                                     // qtukey used 6 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define qunif Rf_qunif                                       // qunif used 14 times in RInside, qrjoint, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define qweibull Rf_qweibull                                 // qweibull used 16 times in BSquare, Rcpp11, icenReg, RInside, TMB, extWeibQuant, Rcpp, littler
#define qwilcox Rf_qwilcox                                   // qwilcox used 10 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define rPsort Rf_rPsort                                     // rPsort used 63 times in 15 packages
#define rbeta Rf_rbeta                                       // rbeta used 431 times in 59 packages
#define rbinom Rf_rbinom                                     // rbinom used 169 times in 50 packages
#define rcauchy Rf_rcauchy                                   // rcauchy used 21 times in PoweR, RInside, Rcpp, DEoptim, Rcpp11, littler
#define rchisq Rf_rchisq                                     // rchisq used 244 times in 54 packages
#define reEnc Rf_reEnc                                       // reEnc used 3 times in PythonInR, RJSONIO
#define readS3VarsFromFrame Rf_readS3VarsFromFrame           // readS3VarsFromFrame unused
#define revsort Rf_revsort                                   // revsort used 60 times in 20 packages
#define rexp Rf_rexp                                         // rexp used 224 times in 56 packages
#define rf Rf_rf                                             // rf unused
#define rgamma Rf_rgamma                                     // rgamma used 786 times in 104 packages
#define rgeom Rf_rgeom                                       // rgeom used 25 times in BSquare, sna, ergm.count, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, littler
#define rhyper Rf_rhyper                                     // rhyper used 13 times in kSamples, RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define rightButton 4                                        // rightButton unused
#define rlnorm Rf_rlnorm                                     // rlnorm used 64 times in 18 packages
#define rlogis Rf_rlogis                                     // rlogis used 32 times in MCMCpack, phcfM, gof, Rcpp11, MasterBayes, PoweR, RInside, Rcpp, littler
#define rmultinom Rf_rmultinom                               // rmultinom used 42 times in 18 packages
#define rnbeta Rf_rnbeta                                     // rnbeta used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define rnbinom Rf_rnbinom                                   // rnbinom used 41 times in 18 packages
#define rnbinom_mu Rf_rnbinom_mu                             // rnbinom_mu used 7 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define rnchisq Rf_rnchisq                                   // rnchisq used 11 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define rnf Rf_rnf                                           // rnf used 35 times in sem, Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define rnorm Rf_rnorm                                       // rnorm used 1865 times in 198 packages
#define rnt Rf_rnt                                           // rnt used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define rownamesgets Rf_rownamesgets                         // rownamesgets unused
#define rpois Rf_rpois                                       // rpois used 157 times in 51 packages
#define rsignrank Rf_rsignrank                               // rsignrank used 11 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define rt Rf_rt                                             // rt unused
#define rtukey Rf_rtukey                                     // rtukey used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
#define runif Rf_runif                                       // runif used 2810 times in 273 packages
#define rweibull Rf_rweibull                                 // rweibull used 35 times in 12 packages
#define rwilcox Rf_rwilcox                                   // rwilcox used 11 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
#define s_object SEXPREC                                     // s_object used 18563 times in 11 packages
#define selectDevice Rf_selectDevice                         // selectDevice unused
#define setAttrib Rf_setAttrib                               // setAttrib used 1830 times in 251 packages
#define setIVector Rf_setIVector                             // setIVector unused
#define setRVector Rf_setRVector                             // setRVector used 3 times in RcppClassic, RcppClassicExamples
#define setSVector Rf_setSVector                             // setSVector unused
#define setVar Rf_setVar                                     // setVar used 24 times in Rhpc, rscproxy, PythonInR, rgenoud, survival, gsl, littler, spatstat
#define shallow_duplicate Rf_shallow_duplicate               // shallow_duplicate used 2 times in tmlenet, smint
#define sign Rf_sign                                         // sign used 5291 times in 389 packages
#define str2type Rf_str2type                                 // str2type used 1 times in RGtk2
#define stringPositionTr Rf_stringPositionTr                 // stringPositionTr unused
#define stringSuffix Rf_stringSuffix                         // stringSuffix unused
#define substitute Rf_substitute                             // substitute used 255 times in 56 packages
#define tetragamma Rf_tetragamma                             // tetragamma used 22 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11, RcppShark
#define toDeviceHeight GEtoDeviceHeight                      // toDeviceHeight unused
#define toDeviceWidth GEtoDeviceWidth                        // toDeviceWidth unused
#define toDeviceX GEtoDeviceX                                // toDeviceX used 1 times in RSVGTipsDevice
#define toDeviceY GEtoDeviceY                                // toDeviceY unused
#define topenv Rf_topenv                                     // topenv unused
#define translateChar Rf_translateChar                       // translateChar used 59 times in 19 packages
#define translateChar0 Rf_translateChar0                     // translateChar0 unused
#define translateCharUTF8 Rf_translateCharUTF8               // translateCharUTF8 used 66 times in 13 packages
#define trigamma Rf_trigamma                                 // trigamma used 128 times in 24 packages
#define type2char Rf_type2char                               // type2char used 107 times in 12 packages
#define type2rstr Rf_type2rstr                               // type2rstr unused
#define type2str Rf_type2str                                 // type2str used 3 times in Kmisc, yaml
#define type2str_nowarn Rf_type2str_nowarn                   // type2str_nowarn used 1 times in qrmtools
#define unprotect Rf_unprotect                               // unprotect used 110 times in 35 packages
#define unprotect_ptr Rf_unprotect_ptr                       // unprotect_ptr unused
#define warning Rf_warning                                   // warning used 7679 times in 434 packages
#define warningcall Rf_warningcall                           // warningcall used 4 times in RInside, jsonlite, pbdMPI
#define warningcall_immediate Rf_warningcall_immediate       // warningcall_immediate used 2 times in Runuran
#define xlength(x) Rf_xlength(x)                             // xlength used 186 times in stringdist, yuima, matrixStats, Rhpc, validate, checkmate, dplR, Rdsdp, pscl, DescTools
#define xlengthgets Rf_xlengthgets                           // xlengthgets unused
# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R.h
typedef double Sfloat;                                       // Sfloat used 440 times in AnalyzeFMRI, wavethresh, IGM.MEA, spatial, LS2W, robust, MASS, PBSmapping
typedef int Sint;                                            // Sint used 2750 times in 48 packages
extern "C" {
void R_FlushConsole(void);                                   // R_FlushConsole used 651 times in 78 packages
void R_ProcessEvents(void);                                  // R_ProcessEvents used 275 times in 39 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Applic.h
extern "C" {
typedef void integr_fn(double *x, int n, void *ex);
void Rdqags(integr_fn f, void *ex, double *a, double *b,     // Rdqags used 58 times in 18 packages
     double *epsabs, double *epsrel,
     double *result, double *abserr, int *neval, int *ier,
     int *limit, int *lenw, int *last, int *iwork, double *work);
void Rdqagi(integr_fn f, void *ex, double *bound, int *inf,  // Rdqagi used 33 times in 11 packages
     double *epsabs, double *epsrel,
     double *result, double *abserr, int *neval, int *ier,
     int *limit, int *lenw, int *last,
     int *iwork, double *work);
typedef double optimfn(int, double *, void *);
typedef void optimgr(int, double *, double *, void *);
void vmmin(int n, double *b, double *Fmin,                   // vmmin used 62 times in rstpm2, glmmML, RCPmod, SpeciesMix, nnet, fanc, pcaPP, dti, eha, MASS
    optimfn fn, optimgr gr, int maxit, int trace,
    int *mask, double abstol, double reltol, int nREPORT,
    void *ex, int *fncount, int *grcount, int *fail);
void nmmin(int n, double *Bvec, double *X, double *Fmin, optimfn fn, // nmmin used 19 times in AnalyzeFMRI, rstpm2, forecast, phyclust, pcaPP, bda, eha, oce
    int *fail, double abstol, double intol, void *ex,
    double alpha, double bet, double gamm, int trace,
    int *fncount, int maxit);
void cgmin(int n, double *Bvec, double *X, double *Fmin,     // cgmin used 1 times in pcaPP
    optimfn fn, optimgr gr,
    int *fail, double abstol, double intol, void *ex,
    int type, int trace, int *fncount, int *grcount, int maxit);
void lbfgsb(int n, int m, double *x, double *l, double *u, int *nbd, // lbfgsb used 34 times in Iboot, PoweR, geostatsp, glmmML, laGP, CorrBin, abn, dti, eha
     double *Fmin, optimfn fn, optimgr gr, int *fail, void *ex,
     double factr, double pgtol, int *fncount, int *grcount,
     int maxit, char *msg, int trace, int nREPORT);
void samin(int n, double *pb, double *yb, optimfn fn, int maxit, // samin used 4 times in icenReg, rEDM, RcppEigen, pcaPP
    int tmax, double ti, int trace, void *ex);
int findInterval(double *xt, int n, double x,                // findInterval used 11 times in BSquare, DNAprofiles, unfoldr, chebpol, pomp, eco, protViz, PBSmapping, spatstat
   Rboolean rightmost_closed, Rboolean all_inside, int ilo,
   int *mflag);
void dqrqty_(double *x, int *n, int *k, double *qraux,       // dqrqty_ unused
        double *y, int *ny, double *qty);
void dqrqy_(double *x, int *n, int *k, double *qraux,        // dqrqy_ unused
       double *y, int *ny, double *qy);
void dqrcf_(double *x, int *n, int *k, double *qraux,        // dqrcf_ used 1 times in TwoPhaseInd
       double *y, int *ny, double *b, int *info);
void dqrrsd_(double *x, int *n, int *k, double *qraux,       // dqrrsd_ unused
       double *y, int *ny, double *rsd);
void dqrxb_(double *x, int *n, int *k, double *qraux,        // dqrxb_ unused
       double *y, int *ny, double *xb);
double R_pretty(double *lo, double *up, int *ndiv, int min_n, // R_pretty used 1 times in rgl
  double shrink_sml, double high_u_fact[],
  int eps_correction, int return_bounds);
typedef void (*fcn_p)(int, double *, double *, void *);
typedef void (*d2fcn_p)(int, int, double *, double *, void *);
void fdhess(int n, double *x, double fval, fcn_p fun, void *state, // fdhess used 16 times in sem, fArma, fracdiff
     double *h, int nfd, double *step, double *f, int ndigit,
     double *typx);
void optif9(int nr, int n, double *x,                        // optif9 used 17 times in sem, rstpm2, nlme, pcaPP
     fcn_p fcn, fcn_p d1fcn, d2fcn_p d2fcn,
     void *state, double *typsiz, double fscale, int method,
     int iexp, int *msg, int ndigit, int itnlim, int iagflg,
     int iahflg, double dlt, double gradtl, double stepmx,
     double steptl, double *xpls, double *fpls, double *gpls,
     int *itrmcd, double *a, double *wrk, int *itncnt);
void dqrdc2_(double *x, int *ldx, int *n, int *p,            // dqrdc2_ used 4 times in earth, TwoPhaseInd
        double *tol, int *rank,
        double *qraux, int *pivot, double *work);
void dqrls_(double *x, int *n, int *p, double *y, int *ny,   // dqrls_ used 8 times in DatABEL, GenABEL, VariABEL
       double *tol, double *b, double *rsd,
       double *qty, int *k,
       int *jpvt, double *qraux, double *work);

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Arith.h
extern "C" {
extern double R_NaN;                                         // R_NaN used 469 times in 68 packages
extern double R_PosInf;                                      // R_PosInf used 562 times in 112 packages
extern double R_NegInf;                                      // R_NegInf used 699 times in 105 packages
extern double R_NaReal;                                      // R_NaReal used 140 times in 34 packages
                                                             // NA_REAL used 1667 times in 226 packages
extern int R_NaInt;                                          // R_NaInt used 58 times in 20 packages
                                                             // NA_LOGICAL used 355 times in 73 packages
                                                             // NA_INTEGER used 1520 times in 183 packages
int R_IsNA(double);                                          // R_IsNA used 161 times in 40 packages
int R_IsNaN(double);                                         // R_IsNaN used 75 times in 28 packages
int R_finite(double);                                        // R_finite used 232 times in 44 packages
  int R_isnancpp(double);                                    // R_isnancpp used 8 times in igraph, PwrGSD

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/BLAS.h
extern "C" {
extern double
dasum_(const int *n, const double *dx, const int *incx);
extern void
daxpy_(const int *n, const double *alpha,
  const double *dx, const int *incx,
  double *dy, const int *incy);
extern void
dcopy_(const int *n, const double *dx, const int *incx,
  double *dy, const int *incy);
extern double
ddot_(const int *n, const double *dx, const int *incx,
        const double *dy, const int *incy);
extern double
dnrm2_(const int *n, const double *dx, const int *incx);
extern void
drot_(const int *n, double *dx, const int *incx,
        double *dy, const int *incy, const double *c, const double *s);
extern void
drotg_(const double *a, const double *b, double *c, double *s);
extern void
drotm_(const int *n, double *dx, const int *incx,
  double *dy, const int *incy, const double *dparam);
extern void
drotmg_(const double *dd1, const double *dd2, const double *dx1,
   const double *dy1, double *param);
extern void
dscal_(const int *n, const double *alpha, double *dx, const int *incx);
extern void
dswap_(const int *n, double *dx, const int *incx,
  double *dy, const int *incy);
extern int
idamax_(const int *n, const double *dx, const int *incx);
extern void
dgbmv_(const char *trans, const int *m, const int *n,
  const int *kl,const int *ku,
  const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *lda,
  const double *x, const int *incx,
  const double *Rf_beta, double *y, const int *incy);
extern void
dgemv_(const char *trans, const int *m, const int *n,
  const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *lda,
  const double *x, const int *incx, const double *Rf_beta,
  double *y, const int *incy);
extern void
dsbmv_(const char *uplo, const int *n, const int *k,
  const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *lda,
  const double *x, const int *incx,
  const double *Rf_beta, double *y, const int *incy);
extern void
dspmv_(const char *uplo, const int *n,
  const double *alpha, const double *ap,
  const double *x, const int *incx,
  const double *Rf_beta, double *y, const int *incy);
extern void
dsymv_(const char *uplo, const int *n, const double *alpha,
  const double *a, const int *lda,
  const double *x, const int *incx,
  const double *Rf_beta, double *y, const int *incy);
extern void
dtbmv_(const char *uplo, const char *trans,
  const char *diag, const int *n, const int *k,
  const double *a, const int *lda,
  double *x, const int *incx);
extern void
dtpmv_(const char *uplo, const char *trans, const char *diag,
  const int *n, const double *ap,
  double *x, const int *incx);
extern void
dtrmv_(const char *uplo, const char *trans, const char *diag,
  const int *n, const double *a, const int *lda,
  double *x, const int *incx);
extern void
dtbsv_(const char *uplo, const char *trans,
  const char *diag, const int *n, const int *k,
  const double *a, const int *lda,
  double *x, const int *incx);
extern void
dtpsv_(const char *uplo, const char *trans,
  const char *diag, const int *n,
  const double *ap, double *x, const int *incx);
extern void
dtrsv_(const char *uplo, const char *trans,
  const char *diag, const int *n,
  const double *a, const int *lda,
  double *x, const int *incx);
extern void
dger_(const int *m, const int *n, const double *alpha,
        const double *x, const int *incx,
        const double *y, const int *incy,
        double *a, const int *lda);
extern void
dsyr_(const char *uplo, const int *n, const double *alpha,
        const double *x, const int *incx,
        double *a, const int *lda);
extern void
dspr_(const char *uplo, const int *n, const double *alpha,
        const double *x, const int *incx, double *ap);
extern void
dsyr2_(const char *uplo, const int *n, const double *alpha,
  const double *x, const int *incx,
  const double *y, const int *incy,
  double *a, const int *lda);
extern void
dspr2_(const char *uplo, const int *n, const double *alpha,
  const double *x, const int *incx,
  const double *y, const int *incy, double *ap);
extern void
dgemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb, const int *m,
  const int *n, const int *k, const double *alpha,
  const double *a, const int *lda,
  const double *b, const int *ldb,
  const double *Rf_beta, double *c, const int *ldc);
extern void
dtrsm_(const char *side, const char *uplo,
  const char *transa, const char *diag,
  const int *m, const int *n, const double *alpha,
  const double *a, const int *lda,
  double *b, const int *ldb);
extern void
dtrmm_(const char *side, const char *uplo, const char *transa,
  const char *diag, const int *m, const int *n,
  const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *lda,
  double *b, const int *ldb);
extern void
dsymm_(const char *side, const char *uplo, const int *m,
  const int *n, const double *alpha,
  const double *a, const int *lda,
  const double *b, const int *ldb,
  const double *Rf_beta, double *c, const int *ldc);
extern void
dsyrk_(const char *uplo, const char *trans,
  const int *n, const int *k,
  const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *lda,
  const double *Rf_beta, double *c, const int *ldc);
extern void
dsyr2k_(const char *uplo, const char *trans,
   const int *n, const int *k,
   const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *lda,
   const double *b, const int *ldb,
   const double *Rf_beta, double *c, const int *ldc);
    extern double
    dcabs1_(double *z);
    extern double
    dzasum_(int *n, Rcomplex *zx, int *incx);
    extern double
    dznrm2_(int *n, Rcomplex *x, int *incx);
    extern int
    izamax_(int *n, Rcomplex *zx, int *incx);
    extern void
    zaxpy_(int *n, Rcomplex *za, Rcomplex *zx,
      int *incx, Rcomplex *zy, int *incy);
    extern void
    zcopy_(int *n, Rcomplex *zx, int *incx,
      Rcomplex *zy, int *incy);
    extern Rcomplex
    zdotc_(int *n,
      Rcomplex *zx, int *incx, Rcomplex *zy, int *incy);
    extern Rcomplex
    zdotu_(int *n,
      Rcomplex *zx, int *incx, Rcomplex *zy, int *incy);
    extern void
    zdrot_(int *n, Rcomplex *zx, int *incx, Rcomplex *zy,
  int *incy, double *c, double *s);
    extern void
    zdscal_(int *n, double *da, Rcomplex *zx, int *incx);
    extern void
    zgbmv_(char *trans, int *m, int *n, int *kl,
      int *ku, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a, int *lda,
      Rcomplex *x, int *incx, Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *y,
      int *incy);
    extern void
    zgemm_(const char *transa, const char *transb, const int *m,
      const int *n, const int *k, const Rcomplex *alpha,
      const Rcomplex *a, const int *lda,
      const Rcomplex *b, const int *ldb,
      const Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *c, const int *ldc);
    extern void
    zgemv_(char *trans, int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha,
      Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *x, int *incx,
      Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *y, int * incy);
    extern void
    zgerc_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *x,
      int *incx, Rcomplex *y, int *incy, Rcomplex *a, int *lda);
    extern void
    zgeru_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *x,
      int *incx, Rcomplex *y, int *incy, Rcomplex *a, int *lda);
    extern void
    zhbmv_(char *uplo, int *n, int *k, Rcomplex *alpha,
      Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *x, int *incx,
      Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *y, int *incy);
    extern void
    zhemm_(char *side, char *uplo, int *m, int *n,
      Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *b,
      int *ldb, Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *c, int *ldc);
    extern void
    zhemv_(char *uplo, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a,
      int *lda, Rcomplex *x, int *incx, Rcomplex *Rf_beta,
      Rcomplex *y, int *incy);
    extern void
    zher_(char *uplo, int *n, double *alpha, Rcomplex *x,
     int *incx, Rcomplex *a, int *lda);
    extern void
    zher2_(char *uplo, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *x,
      int *incx, Rcomplex *y, int *incy, Rcomplex *a, int *lda);
    extern void
    zher2k_(char *uplo, char *trans, int *n, int *k,
       Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *b,
       int *ldb, double *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *c, int *ldc);
    extern void
    zherk_(char *uplo, char *trans, int *n, int *k,
      double *alpha, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, double *Rf_beta,
      Rcomplex *c, int *ldc);
    extern void
    zhpmv_(char *uplo, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *ap,
      Rcomplex *x, int *incx, Rcomplex * Rf_beta, Rcomplex *y,
      int *incy);
    extern void
    zhpr_(char *uplo, int *n, double *alpha,
     Rcomplex *x, int *incx, Rcomplex *ap);
    extern void
    zhpr2_(char *uplo, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *x,
      int *incx, Rcomplex *y, int *incy, Rcomplex *ap);
    extern void
    zrotg_(Rcomplex *ca, Rcomplex *cb, double *c, Rcomplex *s);
    extern void
    zscal_(int *n, Rcomplex *za, Rcomplex *zx, int *incx);
    extern void
    zswap_(int *n, Rcomplex *zx, int *incx, Rcomplex *zy, int *incy);
    extern void
    zsymm_(char *side, char *uplo, int *m, int *n,
      Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *b,
      int *ldb, Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *c, int *ldc);
    extern void
    zsyr2k_(char *uplo, char *trans, int *n, int *k,
       Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *b,
       int *ldb, Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *c, int *ldc);
    extern void
    zsyrk_(char *uplo, char *trans, int *n, int *k,
      Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a, int *lda,
      Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *c, int *ldc);
    extern void
    ztbmv_(char *uplo, char *trans, char *diag, int *n, int *k,
      Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *x, int *incx);
    extern void
    ztbsv_(char *uplo, char *trans, char *diag, int *n, int *k,
      Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *x, int *incx);
    extern void
    ztpmv_(char *uplo, char *trans, char *diag, int *n,
      Rcomplex *ap, Rcomplex *x, int *incx);
    extern void
    ztpsv_(char *uplo, char *trans, char *diag, int *n,
      Rcomplex *ap, Rcomplex *x, int *incx);
    extern void
    ztrmm_(char *side, char *uplo, char *transa, char *diag,
      int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a,
      int *lda, Rcomplex *b, int *ldb);
    extern void
    ztrmv_(char *uplo, char *trans, char *diag, int *n,
      Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *x, int *incx);
    extern void
    ztrsm_(char *side, char *uplo, char *transa, char *diag,
      int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *a,
      int *lda, Rcomplex *b, int *ldb);
    extern void
    ztrsv_(char *uplo, char *trans, char *diag, int *n,
      Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *x, int *incx);

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Boolean.h
extern "C" {
typedef enum { FALSE = 0, TRUE } Rboolean;

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Callbacks.h
typedef Rboolean (*R_ToplevelCallback)(SEXP expr, SEXP value, Rboolean succeeded, Rboolean visible, void *);
typedef struct _ToplevelCallback R_ToplevelCallbackEl;
struct _ToplevelCallback {
    R_ToplevelCallback cb;
    void *data;
    void (*finalizer)(void *data);
    char *name;
    R_ToplevelCallbackEl *next;
extern "C" {
Rboolean Rf_removeTaskCallbackByIndex(int id);               // Rf_removeTaskCallbackByIndex unused
Rboolean Rf_removeTaskCallbackByName(const char *name);      // Rf_removeTaskCallbackByName unused
SEXP R_removeTaskCallback(SEXP which);                       // R_removeTaskCallback unused
R_ToplevelCallbackEl* Rf_addTaskCallback(R_ToplevelCallback cb, void *data, void (*finalizer)(void *), const char *name, int *pos);
typedef struct _R_ObjectTable R_ObjectTable;
typedef Rboolean (*Rdb_exists)(const char * const name, Rboolean *canCache, R_ObjectTable *);
typedef SEXP (*Rdb_get)(const char * const name, Rboolean *canCache, R_ObjectTable *);
typedef int (*Rdb_remove)(const char * const name, R_ObjectTable *);
typedef SEXP (*Rdb_assign)(const char * const name, SEXP value, R_ObjectTable *);
typedef SEXP (*Rdb_objects)(R_ObjectTable *);
typedef Rboolean (*Rdb_canCache)(const char * const name, R_ObjectTable *);
typedef void (*Rdb_onDetach)(R_ObjectTable *);
typedef void (*Rdb_onAttach)(R_ObjectTable *);
struct _R_ObjectTable{
  int type;
  char **cachedNames;
  Rboolean active;
  Rdb_exists exists;
  Rdb_get get;
  Rdb_remove remove;
  Rdb_assign assign;
  Rdb_objects objects;
  Rdb_canCache canCache;
  Rdb_onDetach onDetach;
  Rdb_onAttach onAttach;
  void *privateData;

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Complex.h
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
 double r;
 double i;
} Rcomplex;                                                  // Rcomplex used 893 times in 47 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Connections.h
typedef struct Rconn *Rconnection;
struct Rconn {
    char* class;
    char* description;
    int enc;
    char mode[5];
    Rboolean text, isopen, incomplete, canread, canwrite, canseek, blocking,
    Rboolean (*open)(struct Rconn *);
    void (*close)(struct Rconn *);
    void (*destroy)(struct Rconn *);
    int (*vfprintf)(struct Rconn *, const char *, va_list);
    int (*fgetc)(struct Rconn *);
    int (*fgetc_internal)(struct Rconn *);
    double (*seek)(struct Rconn *, double, int, int);
    void (*truncate)(struct Rconn *);
    int (*fflush)(struct Rconn *);
    size_t (*read)(void *, size_t, size_t, struct Rconn *);
    size_t (*write)(const void *, size_t, size_t, struct Rconn *);
    int nPushBack, posPushBack;
    char **PushBack;
    int save, save2;
    char encname[101];
    void *inconv, *outconv;
    char iconvbuff[25], oconvbuff[50], *next, init_out[25];
    short navail, inavail;
    Rboolean EOF_signalled;
    Rboolean UTF8out;
    void *id;
    void *ex_ptr;
    void *private;
    int status;
extern "C" {
SEXP R_new_custom_connection(const char *description, const char *mode, const char *class_name, Rconnection *ptr); // R_new_custom_connection used 2 times in curl, rredis
size_t R_ReadConnection(Rconnection con, void *buf, size_t n); // R_ReadConnection used 1 times in iotools
size_t R_WriteConnection(Rconnection con, void *buf, size_t n); // R_WriteConnection used 4 times in Cairo

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Error.h
extern "C" {
void __attribute__((noreturn)) Rf_error(const char *, ...);
void __attribute__((noreturn)) UNIMPLEMENTED(const char *);
void __attribute__((noreturn)) WrongArgCount(const char *);
void Rf_warning(const char *, ...);                          // Rf_warning used 316 times in 66 packages
                                                             // warning used 7679 times in 434 packages
void R_ShowMessage(const char *s);                           // R_ShowMessage used 104 times in Rserve, rJava, HiPLARM

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/GetX11Image.h
extern "C" {
Rboolean R_GetX11Image(int d, void *pximage, int *pwidth, int *pheight); // R_GetX11Image used 1 times in tkrplot

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/GraphicsDevice.h
extern "C" {
typedef struct _DevDesc DevDesc;
typedef DevDesc* pDevDesc;
struct _DevDesc {
    double left;
    double right;
    double bottom;
    double top;
    double clipLeft;
    double clipRight;
    double clipBottom;
    double clipTop;
    double xCharOffset;
    double yCharOffset;
    double yLineBias;
    double ipr[2];
    double cra[2];
    double gamma;
    Rboolean canClip;
    Rboolean canChangeGamma;
    int canHAdj;
    double startps;
    int startcol;
    int startfill;
    int startlty;
    int startfont;
    double startgamma;
    void *deviceSpecific;
    Rboolean displayListOn;
    Rboolean canGenMouseDown;
    Rboolean canGenMouseMove;
    Rboolean canGenMouseUp;
    Rboolean canGenKeybd;
    Rboolean gettingEvent;
    void (*activate)(const pDevDesc );
    void (*circle)(double x, double y, double r, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*clip)(double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*close)(pDevDesc dd);
    void (*deactivate)(pDevDesc );
    Rboolean (*locator)(double *x, double *y, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*line)(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
   const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*metricInfo)(int c, const pGEcontext gc,
         double* ascent, double* descent, double* width,
         pDevDesc dd);
    void (*mode)(int mode, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*newPage)(const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*polygon)(int n, double *x, double *y, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*polyline)(int n, double *x, double *y, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*rect)(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1,
   const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*path)(double *x, double *y,
                 int npoly, int *nper,
                 Rboolean winding,
                 const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*raster)(unsigned int *raster, int w, int h,
                   double x, double y,
                   double width, double height,
                   double rot,
                   Rboolean interpolate,
                   const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    SEXP (*cap)(pDevDesc dd);
    void (*size)(double *left, double *right, double *bottom, double *top,
   pDevDesc dd);
    double (*strWidth)(const char *str, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*text)(double x, double y, const char *str, double rot,
   double hadj, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    void (*onExit)(pDevDesc dd);
    SEXP (*getEvent)(SEXP, const char *);
    Rboolean (*newFrameConfirm)(pDevDesc dd);
    Rboolean hasTextUTF8;
    void (*textUTF8)(double x, double y, const char *str, double rot,
       double hadj, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    double (*strWidthUTF8)(const char *str, const pGEcontext gc, pDevDesc dd);
    Rboolean wantSymbolUTF8;
    Rboolean useRotatedTextInContour;
    SEXP eventEnv;                                           // eventEnv used 3 times in cairoDevice, R2SWF
    void (*eventHelper)(pDevDesc dd, int code);
    int (*holdflush)(pDevDesc dd, int level);
    int haveTransparency;
    int haveTransparentBg;
    int haveRaster;
    int haveCapture, haveLocator;
    char reserved[64];
int Rf_ndevNumber(pDevDesc );                                // Rf_ndevNumber unused
                                                             // ndevNumber used 11 times in Cairo, JavaGD, cairoDevice
int Rf_NumDevices(void);                                     // Rf_NumDevices unused
                                                             // NumDevices used 3 times in JavaGD
void R_CheckDeviceAvailable(void);                           // R_CheckDeviceAvailable used 14 times in 12 packages
Rboolean R_CheckDeviceAvailableBool(void);                   // R_CheckDeviceAvailableBool unused
int Rf_curDevice(void);                                      // Rf_curDevice unused
                                                             // curDevice used 4 times in qtutils, showtext, tkrplot
int Rf_nextDevice(int);                                      // Rf_nextDevice unused
                                                             // nextDevice used 3 times in rgl
int Rf_prevDevice(int);                                      // Rf_prevDevice unused
                                                             // prevDevice unused
int Rf_selectDevice(int);                                    // Rf_selectDevice unused
                                                             // selectDevice unused
void Rf_killDevice(int);                                     // Rf_killDevice unused
                                                             // killDevice used 3 times in tkrplot
int Rf_NoDevices(void);                                      // Rf_NoDevices unused
                                                             // NoDevices used 1 times in tkrplot
void Rf_NewFrameConfirm(pDevDesc);                           // Rf_NewFrameConfirm unused
                                                             // NewFrameConfirm unused
typedef enum {knUNKNOWN = -1,
              knLEFT = 0, knUP, knRIGHT, knDOWN,
              knF1, knF2, knF3, knF4, knF5, knF6, knF7, knF8, knF9, knF10,
              knF11, knF12,
              knPGUP, knPGDN, knEND, knHOME, knINS, knDEL} R_KeyName;
typedef enum {meMouseDown = 0,
       meMouseMove} R_MouseEvent;
void Rf_doMouseEvent(pDevDesc dd, R_MouseEvent event,        // Rf_doMouseEvent unused
                                                             // doMouseEvent used 6 times in cairoDevice
                  int buttons, double x, double y);
void Rf_doKeybd(pDevDesc dd, R_KeyName rkey,                 // Rf_doKeybd unused
                                                             // doKeybd used 2 times in cairoDevice
      const char *keyname);
extern Rboolean R_interrupts_suspended;                      // R_interrupts_suspended unused
extern int R_interrupts_pending;                             // R_interrupts_pending used 6 times in igraph, rJava
extern void Rf_onintr(void);                                 // Rf_onintr used 216 times in 12 packages
                                                             // onintr used 1 times in rJava
extern Rboolean mbcslocale;                                  // mbcslocale used 7 times in qtutils, RCurl, cairoDevice, Cairo, RSvgDevice, PCICt
extern void *Rf_AdobeSymbol2utf8(char*out, const char *in, size_t nwork); // Rf_AdobeSymbol2utf8 unused
                                                             // AdobeSymbol2utf8 used 2 times in Cairo
extern size_t Rf_ucstoutf8(char *s, const unsigned int c);   // Rf_ucstoutf8 used 7 times in cairoDevice, Cairo, rvg, svglite

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/GraphicsEngine.h
extern "C" {
int R_GE_getVersion(void);                                   // R_GE_getVersion unused
void R_GE_checkVersionOrDie(int version);                    // R_GE_checkVersionOrDie used 11 times in qtutils, rscproxy, cairoDevice, RSvgDevice, R2SWF, rvg, RSVGTipsDevice, tikzDevice, svglite
typedef enum {
 GE_NDC = 1,
 GE_CM = 3
} GEUnit;                                                    // GEUnit unused
typedef enum {
    GE_InitState = 0,
    GE_FinaliseState = 1,
    GE_SaveState = 2,
    GE_RestoreState = 6,
    GE_CopyState = 3,
    GE_SaveSnapshotState = 4,
    GE_RestoreSnapshotState = 5,
    GE_CheckPlot = 7,
    GE_ScalePS = 8
} GEevent;                                                   // GEevent unused
typedef enum {
  GE_BUTT_CAP = 2,
} R_GE_lineend;                                              // R_GE_lineend used 3 times in qtutils, Cairo
typedef enum {
} R_GE_linejoin;                                             // R_GE_linejoin used 3 times in qtutils, Cairo
typedef struct {
    int col;
    int fill;
    double gamma;
    double lwd;
    int lty;
    R_GE_lineend lend;
    R_GE_linejoin ljoin;
    double lmitre;
    double cex;
    double ps;
    double lineheight;
    int fontface;
    char fontfamily[201];
} R_GE_gcontext;                                             // R_GE_gcontext used 87 times in qtutils, Cairo, RSvgDevice, rvg, RSVGTipsDevice, JavaGD, showtext
typedef R_GE_gcontext* pGEcontext;
typedef struct _GEDevDesc GEDevDesc;
typedef SEXP (* GEcallback)(GEevent, GEDevDesc *, SEXP);
typedef struct {
    void *systemSpecific;
    GEcallback callback;
} GESystemDesc;                                              // GESystemDesc unused
struct _GEDevDesc {
    pDevDesc dev;
    Rboolean displayListOn;
    SEXP displayList;                                        // displayList used 30 times in qtutils, rgl, Cairo, JavaGD, R2SWF
    SEXP DLlastElt;                                          // DLlastElt unused
    SEXP savedSnapshot;                                      // savedSnapshot used 4 times in qtutils, Cairo, JavaGD
    Rboolean dirty;
    Rboolean recordGraphics;
    GESystemDesc *gesd[256];
    Rboolean ask;
typedef GEDevDesc* pGEDevDesc;
pGEDevDesc Rf_desc2GEDesc(pDevDesc dd);                      // Rf_desc2GEDesc unused
                                                             // desc2GEDesc used 5 times in Cairo, JavaGD, cairoDevice
int GEdeviceNumber(pGEDevDesc);                              // GEdeviceNumber used 4 times in Cairo, JavaGD
pGEDevDesc GEgetDevice(int);                                 // GEgetDevice used 20 times in tikzDevice, Cairo, JavaGD, rvg, showtext
void GEaddDevice(pGEDevDesc);                                // GEaddDevice used 4 times in Cairo, JavaGD
void GEaddDevice2(pGEDevDesc, const char *);                 // GEaddDevice2 used 12 times in qtutils, devEMF, rscproxy, cairoDevice, RSvgDevice, R2SWF, rvg, RSVGTipsDevice, tikzDevice, svglite
void GEaddDevice2f(pGEDevDesc, const char *, const char *);  // GEaddDevice2f unused
void GEkillDevice(pGEDevDesc);                               // GEkillDevice used 4 times in Cairo, JavaGD, cairoDevice
pGEDevDesc GEcreateDevDesc(pDevDesc dev);                    // GEcreateDevDesc used 14 times in 12 packages
void GEdestroyDevDesc(pGEDevDesc dd);                        // GEdestroyDevDesc unused
void *GEsystemState(pGEDevDesc dd, int index);               // GEsystemState unused
void GEregisterWithDevice(pGEDevDesc dd);                    // GEregisterWithDevice unused
void GEregisterSystem(GEcallback callback, int *systemRegisterIndex); // GEregisterSystem unused
void GEunregisterSystem(int registerIndex);                  // GEunregisterSystem unused
SEXP GEhandleEvent(GEevent event, pDevDesc dev, SEXP data);  // GEhandleEvent unused
double GEfromDeviceX(double value, GEUnit to, pGEDevDesc dd); // GEfromDeviceX unused
                                                             // fromDeviceX used 1 times in RSVGTipsDevice
double GEtoDeviceX(double value, GEUnit from, pGEDevDesc dd); // GEtoDeviceX unused
                                                             // toDeviceX used 1 times in RSVGTipsDevice
double GEfromDeviceY(double value, GEUnit to, pGEDevDesc dd); // GEfromDeviceY unused
                                                             // fromDeviceY unused
double GEtoDeviceY(double value, GEUnit from, pGEDevDesc dd); // GEtoDeviceY unused
                                                             // toDeviceY unused
double GEfromDeviceWidth(double value, GEUnit to, pGEDevDesc dd); // GEfromDeviceWidth unused
                                                             // fromDeviceWidth unused
double GEtoDeviceWidth(double value, GEUnit from, pGEDevDesc dd); // GEtoDeviceWidth unused
                                                             // toDeviceWidth unused
double GEfromDeviceHeight(double value, GEUnit to, pGEDevDesc dd); // GEfromDeviceHeight unused
                                                             // fromDeviceHeight unused
double GEtoDeviceHeight(double value, GEUnit from, pGEDevDesc dd); // GEtoDeviceHeight unused
                                                             // toDeviceHeight unused
typedef unsigned int rcolor;
rcolor Rf_RGBpar(SEXP, int);                                 // Rf_RGBpar unused
                                                             // RGBpar used 3 times in Cairo, jpeg
rcolor Rf_RGBpar3(SEXP, int, rcolor);                        // Rf_RGBpar3 unused
                                                             // RGBpar3 unused
const char *Rf_col2name(rcolor col);                         // Rf_col2name unused
                                                             // col2name used 2 times in tikzDevice
rcolor R_GE_str2col(const char *s);                          // R_GE_str2col used 13 times in devEMF, RSVGTipsDevice, tikzDevice, RSvgDevice, rvg, svglite
R_GE_lineend GE_LENDpar(SEXP value, int ind);                // GE_LENDpar unused
SEXP GE_LENDget(R_GE_lineend lend);                          // GE_LENDget unused
R_GE_linejoin GE_LJOINpar(SEXP value, int ind);              // GE_LJOINpar unused
SEXP GE_LJOINget(R_GE_linejoin ljoin);                       // GE_LJOINget unused
void GESetClip(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, pGEDevDesc dd); // GESetClip unused
void GENewPage(const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);          // GENewPage unused
void GELine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,      // GELine unused
     const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GEPolyline(int n, double *x, double *y,                 // GEPolyline unused
  const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GEPolygon(int n, double *x, double *y,                  // GEPolygon unused
        const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
SEXP GEXspline(int n, double *x, double *y, double *s, Rboolean open, // GEXspline unused
        Rboolean repEnds, Rboolean draw,
        const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GECircle(double x, double y, double radius,             // GECircle unused
       const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GERect(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1,      // GERect unused
     const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GEPath(double *x, double *y,                            // GEPath unused
            int npoly, int *nper,
            Rboolean winding,
            const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GERaster(unsigned int *raster, int w, int h,            // GERaster unused
              double x, double y, double width, double height,
              double angle, Rboolean interpolate,
              const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
SEXP GECap(pGEDevDesc dd);                                   // GECap unused
void GEText(double x, double y, const char * const str, cetype_t enc, // GEText unused
     double xc, double yc, double rot,
     const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GEMode(int mode, pGEDevDesc dd);                        // GEMode unused
void GESymbol(double x, double y, int pch, double size,      // GESymbol unused
       const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GEPretty(double *lo, double *up, int *ndiv);            // GEPretty unused
void GEMetricInfo(int c, const pGEcontext gc,                // GEMetricInfo unused
    double *ascent, double *descent, double *width,
    pGEDevDesc dd);
double GEStrWidth(const char *str, cetype_t enc,             // GEStrWidth unused
    const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
double GEStrHeight(const char *str, cetype_t enc,            // GEStrHeight unused
    const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GEStrMetric(const char *str, cetype_t enc, const pGEcontext gc, // GEStrMetric unused
                 double *ascent, double *descent, double *width,
                 pGEDevDesc dd);
int GEstring_to_pch(SEXP pch);                               // GEstring_to_pch unused
unsigned int GE_LTYpar(SEXP, int);
SEXP GE_LTYget(unsigned int);                                // GE_LTYget unused
void R_GE_rasterScale(unsigned int *sraster, int sw, int sh, // R_GE_rasterScale unused
                      unsigned int *draster, int dw, int dh);
void R_GE_rasterInterpolate(unsigned int *sraster, int sw, int sh, // R_GE_rasterInterpolate unused
                            unsigned int *draster, int dw, int dh);
void R_GE_rasterRotatedSize(int w, int h, double angle,      // R_GE_rasterRotatedSize unused
                            int *wnew, int *hnew);
void R_GE_rasterRotatedOffset(int w, int h, double angle, int botleft, // R_GE_rasterRotatedOffset unused
                              double *xoff, double *yoff);
void R_GE_rasterResizeForRotation(unsigned int *sraster,     // R_GE_rasterResizeForRotation unused
                                  int w, int h,
                                  unsigned int *newRaster,
                                  int wnew, int hnew,
                                  const pGEcontext gc);
void R_GE_rasterRotate(unsigned int *sraster, int w, int h, double angle, // R_GE_rasterRotate unused
                       unsigned int *draster, const pGEcontext gc,
                       Rboolean perPixelAlpha);
double GEExpressionWidth(SEXP expr,                          // GEExpressionWidth unused
    const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
double GEExpressionHeight(SEXP expr,                         // GEExpressionHeight unused
     const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
void GEExpressionMetric(SEXP expr, const pGEcontext gc,      // GEExpressionMetric unused
                        double *ascent, double *descent, double *width,
                        pGEDevDesc dd);
void GEMathText(double x, double y, SEXP expr,               // GEMathText unused
  double xc, double yc, double rot,
  const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
SEXP GEcontourLines(double *x, int nx, double *y, int ny,    // GEcontourLines unused
      double *z, double *levels, int nl);
double R_GE_VStrWidth(const char *s, cetype_t enc, const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd); // R_GE_VStrWidth unused
double R_GE_VStrHeight(const char *s, cetype_t enc, const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd); // R_GE_VStrHeight unused
void R_GE_VText(double x, double y, const char * const s, cetype_t enc, // R_GE_VText unused
  double x_justify, double y_justify, double rotation,
  const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd);
pGEDevDesc GEcurrentDevice(void);                            // GEcurrentDevice used 9 times in RSVGTipsDevice, tikzDevice, cairoDevice
Rboolean GEdeviceDirty(pGEDevDesc dd);                       // GEdeviceDirty unused
void GEdirtyDevice(pGEDevDesc dd);                           // GEdirtyDevice unused
Rboolean GEcheckState(pGEDevDesc dd);                        // GEcheckState unused
Rboolean GErecording(SEXP call, pGEDevDesc dd);              // GErecording unused
void GErecordGraphicOperation(SEXP op, SEXP args, pGEDevDesc dd); // GErecordGraphicOperation unused
void GEinitDisplayList(pGEDevDesc dd);                       // GEinitDisplayList used 8 times in RSVGTipsDevice, Cairo, RSvgDevice, JavaGD, rvg, svglite
void GEplayDisplayList(pGEDevDesc dd);                       // GEplayDisplayList used 5 times in Cairo, JavaGD, cairoDevice
void GEcopyDisplayList(int fromDevice);                      // GEcopyDisplayList unused
SEXP GEcreateSnapshot(pGEDevDesc dd);                        // GEcreateSnapshot used 1 times in Cairo
void GEplaySnapshot(SEXP snapshot, pGEDevDesc dd);           // GEplaySnapshot unused
void GEonExit(void);                                         // GEonExit unused
void GEnullDevice(void);                                     // GEnullDevice unused
SEXP Rf_CreateAtVector(double*, double*, int, Rboolean);     // Rf_CreateAtVector unused
                                                             // CreateAtVector unused
void Rf_GAxisPars(double *min, double *max, int *n, Rboolean log, int axis); // Rf_GAxisPars unused
                                                             // GAxisPars unused

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Lapack.h
extern void ilaver_(int *major, int *minor, int *patch);     // ilaver_ used 2 times in ltsk
extern "C" {
extern void
dbdsqr_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* ncvt,
   const int* nru, const int* ncc, double* d, double* e,
   double* vt, const int* ldvt, double* u, const int* ldu,
   double* c, const int* ldc, double* work, int* info);
extern void
ddisna_(const char* job, const int* m, const int* n,
   double* d, double* sep, int* info);
extern void
dgbbrd_(const char* vect, const int* m, const int* n,
   const int* ncc, const int* kl, const int* ku,
   double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* d, double* e, double* q,
   const int* ldq, double* Rf_pt, const int* ldpt,
   double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgbcon_(const char* norm, const int* n, const int* kl,
   const int* ku, double* ab, const int* ldab,
   int* ipiv, const double* anorm, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgbequ_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* kl, const int* ku,
   double* ab, const int* ldab, double* r, double* c,
   double* rowcnd, double* colcnd, double* amax, int* info);
extern void
dgbrfs_(const char* trans, const int* n, const int* kl,
   const int* ku, const int* nrhs, double* ab,
   const int* ldab, double* afb, const int* ldafb,
   int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx, double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgbsv_(const int* n, const int* kl,const int* ku,
  const int* nrhs, double* ab, const int* ldab,
  int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dgbsvx_(const int* fact, const char* trans,
   const int* n, const int* kl,const int* ku,
   const int* nrhs, double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* afb, const int* ldafb, int* ipiv,
   const char* equed, double* r, double* c,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* rcond, double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgbtf2_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* kl,const int* ku,
   double* ab, const int* ldab, int* ipiv, int* info);
extern void
dgbtrf_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* kl,const int* ku,
    double* ab, const int* ldab, int* ipiv, int* info);
extern void
dgbtrs_(const char* trans, const int* n,
   const int* kl, const int* ku, const int* nrhs,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab, const int* ipiv,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dgebak_(const char* job, const char* side, const int* n,
   const int* ilo, const int* ihi, double* scale,
   const int* m, double* v, const int* ldv, int* info);
extern void
dgebal_(const char* job, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
    int* ilo, int* ihi, double* scale, int* info);
extern void
dgebd2_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* d, double* e, double* tauq, double* taup,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgebrd_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* d, double* e, double* tauq, double* taup,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgecon_(const char* norm, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* anorm, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgeequ_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* r, double* c, double* rowcnd, double* colcnd,
   double* amax, int* info);
extern void
dgees_(const char* jobvs, const char* sort,
  int (*select)(const double*, const double*),
  const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
  int* sdim, double* wr, double* wi,
  double* vs, const int* ldvs,
  double* work, const int* lwork, int* bwork, int* info);
extern void
dgeesx_(const char* jobvs, const char* sort,
   int (*select)(const double*, const double*),
   const char* sense, const int* n, double* a,
   const int* lda, int* sdim, double* wr, double* wi,
   double* vs, const int* ldvs, double* rconde,
   double* rcondv, double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, const int* liwork, int* bwork, int* info);
extern void
dgeev_(const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr,
  const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
  double* wr, double* wi, double* vl, const int* ldvl,
  double* vr, const int* ldvr,
  double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgeevx_(const char* balanc, const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr,
   const char* sense, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* wr, double* wi, double* vl, const int* ldvl,
   double* vr, const int* ldvr, int* ilo, int* ihi,
   double* scale, double* abnrm, double* rconde, double* rcondv,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgegv_(const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr,
  const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
  double* b, const int* ldb,
  double* alphar, double* alphai,
  const double* Rf_beta, double* vl, const int* ldvl,
  double* vr, const int* ldvr,
  double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgehd2_(const int* n, const int* ilo, const int* ihi,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* tau,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgehrd_(const int* n, const int* ilo, const int* ihi,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* tau,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgelq2_(const int* m, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* tau,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgelqf_(const int* m, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* tau,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgels_(const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n,
  const int* nrhs, double* a, const int* lda,
  double* b, const int* ldb,
  double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgelss_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* s, double* rcond, int* rank,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgelsy_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* b, const int* ldb,
   int* jpvt, const double* rcond, int* rank,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgeql2_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* tau, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgeqlf_(const int* m, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* tau,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgeqp3_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   int* jpvt, double* tau, double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* info);
extern void
dgeqpf_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   int* jpvt, double* tau, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgeqr2_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* tau, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgeqrf_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* tau, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgerfs_(const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* af, const int* ldaf,
   int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx, double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgerq2_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* tau, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgerqf_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* tau, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgesv_(const int* n, const int* nrhs, double* a, const int* lda,
  int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dgesvd_(const char* jobu, const char* jobvt, const int* m,
   const int* n, double* a, const int* lda, double* s,
   double* u, const int* ldu, double* vt, const int* ldvt,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgesvx_(const char* fact, const char* trans, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* af, const int* ldaf, int* ipiv,
   char *equed, double* r, double* c,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* rcond, double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgetf2_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   int* ipiv, int* info);
extern void
dgetrf_(const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   int* ipiv, int* info);
extern void
dgetri_(const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   int* ipiv, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgetrs_(const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* a, const int* lda, const int* ipiv,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dggbak_(const char* job, const char* side,
   const int* n, const int* ilo, const int* ihi,
   double* lscale, double* rscale, const int* m,
   double* v, const int* ldv, int* info);
extern void
dggbal_(const char* job, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* ilo, int* ihi,
   double* lscale, double* rscale, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dgges_(const char* jobvsl, const char* jobvsr, const char* sort,
  int (*delztg)(double*, double*, double*),
  const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
  double* b, const int* ldb, double* alphar,
  double* alphai, const double* Rf_beta,
  double* vsl, const int* ldvsl,
  double* vsr, const int* ldvsr,
  double* work, const int* lwork, int* bwork, int* info);
extern void
dggglm_(const int* n, const int* m, const int* p,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* d, double* x, double* y,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dgghrd_(const char* compq, const char* compz, const int* n,
   const int* ilo, const int* ihi, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb, double* q, const int* ldq,
   double* z, const int* ldz, int* info);
extern void
dgglse_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* p,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* c, double* d, double* x,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dggqrf_(const int* n, const int* m, const int* p,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* taua,
   double* b, const int* ldb, double* taub,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dggrqf_(const int* m, const int* p, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* taua,
   double* b, const int* ldb, double* taub,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dggsvd_(const char* jobu, const char* jobv, const char* jobq,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* p,
   const int* k, const int* l,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   const double* alpha, const double* Rf_beta,
   double* u, const int* ldu,
   double* v, const int* ldv,
   double* q, const int* ldq,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgtcon_(const char* norm, const int* n, double* dl, double* d,
   double* du, double* du2, int* ipiv, const double* anorm,
   double* rcond, double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgtrfs_(const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   double* dl, double* d, double* du, double* dlf,
   double* Rf_df, double* duf, double* du2,
   int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgtsv_(const int* n, const int* nrhs,
  double* dl, double* d, double* du,
  double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dgtsvx_(const int* fact, const char* trans,
   const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   double* dl, double* d, double* du,
   double* dlf, double* Rf_df, double* duf,
   double* du2, int* ipiv,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* rcond, double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dgttrf_(const int* n, double* dl, double* d,
   double* du, double* du2, int* ipiv, int* info);
extern void
dgttrs_(const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   double* dl, double* d, double* du, double* du2,
   int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dopgtr_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const double* ap, const double* tau,
   double* q, const int* ldq,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dopmtr_(const char* side, const char* uplo,
   const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* ap, const double* tau,
   double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dorg2l_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dorg2r_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dorgbr_(const char* vect, const int* m,
   const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* work,
   const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dorghr_(const int* n, const int* ilo, const int* ihi,
   double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dorgl2_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dorglq_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* work,
   const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dorgql_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* work,
   const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dorgqr_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dorgr2_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dorgrq_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dorgtr_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dorm2l_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dorm2r_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* c, const int* ldc, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dormbr_(const char* vect, const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dormhr_(const char* side, const char* trans, const int* m,
   const int* n, const int* ilo, const int* ihi,
   const double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dorml2_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda, const double* tau,
   double* c, const int* ldc, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dormlq_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dormql_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dormqr_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dormr2_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dormrq_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dormtr_(const char* side, const char* uplo,
   const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* tau, double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dpbcon_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* kd,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab,
   const double* anorm, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dpbequ_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* kd,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* s, double* scond, double* amax, int* info);
extern void
dpbrfs_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* kd, const int* nrhs,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab,
   const double* afb, const int* ldafb,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dpbstf_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* kd,
   double* ab, const int* ldab, int* info);
extern void
dpbsv_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
  const int* kd, const int* nrhs,
  double* ab, const int* ldab,
  double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dpbsvx_(const int* fact, const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* kd, const int* nrhs,
   double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* afb, const int* ldafb,
   char* equed, double* s,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx, double* rcond,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dpbtf2_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* kd,
   double* ab, const int* ldab, int* info);
extern void
dpbtrf_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* kd,
   double* ab, const int* ldab, int* info);
extern void
dpbtrs_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* kd, const int* nrhs,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dpocon_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* anorm, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dpoequ_(const int* n, const double* a, const int* lda,
   double* s, double* scond, double* amax, int* info);
extern void
dporfs_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* af, const int* ldaf,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dposv_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
  double* a, const int* lda,
  double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dposvx_(const int* fact, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* af, const int* ldaf, char* equed,
   double* s, double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx, double* rcond,
   double* ferr, double* berr, double* work,
   int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dpotf2_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* info);
extern void
dpotrf_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* info);
extern void
dpotri_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* info);
extern void
dpotrs_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs, const double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dppcon_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const double* ap, const double* anorm, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dppequ_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const double* ap, double* s, double* scond,
   double* amax, int* info);
extern void
dpprfs_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* ap, const double* afp,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dppsv_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
  const int* nrhs, const double* ap,
  double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dppsvx_(const int* fact, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const int* nrhs, double* ap,
   double* afp, char* equed, double* s,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* rcond, double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dpptrf_(const char* uplo, const int* n, double* ap, int* info);
extern void
dpptri_(const char* uplo, const int* n, double* ap, int* info);
extern void
dpptrs_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs, const double* ap,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dptcon_(const int* n,
   const double* d, const double* e,
   const double* anorm, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dpteqr_(const char* compz, const int* n, double* d,
   double* e, double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dptrfs_(const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* d, const double* e,
   const double* Rf_df, const double* ef,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dptsv_(const int* n, const int* nrhs, double* d,
  double* e, double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dptsvx_(const int* fact, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs,
   const double* d, const double* e,
   double* Rf_df, double* ef,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx, double* rcond,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dpttrf_(const int* n, double* d, double* e, int* info);
extern void
dpttrs_(const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* d, const double* e,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
drscl_(const int* n, const double* da,
  double* x, const int* incx);
extern void
dsbev_(const char* jobz, const char* uplo,
  const int* n, const int* kd,
  double* ab, const int* ldab,
  double* w, double* z, const int* ldz,
  double* work, int* info);
extern void
dsbevd_(const char* jobz, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const int* kd,
   double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* w, double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, const int* liwork, int* info);
extern void
dsbevx_(const char* jobz, const char* range,
   const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* kd,
   double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* q, const int* ldq,
   const double* vl, const double* vu,
   const int* il, const int* iu,
   const double* abstol,
   int* m, double* w,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, int* iwork,
   int* ifail, int* info);
extern void
dsbgst_(const char* vect, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const int* ka, const int* kb,
   double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* bb, const int* ldbb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dsbgv_(const char* jobz, const char* uplo,
  const int* n, const int* ka, const int* kb,
  double* ab, const int* ldab,
  double* bb, const int* ldbb,
  double* w, double* z, const int* ldz,
  double* work, int* info);
extern void
dsbtrd_(const char* vect, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const int* kd,
   double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* d, double* e,
   double* q, const int* ldq,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dspcon_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const double* ap, const int* ipiv,
   const double* anorm, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dspev_(const char* jobz, const char* uplo, const int* n,
  double* ap, double* w, double* z, const int* ldz,
  double* work, int* info);
extern void
dspevd_(const char* jobz, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, double* ap, double* w,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, const int* liwork, int* info);
extern void
dspevx_(const char* jobz, const char* range,
   const char* uplo, const int* n, double* ap,
   const double* vl, const double* vu,
   const int* il, const int* iu,
   const double* abstol,
   int* m, double* w,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, int* iwork,
   int* ifail, int* info);
extern void
dspgst_(const int* itype, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, double* ap, double* bp, int* info);
extern void
dspgv_(const int* itype, const char* jobz,
  const char* uplo, const int* n,
  double* ap, double* bp, double* w,
  double* z, const int* ldz,
  double* work, int* info);
extern void
dsprfs_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs, const double* ap,
   const double* afp, const int* ipiv,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dspsv_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
  const int* nrhs, double* ap, int* ipiv,
  double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dspsvx_(const int* fact, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* ap, double* afp, int* ipiv,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* rcond, double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dsptrd_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* ap, double* d, double* e,
   double* tau, int* info);
extern void
dsptrf_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* ap, int* ipiv, int* info);
extern void
dsptri_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* ap, const int* ipiv,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dsptrs_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs, const double* ap,
   const int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dstebz_(const char* range, const char* order, const int* n,
   const double* vl, const double* vu,
   const int* il, const int* iu,
   const double *abstol,
   const double* d, const double* e,
   int* m, int* nsplit, double* w,
   int* iblock, int* isplit,
   double* work, int* iwork,
   int* info);
extern void
dstedc_(const char* compz, const int* n,
   double* d, double* e,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, const int* liwork, int* info);
extern void
dstein_(const int* n, const double* d, const double* e,
   const int* m, const double* w,
   const int* iblock, const int* isplit,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, int* iwork,
   int* ifail, int* info);
extern void
dsteqr_(const char* compz, const int* n, double* d, double* e,
   double* z, const int* ldz, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dsterf_(const int* n, double* d, double* e, int* info);
extern void
dstev_(const char* jobz, const int* n,
  double* d, double* e,
  double* z, const int* ldz,
  double* work, int* info);
extern void
dstevd_(const char* jobz, const int* n,
   double* d, double* e,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, const int* liwork, int* info);
extern void
dstevx_(const char* jobz, const char* range,
   const int* n, double* d, double* e,
   const double* vl, const double* vu,
   const int* il, const int* iu,
   const double* abstol,
   int* m, double* w,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, int* iwork,
   int* ifail, int* info);
extern void
dsycon_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const int* ipiv,
   const double* anorm, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dsyev_(const char* jobz, const char* uplo,
  const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
  double* w, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dsyevd_(const char* jobz, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   double* w, double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, const int* liwork, int* info);
extern void
dsyevx_(const char* jobz, const char* range,
   const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* vl, const double* vu,
   const int* il, const int* iu,
   const double* abstol,
   int* m, double* w,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork,
   int* ifail, int* info);
extern void
dsyevr_(const char *jobz, const char *range, const char *uplo,
   const int *n, double *a, const int *lda,
   const double *vl, const double *vu,
   const int *il, const int *iu,
   const double *abstol, int *m, double *w,
   double *z, const int *ldz, int *isuppz,
   double *work, const int *lwork,
   int *iwork, const int *liwork,
   int *info);
extern void
dsygs2_(const int* itype, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dsygst_(const int* itype, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dsygv_(const int* itype, const char* jobz,
  const char* uplo, const int* n,
  double* a, const int* lda,
  double* b, const int* ldb,
  double* w, double* work, const int* lwork,
  int* info);
extern void
dsyrfs_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* af, const int* ldaf,
   const int* ipiv,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dsysv_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
  const int* nrhs,
  double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv,
  double* b, const int* ldb,
  double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dsysvx_(const int* fact, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   double* af, const int* ldaf, int* ipiv,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx, double* rcond,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dsytd2_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* d, double* e, double* tau,
   int* info);
extern void
dsytf2_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   int* ipiv, int* info);
extern void
dsytrd_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* d, double* e, double* tau,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dsytrf_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dsytri_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, const int* ipiv,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dsytrs_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const int* ipiv,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dtbcon_(const char* norm, const char* uplo,
   const char* diag, const int* n, const int* kd,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* rcond, double* work,
   int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dtbrfs_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const int* n, const int* kd,
   const int* nrhs,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dtbtrs_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const int* n,
   const int* kd, const int* nrhs,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dtgevc_(const char* side, const char* howmny,
   const int* select, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* vl, const int* ldvl,
   double* vr, const int* ldvr,
   const int* mm, int* m, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dtgsja_(const char* jobu, const char* jobv, const char* jobq,
   const int* m, const int* p, const int* n,
   const int* k, const int* l,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   const double* tola, const double* tolb,
   double* alpha, double* Rf_beta,
   double* u, const int* ldu,
   double* v, const int* ldv,
   double* q, const int* ldq,
   double* work, int* ncycle, int* info);
extern void
dtpcon_(const char* norm, const char* uplo,
   const char* diag, const int* n,
   const double* ap, double* rcond,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dtprfs_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs, const double* ap,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dtptri_(const char* uplo, const char* diag,
   const int* n, double* ap, int* info);
extern void
dtptrs_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const int* n,
   const int* nrhs, const double* ap,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dtrcon_(const char* norm, const char* uplo,
   const char* diag, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   double* rcond, double* work,
   int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dtrevc_(const char* side, const char* howmny,
   const int* select, const int* n,
   const double* t, const int* ldt,
   double* vl, const int* ldvl,
   double* vr, const int* ldvr,
   const int* mm, int* m, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dtrexc_(const char* compq, const int* n,
   double* t, const int* ldt,
   double* q, const int* ldq,
   int* ifst, int* ILST,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dtrrfs_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* ferr, double* berr,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dtrsen_(const char* job, const char* compq,
   const int* select, const int* n,
   double* t, const int* ldt,
   double* q, const int* ldq,
   double* wr, double* wi,
   int* m, double* s, double* sep,
   double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, const int* liwork, int* info);
extern void
dtrsna_(const char* job, const char* howmny,
   const int* select, const int* n,
   const double* t, const int* ldt,
   const double* vl, const int* ldvl,
   const double* vr, const int* ldvr,
   double* s, double* sep, const int* mm,
   int* m, double* work, const int* lwork,
   int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dtrsyl_(const char* trana, const char* tranb,
   const int* isgn, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* scale, int* info);
extern void
dtrti2_(const char* uplo, const char* diag,
   const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   int* info);
extern void
dtrtri_(const char* uplo, const char* diag,
   const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   int* info);
extern void
dtrtrs_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
extern void
dtzrqf_(const int* m, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* tau, int* info);
extern void
dhgeqz_(const char* job, const char* compq, const char* compz,
   const int* n, const int *ILO, const int* IHI,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* alphar, double* alphai, const double* Rf_beta,
   double* q, const int* ldq,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dhsein_(const char* side, const char* eigsrc,
   const char* initv, int* select,
   const int* n, double* h, const int* ldh,
   double* wr, double* wi,
   double* vl, const int* ldvl,
   double* vr, const int* ldvr,
   const int* mm, int* m, double* work,
   int* ifaill, int* ifailr, int* info);
extern void
dhseqr_(const char* job, const char* compz, const int* n,
   const int* ilo, const int* ihi,
   double* h, const int* ldh,
   double* wr, double* wi,
   double* z, const int* ldz,
   double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
extern void
dlabad_(double* small, double* large);
extern void
dlabrd_(const int* m, const int* n, const int* nb,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* d, double* e,
   double* tauq, double* taup,
   double* x, const int* ldx, double* y, const int* ldy);
extern void
dlacon_(const int* n, double* v, double* x,
   int* isgn, double* est, int* kase);
extern void
dlacpy_(const char* uplo, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   double* b, const int* ldb);
extern void
dladiv_(const double* a, const double* b,
   const double* c, const double* d,
   double* p, double* q);
extern void
dlae2_(const double* a, const double* b, const double* c,
  double* rt1, double* rt2);
extern void
dlaebz_(const int* ijob, const int* nitmax, const int* n,
   const int* mmax, const int* minp, const int* nbmin,
   const double* abstol, const double* reltol,
   const double* pivmin, double* d, double* e,
   double* e2, int* nval, double* ab, double* c,
   int* mout, int* nab, double* work, int* iwork,
   int* info);
extern void
dlaed0_(const int* icompq, const int* qsiz, const int* n,
   double* d, double* e, double* q, const int* ldq,
   double* qstore, const int* ldqs,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dlaed1_(const int* n, double* d, double* q, const int* ldq,
   int* indxq, const double* rho, const int* cutpnt,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dlaed2_(const int* k, const int* n, double* d,
   double* q, const int* ldq, int* indxq,
   double* rho, double* z,
   double* dlamda, double* w, double* q2,
   int* indx, int* indxc, int* indxp,
   int* coltyp, int* info);
extern void
dlaed3_(const int* k, const int* n, const int* n1,
   double* d, double* q, const int* ldq,
   const double* rho, double* dlamda, double* q2,
   int* indx, int* ctot, double* w,
   double* s, int* info);
extern void
dlaed4_(const int* n, const int* i, const double* d,
   const double* z, const double* delta,
   const double* rho, double* dlam, int* info);
extern void
dlaed5_(const int* i, const double* d, const double* z,
   double* delta, const double* rho, double* dlam);
extern void
dlaed6_(const int* kniter, const int* orgati,
   const double* rho, const double* d,
   const double* z, const double* finit,
   double* tau, int* info);
extern void
dlaed7_(const int* icompq, const int* n,
   const int* qsiz, const int* tlvls,
   const int* curlvl, const int* curpbm,
   double* d, double* q, const int* ldq,
   int* indxq, const double* rho, const int* cutpnt,
   double* qstore, double* qptr, const int* prmptr,
   const int* perm, const int* givptr,
   const int* givcol, const double* givnum,
   double* work, int* iwork, int* info);
extern void
dlaed8_(const int* icompq, const int* k,
   const int* n, const int* qsiz,
   double* d, double* q, const int* ldq,
   const int* indxq, double* rho,
   const int* cutpnt, const double* z,
   double* dlamda, double* q2, const int* ldq2,
   double* w, int* perm, int* givptr,
   int* givcol, double* givnum, int* indxp,
   int* indx, int* info);
extern void
dlaed9_(const int* k, const int* kstart, const int* kstop,
   const int* n, double* d, double* q, const int* ldq,
   const double* rho, const double* dlamda,
   const double* w, double* s, const int* lds, int* info);
extern void
dlaeda_(const int* n, const int* tlvls, const int* curlvl,
   const int* curpbm, const int* prmptr, const int* perm,
   const int* givptr, const int* givcol,
   const double* givnum, const double* q,
   const int* qptr, double* z, double* ztemp, int* info);
extern void
dlaein_(const int* rightv, const int* noinit, const int* n,
   const double* h, const int* ldh,
   const double* wr, const double* wi,
   double* vr, double* vi,
   double* b, const int* ldb, double* work,
   const double* eps3, const double* smlnum,
   const double* bignum, int* info);
extern void
dlaev2_(const double* a, const double* b, const double* c,
   double* rt1, double* rt2, double* cs1, double *sn1);
extern void
dlaexc_(const int* wantq, const int* n, double* t, const int* ldt,
    double* q, const int* ldq, const int* j1,
   const int* n1, const int* n2, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dlag2_(const double* a, const int* lda, const double* b,
  const int* ldb, const double* safmin,
  double* scale1, double* scale2,
  double* wr1, double* wr2, double* wi);
extern void
dlags2_(const int* upper,
   const double* a1, const double* a2, const double* a3,
   const double* b1, const double* b2, const double* b3,
   double* csu, double* snu,
   double* csv, double* snv, double *csq, double *snq);
extern void
dlagtf_(const int* n, double* a, const double* lambda,
   double* b, double* c, const double *tol,
   double* d, int* in, int* info);
extern void
dlagtm_(const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
   const double* alpha, const double* dl,
   const double* d, const double* du,
   const double* x, const int* ldx, const double* Rf_beta,
   double* b, const int* ldb);
extern void
dlagts_(const int* job, const int* n,
   const double* a, const double* b,
   const double* c, const double* d,
   const int* in, double* y, double* tol, int* info);
extern void
dlahqr_(const int* wantt, const int* wantz, const int* n,
   const int* ilo, const int* ihi,
   double* H, const int* ldh, double* wr, double* wi,
   const int* iloz, const int* ihiz,
   double* z, const int* ldz, int* info);
extern void
dlahrd_(const int* n, const int* k, const int* nb,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* tau, double* t, const int* ldt,
   double* y, const int* ldy);
extern void
dlaic1_(const int* job, const int* j, const double* x,
   const double* sest, const double* w,
   const double* gamma, double* sestpr,
   double* s, double* c);
extern void
dlaln2_(const int* ltrans, const int* na, const int* nw,
   const double* smin, const double* ca,
   const double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* d1, const double* d2,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   const double* wr, const double* wi,
   double* x, const int* ldx, double* scale,
   double* xnorm, int* info);
extern double
dlamch_(const char* cmach);
extern void
dlamrg_(const int* n1, const int* n2, const double* a,
   const int* dtrd1, const int* dtrd2, int* index);
extern double
dlangb_(const char* norm, const int* n,
   const int* kl, const int* ku, const double* ab,
   const int* ldab, double* work);
extern double
dlange_(const char* norm, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda, double* work);
extern double
dlangt_(const char* norm, const int* n,
   const double* dl, const double* d,
   const double* du);
extern double
dlanhs_(const char* norm, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda, double* work);
extern double
dlansb_(const char* norm, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab, double* work);
extern double
dlansp_(const char* norm, const char* uplo,
   const int* n, const double* ap, double* work);
extern double
dlanst_(const char* norm, const int* n,
   const double* d, const double* e);
extern double
dlansy_(const char* norm, const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda, double* work);
extern double
dlantb_(const char* norm, const char* uplo,
   const char* diag, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab, double* work);
extern double
dlantp_(const char* norm, const char* uplo, const char* diag,
   const int* n, const double* ap, double* work);
extern double
dlantr_(const char* norm, const char* uplo,
   const char* diag, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* a, const int* lda, double* work);
extern void
dlanv2_(double* a, double* b, double* c, double* d,
   double* rt1r, double* rt1i, double* rt2r, double* rt2i,
   double* cs, double *sn);
extern void
dlapll_(const int* n, double* x, const int* incx,
   double* y, const int* incy, double* ssmin);
extern void
dlapmt_(const int* forwrd, const int* m, const int* n,
   double* x, const int* ldx, const int* k);
extern double
dlapy2_(const double* x, const double* y);
extern double
dlapy3_(const double* x, const double* y, const double* z);
extern void
dlaqgb_(const int* m, const int* n,
   const int* kl, const int* ku,
   double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* r, double* c,
   double* rowcnd, double* colcnd,
   const double* amax, char* equed);
extern void
dlaqge_(const int* m, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   double* r, double* c,
   double* rowcnd, double* colcnd,
   const double* amax, char* equed);
extern void
dlaqsb_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* kd,
   double* ab, const int* ldab, const double* s,
   const double* scond, const double* amax, char* equed);
extern void
dlaqsp_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* ap, const double* s, const double* scond,
   const double* amax, int* equed);
extern void
dlaqsy_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda,
   const double* s, const double* scond,
   const double* amax, int* equed);
extern void
dlaqtr_(const int* ltran, const int* lreal, const int* n,
   const double* t, const int* ldt,
   const double* b, const double* w,
   double* scale, double* x, double* work, int* info);
extern void
dlar2v_(const int* n, double* x, double* y,
   double* z, const int* incx,
   const double* c, const double* s,
   const int* incc);
extern void
dlarf_(const char* side, const int* m, const int* n,
  const double* v, const int* incv, const double* tau,
  double* c, const int* ldc, double* work);
extern void
dlarfb_(const char* side, const char* trans,
   const char* direct, const char* storev,
   const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
   const double* v, const int* ldv,
   const double* t, const int* ldt,
   double* c, const int* ldc,
   double* work, const int* lwork);
extern void
dlarfg_(const int* n, const double* alpha,
   double* x, const int* incx, double* tau);
extern void
dlarft_(const char* direct, const char* storev,
   const int* n, const int* k, double* v, const int* ldv,
   const double* tau, double* t, const int* ldt);
extern void
dlarfx_(const char* side, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* v, const double* tau,
   double* c, const int* ldc, double* work);
extern void
dlargv_(const int* n, double* x, const int* incx,
   double* y, const int* incy, double* c, const int* incc);
extern void
dlarnv_(const int* idist, int* iseed, const int* n, double* x);
extern void
dlartg_(const double* f, const double* g, double* cs,
   double* sn, double *r);
extern void
dlartv_(const int* n, double* x, const int* incx,
   double* y, const int* incy,
   const double* c, const double* s,
   const int* incc);
extern void
dlaruv_(int* iseed, const int* n, double* x);
extern void
dlas2_(const double* f, const double* g, const double* h,
   double* ssmin, double* ssmax);
extern void
dlascl_(const char* type,
   const int* kl,const int* ku,
   double* cfrom, double* cto,
   const int* m, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* info);
extern void
dlaset_(const char* uplo, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* alpha, const double* Rf_beta,
   double* a, const int* lda);
extern void
dlasq1_(const int* n, double* d, double* e,
   double* work, int* info);
extern void
dlasq2_(const int* m, double* q, double* e,
   double* qq, double* ee, const double* eps,
   const double* tol2, const double* small2,
   double* sup, int* kend, int* info);
extern void
dlasq3_(int* n, double* q, double* e, double* qq,
   double* ee, double* sup, double *sigma,
   int* kend, int* off, int* iphase,
   const int* iconv, const double* eps,
   const double* tol2, const double* small2);
extern void
dlasq4_(const int* n, const double* q, const double* e,
   double* tau, double* sup);
extern void
dlasr_(const char* side, const char* pivot,
  const char* direct, const int* m, const int* n,
  const double* c, const double* s,
  double* a, const int* lda);
extern void
dlasrt_(const char* id, const int* n, double* d, int* info);
extern void
dlassq_(const int* n, const double* x, const int* incx,
   double* scale, double* sumsq);
extern void
dlasv2_(const double* f, const double* g, const double* h,
   double* ssmin, double* ssmax, double* snr, double* csr,
   double* snl, double* csl);
extern void
dlaswp_(const int* n, double* a, const int* lda,
   const int* k1, const int* k2,
   const int* ipiv, const int* incx);
extern void
dlasy2_(const int* ltranl, const int* ltranr,
   const int* isgn, const int* n1, const int* n2,
   const double* tl, const int* ldtl,
   const double* tr, const int* ldtr,
   const double* b, const int* ldb,
   double* scale, double* x, const int* ldx,
   double* xnorm, int* info);
extern void
dlasyf_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   const int* nb, const int* kb,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv,
   double* w, const int* ldw, int* info);
extern void
dlatbs_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const char* normin,
   const int* n, const int* kd,
   const double* ab, const int* ldab,
   double* x, double* scale, double* cnorm, int* info);
extern void
dlatps_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const char* normin,
   const int* n, const double* ap,
   double* x, double* scale, double* cnorm, int* info);
extern void
dlatrd_(const char* uplo, const int* n, const int* nb,
   double* a, const int* lda, double* e, double* tau,
   double* w, const int* ldw);
extern void
dlatrs_(const char* uplo, const char* trans,
   const char* diag, const char* normin,
   const int* n, const double* a, const int* lda,
   double* x, double* scale, double* cnorm, int* info);
extern void
dlatzm_(const char* side, const int* m, const int* n,
   const double* v, const int* incv,
   const double* tau, double* c1, double* c2,
   const int* ldc, double* work);
extern void
dlauu2_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* info);
extern void
dlauum_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* info);
extern int
izmax1_(const int *n, Rcomplex *cx, const int *incx);
extern void
zgecon_(const char *norm, const int *n,
   const Rcomplex *a, const int *lda,
   const double *anorm, double *rcond,
   Rcomplex *work, double *rwork, int *info);
extern void
zgesv_(const int *n, const int *nrhs, Rcomplex *a,
  const int *lda, int *ipiv, Rcomplex *b,
  const int *ldb, int *info);
extern void
zgeqp3_(const int *m, const int *n,
   Rcomplex *a, const int *lda,
   int *jpvt, Rcomplex *tau,
   Rcomplex *work, const int *lwork,
   double *rwork, int *info);
extern void
zunmqr_(const char *side, const char *trans,
   const int *m, const int *n, const int *k,
   Rcomplex *a, const int *lda,
   Rcomplex *tau,
   Rcomplex *c, const int *ldc,
   Rcomplex *work, const int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
ztrtrs_(const char *uplo, const char *trans, const char *diag,
   const int *n, const int *nrhs,
   Rcomplex *a, const int *lda,
   Rcomplex *b, const int *ldb, int *info);
extern void
zgesvd_(const char *jobu, const char *jobvt,
   const int *m, const int *n,
   Rcomplex *a, const int *lda, double *s,
   Rcomplex *u, const int *ldu,
   Rcomplex *vt, const int *ldvt,
   Rcomplex *work, const int *lwork, double *rwork,
   int *info);
extern void
zheev_(const char *jobz, const char *uplo,
  const int *n, Rcomplex *a, const int *lda,
  double *w, Rcomplex *work, const int *lwork,
  double *rwork, int *info);
extern void
zgeev_(const char *jobvl, const char *jobvr,
  const int *n, Rcomplex *a, const int *lda,
  Rcomplex *wr, Rcomplex *vl, const int *ldvl,
  Rcomplex *vr, const int *ldvr,
  Rcomplex *work, const int *lwork,
  double *rwork, int *info);
extern double
dzsum1_(const int *n, Rcomplex *CX, const int *incx);
extern void
zlacn2_(const int *n, Rcomplex *v, Rcomplex *x,
                 double *est, int *kase, int *isave);
extern double
zlantr_(const char *norm, const char *uplo, const char *diag,
   const int *m, const int *n, Rcomplex *a,
   const int *lda, double *work);
extern void
dbdsdc_(char *uplo, char *compq, int *n, double *
 d, double *e, double *u, int *ldu, double *vt,
 int *ldvt, double *q, int *iq, double *work, int * iwork, int *info);
extern void
dgegs_(char *jobvsl, char *jobvsr, int *n,
 double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, double *
 alphar, double *alphai, double *Rf_beta, double *vsl,
 int *ldvsl, double *vsr, int *ldvsr, double *work,
 int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
dgelsd_(int *m, int *n, int *nrhs,
 double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, double *
 s, double *rcond, int *rank, double *work, int *lwork,
  int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
dgelsx_(int *m, int *n, int *nrhs,
 double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, int *
 jpvt, double *rcond, int *rank, double *work, int *
extern void
dgesc2_(int *n, double *a, int *lda,
 double *rhs, int *ipiv, int *jpiv, double *scale);
extern void
dgesdd_(const char *jobz,
   const int *m, const int *n,
   double *a, const int *lda, double *s,
   double *u, const int *ldu,
   double *vt, const int *ldvt,
   double *work, const int *lwork, int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
dgetc2_(int *n, double *a, int *lda, int
 *ipiv, int *jpiv, int *info);
typedef int (*L_fp)();
extern void
dggesx_(char *jobvsl, char *jobvsr, char *sort, L_fp
 delctg, char *sense, int *n, double *a, int *lda,
 double *b, int *ldb, int *sdim, double *alphar,
 double *alphai, double *Rf_beta, double *vsl, int *ldvsl,
  double *vsr, int *ldvsr, double *rconde, double *
 rcondv, double *work, int *lwork, int *iwork, int *
 liwork, int *bwork, int *info);
extern void
dggev_(char *jobvl, char *jobvr, int *n, double *
 a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, double *alphar,
 double *alphai, double *Rf_beta, double *vl, int *ldvl,
 double *vr, int *ldvr, double *work, int *lwork,
 int *info);
extern void
dggevx_(char *balanc, char *jobvl, char *jobvr, char *
 sense, int *n, double *a, int *lda, double *b,
 int *ldb, double *alphar, double *alphai, double *
 Rf_beta, double *vl, int *ldvl, double *vr, int *ldvr,
 int *ilo, int *ihi, double *lscale, double *rscale,
 double *abnrm, double *bbnrm, double *rconde, double *
 rcondv, double *work, int *lwork, int *iwork, int *
 bwork, int *info);
extern void
dggsvp_(char *jobu, char *jobv, char *jobq, int *m,
 int *p, int *n, double *a, int *lda, double *b,
 int *ldb, double *tola, double *tolb, int *k, int
 *l, double *u, int *ldu, double *v, int *ldv,
 double *q, int *ldq, int *iwork, double *tau,
 double *work, int *info);
extern void
dgtts2_(int *itrans, int *n, int *nrhs,
 double *dl, double *d, double *du, double *du2,
 int *ipiv, double *b, int *ldb);
extern void
dlagv2_(double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, double *alphar,
   double *alphai, double * Rf_beta, double *csl, double *snl,
   double *csr, double * snr);
extern void
dlals0_(int *icompq, int *nl, int *nr,
 int *sqre, int *nrhs, double *b, int *ldb, double
 *bx, int *ldbx, int *perm, int *givptr, int *givcol,
 int *ldgcol, double *givnum, int *ldgnum, double *
 poles, double *difl, double *difr, double *z, int *
 k, double *c, double *s, double *work, int *info);
extern void
dlalsa_(int *icompq, int *smlsiz, int *n,
 int *nrhs, double *b, int *ldb, double *bx, int *
 ldbx, double *u, int *ldu, double *vt, int *k,
 double *difl, double *difr, double *z, double *
 poles, int *givptr, int *givcol, int *ldgcol, int *
 perm, double *givnum, double *c, double *s, double *
 work, int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
dlalsd_(char *uplo, int *smlsiz, int *n, int
 *nrhs, double *d, double *e, double *b, int *ldb,
 double *rcond, int *rank, double *work, int *iwork,
 int *info);
extern void
dlamc1_(int *Rf_beta, int *t, int *rnd, int
extern void
dlamc2_(int *Rf_beta, int *t, int *rnd,
 double *eps, int *emin, double *rmin, int *emax,
 double *rmax);
extern double
dlamc3_(double *a, double *b);
extern void
dlamc4_(int *emin, double *start, int *base);
extern void
dlamc5_(int *Rf_beta, int *p, int *emin,
 int *ieee, int *emax, double *rmax);
extern void
dlaqp2_(int *m, int *n, int *offset,
 double *a, int *lda, int *jpvt, double *tau,
 double *vn1, double *vn2, double *work);
extern void
dlaqps_(int *m, int *n, int *offset, int
 *nb, int *kb, double *a, int *lda, int *jpvt,
 double *tau, double *vn1, double *vn2, double *auxv,
 double *f, int *ldf);
extern void
dlar1v_(int *n, int *b1, int *bn, double
 *sigma, double *d, double *l, double *ld, double *
 lld, double *gersch, double *z, double *ztz, double
 *mingma, int *r, int *isuppz, double *work);
extern void
dlarrb_(int *n, double *d, double *l,
 double *ld, double *lld, int *ifirst, int *ilast,
 double *sigma, double *reltol, double *w, double *
 wgap, double *werr, double *work, int *iwork, int *
extern void
dlarre_(int *n, double *d, double *e,
 double *tol, int *nsplit, int *isplit, int *m,
 double *w, double *woff, double *gersch, double *work,
  int *info);
extern void
dlarrf_(int *n, double *d, double *l,
 double *ld, double *lld, int *ifirst, int *ilast,
 double *w, double *dplus, double *lplus, double *work,
  int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
dlarrv_(int *n, double *d, double *l,
 int *isplit, int *m, double *w, int *iblock,
 double *gersch, double *tol, double *z, int *ldz,
 int *isuppz, double *work, int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
dlarz_(char *side, int *m, int *n, int *l,
 double *v, int *incv, double *tau, double *c,
 int *ldc, double *work);
extern void
dlarzb_(char *side, char *trans, char *direct, char *
 storev, int *m, int *n, int *k, int *l, double *v,
  int *ldv, double *t, int *ldt, double *c, int *
 ldc, double *work, int *ldwork);
extern void
dlarzt_(char *direct, char *storev, int *n, int *
 k, double *v, int *ldv, double *tau, double *t,
 int *ldt);
extern void
dlasd0_(int *n, int *sqre, double *d,
 double *e, double *u, int *ldu, double *vt, int *
 ldvt, int *smlsiz, int *iwork, double *work, int *
extern void
dlasd1_(int *nl, int *nr, int *sqre,
 double *d, double *alpha, double *Rf_beta, double *u,
 int *ldu, double *vt, int *ldvt, int *idxq, int *
 iwork, double *work, int *info);
extern void
dlasd2_(int *nl, int *nr, int *sqre, int
 *k, double *d, double *z, double *alpha, double *
 Rf_beta, double *u, int *ldu, double *vt, int *ldvt,
 double *dsigma, double *u2, int *ldu2, double *vt2,
 int *ldvt2, int *idxp, int *idx, int *idxc, int *
 idxq, int *coltyp, int *info);
extern void
dlasd3_(int *nl, int *nr, int *sqre, int
 *k, double *d, double *q, int *ldq, double *dsigma,
 double *u, int *ldu, double *u2, int *ldu2,
 double *vt, int *ldvt, double *vt2, int *ldvt2,
 int *idxc, int *ctot, double *z, int *info);
extern void
dlasd4_(int *n, int *i, double *d,
 double *z, double *delta, double *rho, double *
 sigma, double *work, int *info);
extern void
dlasd5_(int *i, double *d, double *z,
 double *delta, double *rho, double *dsigma, double *
extern void
dlasd6_(int *icompq, int *nl, int *nr,
 int *sqre, double *d, double *vf, double *vl,
 double *alpha, double *Rf_beta, int *idxq, int *perm,
 int *givptr, int *givcol, int *ldgcol, double *givnum,
  int *ldgnum, double *poles, double *difl, double *
 difr, double *z, int *k, double *c, double *s,
 double *work, int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
dlasd7_(int *icompq, int *nl, int *nr,
 int *sqre, int *k, double *d, double *z,
 double *zw, double *vf, double *vfw, double *vl,
 double *vlw, double *alpha, double *Rf_beta, double *
 dsigma, int *idx, int *idxp, int *idxq, int *perm,
 int *givptr, int *givcol, int *ldgcol, double *givnum,
  int *ldgnum, double *c, double *s, int *info);
extern void
dlasd8_(int *icompq, int *k, double *d,
 double *z, double *vf, double *vl, double *difl,
 double *difr, int *lddifr, double *dsigma, double *
 work, int *info);
extern void
dlasd9_(int *icompq, int *ldu, int *k,
 double *d, double *z, double *vf, double *vl,
 double *difl, double *difr, double *dsigma, double *
 work, int *info);
extern void
dlasda_(int *icompq, int *smlsiz, int *n,
 int *sqre, double *d, double *e, double *u, int
 *ldu, double *vt, int *k, double *difl, double *difr,
 double *z, double *poles, int *givptr, int *givcol,
 int *ldgcol, int *perm, double *givnum, double *c,
 double *s, double *work, int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
dlasdq_(char *uplo, int *sqre, int *n, int *
 ncvt, int *nru, int *ncc, double *d, double *e,
 double *vt, int *ldvt, double *u, int *ldu,
 double *c, int *ldc, double *work, int *info);
extern void
dlasdt_(int *n, int *lvl, int *nd, int *
 inode, int *ndiml, int *ndimr, int *msub);
extern void
dlasq5_(int *i0, int *n0, double *z,
 int *pp, double *tau, double *dmin, double *dmin1,
 double *dmin2, double *dn, double *dnm1, double *dnm2,
  int *ieee);
extern void
dlasq6_(int *i0, int *n0, double *z,
 int *pp, double *dmin, double *dmin1, double *dmin2,
  double *dn, double *dnm1, double *dnm2);
extern void
dlatdf_(int *ijob, int *n, double *z,
 int *ldz, double *rhs, double *rdsum, double *rdscal,
 int *ipiv, int *jpiv);
extern void
dlatrz_(int *m, int *n, int *l, double *
 a, int *lda, double *tau, double *work);
extern void
dormr3_(char *side, char *trans, int *m, int *n,
 int *k, int *l, double *a, int *lda, double *tau,
 double *c, int *ldc, double *work, int *info);
extern void
dormrz_(char *side, char *trans, int *m, int *n,
 int *k, int *l, double *a, int *lda, double *tau,
 double *c, int *ldc, double *work, int *lwork,
 int *info);
extern void
dptts2_(int *n, int *nrhs, double *d,
 double *e, double *b, int *ldb);
extern void
dsbgvd_(char *jobz, char *uplo, int *n, int *ka,
 int *kb, double *ab, int *ldab, double *bb, int *
 ldbb, double *w, double *z, int *ldz, double *work,
 int *lwork, int *iwork, int *liwork, int *info);
extern void
dsbgvx_(char *jobz, char *range, char *uplo, int *n,
 int *ka, int *kb, double *ab, int *ldab, double *
 bb, int *ldbb, double *q, int *ldq, double *vl,
 double *vu, int *il, int *iu, double *abstol, int
 *m, double *w, double *z, int *ldz, double *work,
 int *iwork, int *ifail, int *info);
extern void
dspgvd_(int *itype, char *jobz, char *uplo, int *
 n, double *ap, double *bp, double *w, double *z,
 int *ldz, double *work, int *lwork, int *iwork,
 int *liwork, int *info);
extern void
dspgvx_(int *itype, char *jobz, char *range, char *
 uplo, int *n, double *ap, double *bp, double *vl,
 double *vu, int *il, int *iu, double *abstol, int
 *m, double *w, double *z, int *ldz, double *work,
 int *iwork, int *ifail, int *info);
extern void
dstegr_(char *jobz, char *range, int *n, double *
 d, double *e, double *vl, double *vu, int *il,
 int *iu, double *abstol, int *m, double *w,
 double *z, int *ldz, int *isuppz, double *work,
 int *lwork, int *iwork, int *liwork, int *info);
extern void
dstevr_(char *jobz, char *range, int *n, double *
 d, double *e, double *vl, double *vu, int *il,
 int *iu, double *abstol, int *m, double *w,
 double *z, int *ldz, int *isuppz, double *work,
 int *lwork, int *iwork, int *liwork, int *info);
extern void
dsygvd_(int *itype, char *jobz, char *uplo, int *
 n, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb,
 double *w, double *work, int *lwork, int *iwork,
 int *liwork, int *info);
extern void
dsygvx_(int *itype, char *jobz, char *range, char *
 uplo, int *n, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int
 *ldb, double *vl, double *vu, int *il, int *iu,
 double *abstol, int *m, double *w, double *z,
 int *ldz, double *work, int *lwork, int *iwork,
 int *ifail, int *info);
extern void
dtgex2_(int *wantq, int *wantz, int *n,
 double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, double *
 q, int *ldq, double *z, int *ldz, int *j1, int *
 n1, int *n2, double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
dtgexc_(int *wantq, int *wantz, int *n,
 double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb, double *
 q, int *ldq, double *z, int *ldz, int *ifst,
 int *ilst, double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
dtgsen_(int *ijob, int *wantq, int *wantz,
 int *select, int *n, double *a, int *lda, double *
 b, int *ldb, double *alphar, double *alphai, double *
 Rf_beta, double *q, int *ldq, double *z, int *ldz,
 int *m, double *pl, double *pr, double *dif,
 double *work, int *lwork, int *iwork, int *liwork,
 int *info);
extern void
dtgsna_(char *job, char *howmny, int *select,
 int *n, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb,
 double *vl, int *ldvl, double *vr, int *ldvr,
 double *s, double *dif, int *mm, int *m, double *
 work, int *lwork, int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
dtgsy2_(char *trans, int *ijob, int *m, int *
 n, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb,
 double *c, int *ldc, double *d, int *ldd,
 double *e, int *lde, double *f, int *ldf, double *
 scale, double *rdsum, double *rdscal, int *iwork, int
 *pq, int *info);
extern void
dtgsyl_(char *trans, int *ijob, int *m, int *
 n, double *a, int *lda, double *b, int *ldb,
 double *c, int *ldc, double *d, int *ldd,
 double *e, int *lde, double *f, int *ldf, double *
 scale, double *dif, double *work, int *lwork, int *
 iwork, int *info);
extern void
dtzrzf_(int *m, int *n, double *a, int *
 lda, double *tau, double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
dpstrf_(const char* uplo, const int* n,
   double* a, const int* lda, int* piv, int* rank,
   double* tol, double *work, int* info);
extern int
lsame_(char *ca, char *cb);
extern void
zbdsqr_(char *uplo, int *n, int *ncvt, int *
 nru, int *ncc, double *d, double *e, Rcomplex *vt,
 int *ldvt, Rcomplex *u, int *ldu, Rcomplex *c,
 int *ldc, double *rwork, int *info);
extern void
zdrot_(int *n, Rcomplex *cx, int *incx,
 Rcomplex *cy, int *incy, double *c, double *s);
extern void
zgebak_(char *job, char *side, int *n, int *ilo,
 int *ihi, double *scale, int *m, Rcomplex *v,
 int *ldv, int *info);
extern void
zgebal_(char *job, int *n, Rcomplex *a, int
 *lda, int *ilo, int *ihi, double *scale, int *info);
extern void
zgebd2_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, double *d, double *e, Rcomplex *tauq,
 Rcomplex *taup, Rcomplex *work, int *info);
extern void
zgebrd_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, double *d, double *e, Rcomplex *tauq,
 Rcomplex *taup, Rcomplex *work, int *lwork, int *
extern void
zgehd2_(int *n, int *ilo, int *ihi,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *info);
extern void
zgehrd_(int *n, int *ilo, int *ihi,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
zgelq2_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *work, int *info);
extern void
zgelqf_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *work, int *lwork,
  int *info);
extern void
zgeqr2_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *work, int *info);
extern void
zgeqrf_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
   int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *work, int *lwork,
   int *info);
extern void
zgetf2_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, int *ipiv, int *info);
extern void
zgetrf_(int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, int *ipiv, int *info);
extern void
zgetrs_(char *trans, int *n, int *nrhs,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, int *ipiv, Rcomplex *b,
 int *ldb, int *info);
extern void
zhetd2_(char *uplo, int *n, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, double *d,
   double *e, Rcomplex *tau, int *info);
extern void
zhetrd_(char *uplo, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, double *d, double *e, Rcomplex *tau,
 Rcomplex *work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
zhseqr_(char *job, char *compz, int *n, int *ilo,
  int *ihi, Rcomplex *h, int *ldh, Rcomplex *w,
 Rcomplex *z, int *ldz, Rcomplex *work, int *lwork,
  int *info);
extern void
zlabrd_(int *m, int *n, int *nb,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, double *d, double *e,
 Rcomplex *tauq, Rcomplex *taup, Rcomplex *x, int *
 ldx, Rcomplex *y, int *ldy);
extern void
zlacgv_(int *n, Rcomplex *x, int *incx);
extern void
zlacpy_(char *uplo, int *m, int *n,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *b, int *ldb);
extern void
zlahqr_(int *wantt, int *wantz, int *n,
 int *ilo, int *ihi, Rcomplex *h, int *ldh,
 Rcomplex *w, int *iloz, int *ihiz, Rcomplex *z,
 int *ldz, int *info);
extern void
zlahrd_(int *n, int *k, int *nb,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *t,
 int *ldt, Rcomplex *y, int *ldy);
extern double
zlange_(char *norm, int *m, int *n, Rcomplex *a, int *lda,
   double *work);
extern double
zlanhe_(char *norm, char *uplo, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
   int *lda, double *work);
extern double
zlanhs_(char *norm, int *n, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, double *work);
extern void
zlaqp2_(int *m, int *n, int *offset,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, int *jpvt, Rcomplex *tau,
 double *vn1, double *vn2, Rcomplex *work);
extern void
zlaqps_(int *m, int *n, int *offset, int
 *nb, int *kb, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, int *jpvt,
 Rcomplex *tau, double *vn1, double *vn2, Rcomplex *
 auxv, Rcomplex *f, int *ldf);
extern void
zlarf_(char *side, int *m, int *n, Rcomplex
 *v, int *incv, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *c, int *
 ldc, Rcomplex *work);
extern void
zlarfb_(char *side, char *trans, char *direct, char *
 storev, int *m, int *n, int *k, Rcomplex *v, int
 *ldv, Rcomplex *t, int *ldt, Rcomplex *c, int *
 ldc, Rcomplex *work, int *ldwork);
extern void
zlarfg_(int *n, Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *
 x, int *incx, Rcomplex *tau);
extern void
zlarft_(char *direct, char *storev, int *n, int *
 k, Rcomplex *v, int *ldv, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 t, int *ldt);
extern void
zlarfx_(char *side, int *m, int *n,
 Rcomplex *v, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *c, int *
 ldc, Rcomplex *work);
extern void
zlascl_(char *type, int *kl, int *ku,
 double *cfrom, double *cto, int *m, int *n,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, int *info);
extern void
zlaset_(char *uplo, int *m, int *n,
 Rcomplex *alpha, Rcomplex *Rf_beta, Rcomplex *a, int *
extern void
zlasr_(char *side, char *pivot, char *direct, int *m,
  int *n, double *c, double *s, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda);
extern void
zlassq_(int *n, Rcomplex *x, int *incx,
 double *scale, double *sumsq);
extern void
zlaswp_(int *n, Rcomplex *a, int *lda,
 int *k1, int *k2, int *ipiv, int *incx);
extern void
zlatrd_(char *uplo, int *n, int *nb,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, double *e, Rcomplex *tau,
 Rcomplex *w, int *ldw);
extern void
zlatrs_(char *uplo, char *trans, char *diag, char *
 normin, int *n, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *x,
 double *scale, double *cnorm, int *info);
extern void
zsteqr_(char *compz, int *n, double *d,
 double *e, Rcomplex *z, int *ldz, double *work,
 int *info);
extern void
ztrcon_(const char *norm, const char *uplo, const char *diag,
                 const int *n, const Rcomplex *a, const int *lda,
   double *rcond, Rcomplex *work, double *rwork, int *info);
extern void
ztrevc_(char *side, char *howmny, int *select,
 int *n, Rcomplex *t, int *ldt, Rcomplex *vl,
 int *ldvl, Rcomplex *vr, int *ldvr, int *mm, int
 *m, Rcomplex *work, double *rwork, int *info);
extern void
zung2l_(int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *info);
extern void
zung2r_(int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *info);
extern void
zungbr_(char *vect, int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
zunghr_(int *n, int *ilo, int *ihi,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
zungl2_(int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *info);
extern void
zunglq_(int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
zungql_(int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
zungqr_(int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
zungr2_(int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *info);
extern void
zungrq_(int *m, int *n, int *k,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *
 work, int *lwork, int *info);
extern void
zungtr_(char *uplo, int *n, Rcomplex *a,
 int *lda, Rcomplex *tau, Rcomplex *work, int *lwork,
  int *info);
extern void
zunm2r_(char *side, char *trans, int *m, int *n,
 int *k, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau,
 Rcomplex *c, int *ldc, Rcomplex *work, int *info);
extern void
zunmbr_(char *vect, char *side, char *trans, int *m,
 int *n, int *k, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex
 *tau, Rcomplex *c, int *ldc, Rcomplex *work, int *
 lwork, int *info);
extern void
zunml2_(char *side, char *trans, int *m, int *n,
 int *k, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau,
 Rcomplex *c, int *ldc, Rcomplex *work, int *info);
extern void
zunmlq_(char *side, char *trans, int *m, int *n,
 int *k, Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *tau,
 Rcomplex *c, int *ldc, Rcomplex *work, int *lwork,
  int *info);
extern void
zgesdd_(const char *jobz,
   const int *m, const int *n,
   Rcomplex *a, const int *lda, double *s,
   Rcomplex *u, const int *ldu,
   Rcomplex *vt, const int *ldvt,
   Rcomplex *work, const int *lwork, double *rwork,
   int *iwork, int *info);
extern void
zgelsd_(int *m, int *n, int *nrhs,
 Rcomplex *a, int *lda, Rcomplex *b, int *ldb, double *s,
        double *rcond, int *rank,
        Rcomplex *work, int *lwork, double *rwork, int *iwork, int *info);

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Linpack.h
extern "C" {
extern void dpbfa_(double*, int*, int*, int*, int*);         // dpbfa_ unused
extern void dpbsl_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*);      // dpbsl_ unused
extern void dpoco_(double*, int*, int*, double*, double*, int*); // dpoco_ used 4 times in locpol
extern void dpodi_(double*, int*, int*, double*, int*);      // dpodi_ used 3 times in locpol
extern void dpofa_(double*, int*, int*, int*);               // dpofa_ unused
extern void dposl_(double*, int*, int*, double*);            // dposl_ used 4 times in locpol
extern void dqrdc_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, int*, double*, int*); // dqrdc_ unused
extern void dqrsl_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, int*, int*); // dqrsl_ used 3 times in earth
extern void dsvdc_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*, double*, int*, double*, int*, double*, int*, int*); // dsvdc_ unused
extern void dtrco_(double*, int*, int*, double*, double*, int*); // dtrco_ unused
extern void dtrsl_(double*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*); // dtrsl_ used 2 times in earth
extern void dchdc_(double*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*, int*); // dchdc_ unused
extern void dchdd_(double*, int*, int*, double*, double*, int*, int*, double*, double*, double*, double*, int*); // dchdd_ unused
extern void dchex_(double*, int*, int*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*, double*, double*, int*); // dchex_ unused
extern void dchud_(double*, int*, int*, double*, double*, int*, int*, double*, double*, double*, double*); // dchud_ unused
extern void dgbco_(double*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*); // dgbco_ unused
extern void dgbdi_(double*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, double*); // dgbdi_ unused
extern void dgbfa_(double*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*); // dgbfa_ unused
extern void dgbsl_(double*, int*, int*, int*, int*, int*, double*, int*); // dgbsl_ unused
extern void dgeco_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*); // dgeco_ unused
extern void dgedi_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*, int*); // dgedi_ unused
extern void dgefa_(double*, int*, int*, int*, int*);         // dgefa_ unused
extern void dgesl_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, int*); // dgesl_ unused
extern void dgtsl_(int*, double*, double*, double*, double*, int*); // dgtsl_ unused
extern void dpbco_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*, int*); // dpbco_ unused
extern void dpbdi_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*);      // dpbdi_ unused
extern void dppco_(double*, int*, double*, double*, int*);   // dppco_ unused
extern void dppdi_(double*, int*, double*, int*);            // dppdi_ unused
extern void dppfa_(double*, int*, int*);                     // dppfa_ unused
extern void dppsl_(double*, int*, double*);                  // dppsl_ unused
extern void dptsl_(int*, double*, double*, double*);         // dptsl_ unused
extern void dsico_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, double*); // dsico_ unused
extern void dsidi_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*, int*, double*, int*); // dsidi_ unused
extern void dsifa_(double*, int*, int*, int*, int*);         // dsifa_ unused
extern void dsisl_(double*, int*, int*, int*, double*);      // dsisl_ unused
extern void dspco_(double*, int*, int*, double*, double*);   // dspco_ unused
extern void dspdi_(double*, int*, int*, double*, int*, double*, int*); // dspdi_ unused
extern void dspfa_(double*, int*, int*, int*);               // dspfa_ unused
extern void dspsl_(double*, int*, int*, double*);            // dspsl_ unused

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/MathThreads.h
extern "C" {
extern int R_num_math_threads;                               // R_num_math_threads used 2 times in apcluster
extern int R_max_num_math_threads;                           // R_max_num_math_threads unused

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Memory.h
extern "C" {
void* vmaxget(void);                                         // vmaxget used 279 times in 20 packages
void vmaxset(const void *);                                  // vmaxset used 279 times in 20 packages
void R_gc(void);                                             // R_gc used 6 times in TMB, excel.link, gmatrix, microbenchmark
int R_gc_running();                                          // R_gc_running unused
char* R_alloc(size_t, int);                                  // R_alloc used 7787 times in 330 packages
long double *R_allocLD(size_t nelem);
char* S_alloc(long, int);                                    // S_alloc used 540 times in 50 packages
char* S_realloc(char *, long, long, int);                    // S_realloc used 55 times in 11 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Parse.h
extern "C" {
typedef enum {
} ParseStatus;                                               // ParseStatus used 25 times in 11 packages
SEXP R_ParseVector(SEXP, int, ParseStatus *, SEXP);          // R_ParseVector used 21 times in 11 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Print.h
extern "C" {
void Rprintf(const char *, ...);                             // Rprintf used 33813 times in 729 packages
void REprintf(const char *, ...);                            // REprintf used 2531 times in 135 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/PrtUtil.h
extern "C" {
void Rf_formatLogical(int *, R_xlen_t, int *);               // Rf_formatLogical unused
                                                             // formatLogical used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
void Rf_formatInteger(int *, R_xlen_t, int *);               // Rf_formatInteger unused
                                                             // formatInteger used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
void Rf_formatReal(double *, R_xlen_t, int *, int *, int *, int); // Rf_formatReal used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // formatReal used 5 times in data.table, qtbase, RGtk2
void Rf_formatComplex(Rcomplex *, R_xlen_t, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int); // Rf_formatComplex used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // formatComplex unused
const char *Rf_EncodeLogical(int, int);                      // Rf_EncodeLogical unused
                                                             // EncodeLogical used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
const char *Rf_EncodeInteger(int, int);                      // Rf_EncodeInteger unused
                                                             // EncodeInteger used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
const char *Rf_EncodeReal0(double, int, int, int, const char *); // Rf_EncodeReal0 unused
                                                             // EncodeReal0 unused
const char *Rf_EncodeComplex(Rcomplex, int, int, int, int, int, int, const char *); // Rf_EncodeComplex used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // EncodeComplex unused
const char *Rf_EncodeReal(double, int, int, int, char);      // Rf_EncodeReal used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // EncodeReal used 2 times in qtbase, RGtk2
int Rf_IndexWidth(R_xlen_t);                                 // Rf_IndexWidth unused
                                                             // IndexWidth unused
void Rf_VectorIndex(R_xlen_t, int);                          // Rf_VectorIndex unused
                                                             // VectorIndex used 6 times in gnmf
void Rf_printIntegerVector(int *, R_xlen_t, int);            // Rf_printIntegerVector unused
                                                             // printIntegerVector used 2 times in bvpSolve, deTestSet
void Rf_printRealVector (double *, R_xlen_t, int);           // Rf_printRealVector unused
                                                             // printRealVector used 2 times in bvpSolve, deTestSet
void Rf_printComplexVector(Rcomplex *, R_xlen_t, int);       // Rf_printComplexVector unused
                                                             // printComplexVector unused

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/QuartzDevice.h
extern "C" {
typedef void* QuartzDesc_t;
typedef struct QuartzBackend_s {
    int size;
    double width, height;
    double scalex, scaley, pointsize;
    int bg, canvas;
    int flags;
    void* userInfo;
    CGContextRef (*getCGContext)(QuartzDesc_t dev, void*userInfo);
    int (*locatePoint)(QuartzDesc_t dev, void*userInfo, double*x, double*y);
    void (*close)(QuartzDesc_t dev, void*userInfo);
    void (*newPage)(QuartzDesc_t dev, void*userInfo, int flags);
    void (*state)(QuartzDesc_t dev, void*userInfo, int state);
    void* (*par)(QuartzDesc_t dev, void*userInfo, int set, const char *key, void *value);
    void (*sync)(QuartzDesc_t dev, void*userInfo);
    void* (*cap)(QuartzDesc_t dev, void*userInfo);
} QuartzBackend_t;                                           // QuartzBackend_t unused
typedef struct QuartzParameters_s {
    int size;
    const char *type, *file, *title;
    double x, y, width, height, pointsize;
    const char *family;
    int flags;
    int connection;
    int bg, canvas;
    double *dpi;
    double pard1, pard2;
    int pari1, pari2;
    const char *pars1, *pars2;
    void *parv;
} QuartzParameters_t;                                        // QuartzParameters_t unused
QuartzDesc_t QuartzDevice_Create(void *dd, QuartzBackend_t* def); // QuartzDevice_Create unused
typedef struct QuartzFunctons_s {
    void* (*Create)(void *, QuartzBackend_t *);
    int (*DevNumber)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*Kill)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*ResetContext)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    double (*GetWidth)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    double (*GetHeight)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*SetSize)(QuartzDesc_t desc, double width, double height);
    double (*GetScaledWidth)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    double (*GetScaledHeight)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*SetScaledSize)(QuartzDesc_t desc, double width, double height);
    double (*GetXScale)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    double (*GetYScale)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*SetScale)(QuartzDesc_t desc,double scalex, double scaley);
    void (*SetTextScale)(QuartzDesc_t desc,double scale);
    double (*GetTextScale)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*SetPointSize)(QuartzDesc_t desc,double ps);
    double (*GetPointSize)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    int (*GetDirty)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*SetDirty)(QuartzDesc_t desc,int dirty);
    void (*ReplayDisplayList)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void* (*GetSnapshot)(QuartzDesc_t desc, int last);
    void (*RestoreSnapshot)(QuartzDesc_t desc,void* snapshot);
    int (*GetAntialias)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*SetAntialias)(QuartzDesc_t desc, int aa);
    int (*GetBackground)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void (*Activate)(QuartzDesc_t desc);
    void* (*SetParameter)(QuartzDesc_t desc, const char *key, void *value);
    void* (*GetParameter)(QuartzDesc_t desc, const char *key);
} QuartzFunctions_t;                                         // QuartzFunctions_t unused
QuartzFunctions_t *getQuartzFunctions();                     // getQuartzFunctions unused
typedef QuartzDesc_t (*quartz_create_fn_t)(void *dd, QuartzFunctions_t *fn, QuartzParameters_t *par);
    QuartzDesc_t (*ptr_QuartzBackend)(void *dd, QuartzFunctions_t *fn, QuartzParameters_t *par);
QuartzDesc_t Quartz_C(QuartzParameters_t *par, quartz_create_fn_t q_create, int *errorCode); // Quartz_C unused

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/R-ftp-http.h
typedef int_fast64_t DLsize_t;                               // DLsize_t unused
extern "C" {
void *R_HTTPOpen(const char *url);                           // R_HTTPOpen unused
int R_HTTPRead(void *ctx, char *dest, int len);              // R_HTTPRead unused
void R_HTTPClose(void *ctx);                                 // R_HTTPClose unused
void *R_FTPOpen(const char *url);                            // R_FTPOpen unused
int R_FTPRead(void *ctx, char *dest, int len);               // R_FTPRead unused
void R_FTPClose(void *ctx);                                  // R_FTPClose unused
void * RxmlNanoHTTPOpen(const char *URL, char **contentType, const char *headers, int cacheOK); // RxmlNanoHTTPOpen unused
int RxmlNanoHTTPRead(void *ctx, void *dest, int len);        // RxmlNanoHTTPRead unused
void RxmlNanoHTTPClose(void *ctx);                           // RxmlNanoHTTPClose unused
int RxmlNanoHTTPReturnCode(void *ctx);                       // RxmlNanoHTTPReturnCode unused
char * RxmlNanoHTTPStatusMsg(void *ctx);                     // RxmlNanoHTTPStatusMsg unused
DLsize_t RxmlNanoHTTPContentLength(void *ctx);               // RxmlNanoHTTPContentLength unused
char * RxmlNanoHTTPContentType(void *ctx);                   // RxmlNanoHTTPContentType unused
void RxmlNanoHTTPTimeout(int delay);                         // RxmlNanoHTTPTimeout unused
void * RxmlNanoFTPOpen(const char *URL);                     // RxmlNanoFTPOpen unused
int RxmlNanoFTPRead(void *ctx, void *dest, int len);         // RxmlNanoFTPRead unused
int RxmlNanoFTPClose(void *ctx);                             // RxmlNanoFTPClose unused
void RxmlNanoFTPTimeout(int delay);                          // RxmlNanoFTPTimeout unused
DLsize_t RxmlNanoFTPContentLength(void *ctx);                // RxmlNanoFTPContentLength unused
void RxmlMessage(int level, const char *format, ...);        // RxmlMessage unused
void RxmlNanoFTPCleanup(void);                               // RxmlNanoFTPCleanup unused
void RxmlNanoHTTPCleanup(void);                              // RxmlNanoHTTPCleanup unused

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/RS.h
extern "C" {
extern void *R_chk_calloc(size_t, size_t);                   // R_chk_calloc used 6 times in rpart, XML, itree, ifultools, mgcv
extern void *R_chk_realloc(void *, size_t);                  // R_chk_realloc used 5 times in seqminer, gpuR, ifultools, mgcv
extern void R_chk_free(void *);                              // R_chk_free used 2 times in mgcv
void call_R(char*, long, void**, char**, long*, char**, long, char**); // call_R used 2 times in PoweR
                                                             // call_S used 2 times in locfit

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/RStartup.h
extern "C" {
typedef enum {
} SA_TYPE;                                                   // SA_TYPE used 7 times in Rserve, rJava, littler
typedef struct
    Rboolean R_Quiet;
    Rboolean R_Slave;
    Rboolean R_Interactive;
    Rboolean R_Verbose;
    Rboolean LoadSiteFile;
    Rboolean LoadInitFile;
    Rboolean DebugInitFile;
    SA_TYPE RestoreAction;
    SA_TYPE SaveAction;
    size_t vsize;
    size_t nsize;
    size_t max_vsize;
    size_t max_nsize;
    size_t ppsize;
    int NoRenviron;
} structRstart;                                              // structRstart used 8 times in RInside, rscproxy, Rserve, rJava, littler
typedef structRstart *Rstart;
void R_DefParams(Rstart);                                    // R_DefParams used 9 times in RInside, rscproxy, Rserve, rJava, littler
void R_SetParams(Rstart);                                    // R_SetParams used 14 times in RInside, rscproxy, Rserve, rJava, littler
void R_SetWin32(Rstart);                                     // R_SetWin32 used 2 times in Rserve, rJava
void R_SizeFromEnv(Rstart);                                  // R_SizeFromEnv used 3 times in Rserve, rJava
void R_common_command_line(int *, char **, Rstart);          // R_common_command_line used 3 times in Rserve, rJava
void R_set_command_line_arguments(int argc, char **argv);    // R_set_command_line_arguments used 4 times in Rserve, rJava, rscproxy
void setup_Rmainloop(void);                                  // setup_Rmainloop used 6 times in Rserve, rJava, rscproxy

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Rallocators.h
typedef void *(*custom_alloc_t)(R_allocator_t *allocator, size_t);
typedef void (*custom_free_t)(R_allocator_t *allocator, void *);
struct R_allocator {
    custom_alloc_t mem_alloc;
    custom_free_t mem_free;
    void *res;
    void *data;

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Random.h
extern "C" {
typedef enum {
} RNGtype;                                                   // RNGtype unused
typedef enum {
} N01type;                                                   // N01type unused
void GetRNGstate(void);                                      // GetRNGstate used 1753 times in 434 packages
void PutRNGstate(void);                                      // PutRNGstate used 1794 times in 427 packages
double unif_rand(void);                                      // unif_rand used 2135 times in 327 packages
double norm_rand(void);                                      // norm_rand used 408 times in 93 packages
double exp_rand(void);                                       // exp_rand used 110 times in 25 packages
typedef unsigned int Int32;
double * user_unif_rand(void);                               // user_unif_rand used 10 times in randaes, rstream, rngwell19937, SuppDists, randtoolbox, rlecuyer, Rrdrand
void user_unif_init(Int32);                                  // user_unif_init used 5 times in randaes, SuppDists, randtoolbox, rngwell19937
int * user_unif_nseed(void);                                 // user_unif_nseed used 4 times in randaes, SuppDists, rngwell19937
int * user_unif_seedloc(void);                               // user_unif_seedloc used 4 times in randaes, SuppDists, rngwell19937
double * user_norm_rand(void);                               // user_norm_rand used 1 times in RcppZiggurat

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Rdynload.h
typedef void * (*DL_FUNC)();
typedef unsigned int R_NativePrimitiveArgType;
typedef unsigned int R_NativeObjectArgType;
typedef enum {R_ARG_IN, R_ARG_OUT, R_ARG_IN_OUT, R_IRRELEVANT} R_NativeArgStyle;
typedef struct {
    const char *name;
    DL_FUNC fun;
    int numArgs;
    R_NativePrimitiveArgType *types;
    R_NativeArgStyle *styles;
} R_CMethodDef;                                              // R_CMethodDef used 76 times in 73 packages
typedef R_CMethodDef R_FortranMethodDef;                     // R_FortranMethodDef used 21 times in 20 packages
typedef struct {
    const char *name;
    DL_FUNC fun;
    int numArgs;
} R_CallMethodDef;                                           // R_CallMethodDef used 156 times in 147 packages
typedef R_CallMethodDef R_ExternalMethodDef;                 // R_ExternalMethodDef used 8 times in devEMF, rgl, data.table, foreign, actuar, xts, Matrix, Rcpp
typedef struct _DllInfo DllInfo;
extern "C" {
int R_registerRoutines(DllInfo *info, const R_CMethodDef * const croutines, // R_registerRoutines used 209 times in 196 packages
         const R_CallMethodDef * const callRoutines,
         const R_FortranMethodDef * const fortranRoutines,
                       const R_ExternalMethodDef * const externalRoutines);
Rboolean R_useDynamicSymbols(DllInfo *info, Rboolean value); // R_useDynamicSymbols used 105 times in 102 packages
Rboolean R_forceSymbols(DllInfo *info, Rboolean value);      // R_forceSymbols used 14 times in 14 packages
DllInfo *R_getDllInfo(const char *name);                     // R_getDllInfo unused
DllInfo *R_getEmbeddingDllInfo(void);                        // R_getEmbeddingDllInfo used 1 times in Rserve
typedef struct Rf_RegisteredNativeSymbol R_RegisteredNativeSymbol;
typedef enum {R_ANY_SYM=0, R_C_SYM, R_CALL_SYM, R_FORTRAN_SYM, R_EXTERNAL_SYM} NativeSymbolType;
DL_FUNC R_FindSymbol(char const *, char const *,             // R_FindSymbol used 149 times in ergm, RTextTools, SamplerCompare, network, CCMnet, hergm
                       R_RegisteredNativeSymbol *symbol);
void R_RegisterCCallable(const char *package, const char *name, DL_FUNC fptr); // R_RegisterCCallable used 1077 times in 49 packages
DL_FUNC R_GetCCallable(const char *package, const char *name); // R_GetCCallable used 1417 times in 41 packages

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Riconv.h
extern "C" {
void * Riconv_open (const char* tocode, const char* fromcode); // Riconv_open used 10 times in devEMF, RCurl, pbdZMQ, ore, Nippon, readr
size_t Riconv (void * cd, const char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, // Riconv used 14 times in devEMF, RCurl, pbdZMQ, ore, Nippon, readr
        char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);
int Riconv_close (void * cd);                                // Riconv_close used 7 times in devEMF, pbdZMQ, ore, Nippon, readr

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/Utils.h
extern "C" {
void R_isort(int*, int);                                     // R_isort used 45 times in 18 packages
void R_rsort(double*, int);                                  // R_rsort used 210 times in 29 packages
void R_csort(Rcomplex*, int);                                // R_csort unused
void rsort_with_index(double *, int *, int);                 // rsort_with_index used 77 times in 40 packages
void Rf_revsort(double*, int*, int);                         // Rf_revsort unused
                                                             // revsort used 60 times in 20 packages
void Rf_iPsort(int*, int, int);                              // Rf_iPsort unused
                                                             // iPsort used 3 times in matrixStats, robustbase
void Rf_rPsort(double*, int, int);                           // Rf_rPsort unused
                                                             // rPsort used 63 times in 15 packages
void Rf_cPsort(Rcomplex*, int, int);                         // Rf_cPsort unused
                                                             // cPsort unused
void R_qsort (double *v, size_t i, size_t j);                // R_qsort used 10 times in extWeibQuant, pomp, robustbase, dplR, tclust, pcaPP
void R_qsort_I (double *v, int *II, int i, int j);           // R_qsort_I used 33 times in 15 packages
void R_qsort_int (int *iv, size_t i, size_t j);              // R_qsort_int unused
void R_qsort_int_I(int *iv, int *II, int i, int j);          // R_qsort_int_I used 19 times in ff, matrixStats, arules, Rborist, slam, eco, bnlearn
const char *R_ExpandFileName(const char *);                  // R_ExpandFileName used 42 times in 20 packages
void Rf_setIVector(int*, int, int);                          // Rf_setIVector unused
                                                             // setIVector unused
void Rf_setRVector(double*, int, double);                    // Rf_setRVector unused
                                                             // setRVector used 3 times in RcppClassic, RcppClassicExamples
Rboolean Rf_StringFalse(const char *);                       // Rf_StringFalse unused
                                                             // StringFalse used 3 times in iotools
Rboolean Rf_StringTrue(const char *);                        // Rf_StringTrue unused
                                                             // StringTrue used 3 times in iotools
Rboolean Rf_isBlankString(const char *);                     // Rf_isBlankString unused
                                                             // isBlankString used 1 times in iotools
double R_atof(const char *str);                              // R_atof used 9 times in SSN, tree, foreign, iotools
double R_strtod(const char *c, char **end);                  // R_strtod used 4 times in ape, iotools
char *R_tmpnam(const char *prefix, const char *tempdir);     // R_tmpnam used 2 times in geometry
char *R_tmpnam2(const char *prefix, const char *tempdir, const char *fileext); // R_tmpnam2 unused
void R_CheckUserInterrupt(void);                             // R_CheckUserInterrupt used 1487 times in 234 packages
void R_CheckStack(void);                                     // R_CheckStack used 115 times in vcrpart, actuar, cplm, lme4, Matrix, GNE, randtoolbox, HiPLARM, rngWELL, pedigreemm
void R_CheckStack2(size_t);                                  // R_CheckStack2 unused
int findInterval(double *xt, int n, double x,                // findInterval used 11 times in BSquare, DNAprofiles, unfoldr, chebpol, pomp, eco, protViz, PBSmapping, spatstat
   Rboolean rightmost_closed, Rboolean all_inside, int ilo,
   int *mflag);
void find_interv_vec(double *xt, int *n, double *x, int *nx, // find_interv_vec unused
       int *rightmost_closed, int *all_inside, int *indx);
void R_max_col(double *matrix, int *nr, int *nc, int *maxes, int *ties_meth); // R_max_col used 2 times in geostatsp, MNP

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/eventloop.h
extern "C" {
typedef void (*InputHandlerProc)(void *userData);
typedef struct _InputHandler {
  int activity;
  int fileDescriptor;
  InputHandlerProc handler;
  struct _InputHandler *next;
  int active;
  void *userData;
} InputHandler;                                              // InputHandler used 36 times in fdaPDE, httpuv, rgl, cairoDevice, setwidth, qtbase, RGtk2
extern InputHandler *initStdinHandler(void);                 // initStdinHandler unused
extern void consoleInputHandler(unsigned char *buf, int len); // consoleInputHandler unused
extern InputHandler *addInputHandler(InputHandler *handlers, int fd, InputHandlerProc handler, int activity); // addInputHandler used 10 times in httpuv, rgl, cairoDevice, Cairo, setwidth, rJava, qtbase, RGtk2
extern InputHandler *getInputHandler(InputHandler *handlers, int fd); // getInputHandler unused
extern int removeInputHandler(InputHandler **handlers, InputHandler *it); // removeInputHandler used 7 times in httpuv, rgl, cairoDevice, setwidth, qtbase, RGtk2
extern InputHandler *getSelectedHandler(InputHandler *handlers, fd_set *mask); // getSelectedHandler unused
extern fd_set *R_checkActivity(int usec, int ignore_stdin);  // R_checkActivity used 3 times in audio, rJava, ROracle
extern fd_set *R_checkActivityEx(int usec, int ignore_stdin, void (*intr)(void));
extern void R_runHandlers(InputHandler *handlers, fd_set *mask); // R_runHandlers used 2 times in rJava
extern int R_SelectEx(int n, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,
        fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout,
        void (*intr)(void));
extern InputHandler *R_InputHandlers;
extern void (* R_PolledEvents)(void);
extern int R_wait_usec;                                      // R_wait_usec unused

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/stats_package.h
enum AlgType {NREG = 1, OPT = 2};
enum VPos {F = 9, F0 = 12, FDIF = 10, G = 27, HC = 70};
enum IVPos {AI = 90, AM = 94, ALGSAV = 50, COVMAT = 25,
     COVPRT = 13, COVREQ = 14, DRADPR = 100,
     DTYPE = 15, IERR = 74, INITH = 24, INITS = 24,
     IPIVOT = 75, IVNEED = 2, LASTIV = 42, LASTV = 44,
     LMAT = 41, MXFCAL = 16, MXITER = 17, NEXTV = 46,
     NFCALL = 5, NFCOV = 51, NFGCAL = 6, NGCOV = 52,
     NITER = 30, NVDFLT = 49, NVSAVE = 8, OUTLEV = 18,
     PARPRT = 19, PARSAV = 48, PERM = 57, PRUNIT = 20,
     QRTYP = 79, RDREQ = 56, RMAT = 77, SOLPRT = 21,
     STATPR = 22, TOOBIG = 1, VNEED = 3, VSAVE = 59,
     X0PRT = 23};
S_Rf_divset(int alg, int iv[], int liv, int lv, double v[]);
S_nlsb_iterate(double b[], double d[], double dr[], int iv[],
        int liv, int lv, int n, int nd, int p,
        double r[], double rd[], double v[], double x[]);
S_nlminb_iterate(double b[], double d[], double fx, double g[],
   double h[], int iv[], int liv, int lv, int n,
   double v[], double x[]);
static inline int S_v_length(int alg, int n)
    return (alg - 1) ? (105 + (n * (2 * n + 20))) :
 (130 + (n * (n + 27))/2);
static inline int S_iv_length(int alg, int n)
    return (alg - 1) ? (82 + 4 * n) : (78 + 3 * n);

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/R_ext/stats_stubs.h
S_Rf_divset(int alg, int iv[], int liv, int lv, double v[])
    static void(*fun)(int,int[],int,int,double[]) = __null;
    if (fun == __null)
 fun = (void(*)(int,int[],int,int,double[]))
     R_GetCCallable("stats", "Rf_divset");
    fun(alg, iv, liv, lv, v);
S_nlminb_iterate(double b[], double d[], double fx, double g[], double h[],
   int iv[], int liv, int lv, int n, double v[], double x[])
    static void(*fun)(double[],double[],double,double[],double[],
        int[],int,int,int,double[],double[]) = __null;
    if (fun == __null)
 fun = (void(*)(double[],double[],double,double[],double[],
     R_GetCCallable("stats", "nlminb_iterate");
    fun(b, d, fx, g, h, iv, liv, lv, n, v, x);
S_nlsb_iterate(double b[], double d[], double dr[], int iv[], int liv,
        int lv, int n, int nd, int p, double r[], double rd[],
        double v[], double x[])
    static void(*fun)(double[],double[],double[],int[],int,int,
        double[]) = __null;
    if (fun == __null)
 fun = (void(*)(double[],double[],double[],int[],int,
         int, int,int,int,double[],
     R_GetCCallable("stats", "nlsb_iterate");
    fun(b, d, dr, iv, liv, lv, n, nd, p, r, rd, v, x);

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/Rembedded.h
extern "C" {
extern int Rf_initEmbeddedR(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern void Rf_endEmbeddedR(int fatal);                      // Rf_endEmbeddedR used 4 times in RInside, Rhpc, rscproxy, littler
int Rf_initialize_R(int ac, char **av);                      // Rf_initialize_R used 3 times in Rserve, rJava
void setup_Rmainloop(void);                                  // setup_Rmainloop used 6 times in Rserve, rJava, rscproxy
extern void R_ReplDLLinit(void);                             // R_ReplDLLinit used 7 times in RInside, Rhpc, rscproxy, Rserve, rJava, littler
extern int R_ReplDLLdo1(void);                               // R_ReplDLLdo1 used 3 times in Rserve, RInside, rJava
void R_setStartTime(void);                                   // R_setStartTime unused
extern void R_RunExitFinalizers(void);                       // R_RunExitFinalizers used 4 times in RInside, TMB, rJava, littler
extern void CleanEd(void);                                   // CleanEd used 1 times in rJava
extern void Rf_KillAllDevices(void);                         // Rf_KillAllDevices used 1 times in RInside
extern int R_DirtyImage;                                     // R_DirtyImage used 1 times in rJava
extern void R_CleanTempDir(void);                            // R_CleanTempDir used 3 times in RInside, sprint, littler
extern char *R_TempDir;
extern void R_SaveGlobalEnv(void);                           // R_SaveGlobalEnv used 1 times in rJava
void fpu_setup(Rboolean start);                              // fpu_setup used 3 times in RInside, rJava, littler

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/Rinterface.h
extern "C" {
extern Rboolean R_Interactive;                               // R_Interactive used 16 times in Rhpc, rscproxy, Rserve, RInside, yaml, rJava, littler
extern Rboolean R_Slave;                                     // R_Slave used 3 times in Rserve, Rhpc
extern void R_RestoreGlobalEnv(void);                        // R_RestoreGlobalEnv unused
extern void R_RestoreGlobalEnvFromFile(const char *, Rboolean); // R_RestoreGlobalEnvFromFile unused
extern void R_SaveGlobalEnv(void);                           // R_SaveGlobalEnv used 1 times in rJava
extern void R_SaveGlobalEnvToFile(const char *);             // R_SaveGlobalEnvToFile unused
extern void R_FlushConsole(void);                            // R_FlushConsole used 651 times in 78 packages
extern void R_ClearerrConsole(void);                         // R_ClearerrConsole used 2 times in gap, rJava
extern void R_Suicide(const char *);                         // R_Suicide unused
extern char *R_HomeDir(void);                                // R_HomeDir unused
extern int R_DirtyImage;                                     // R_DirtyImage used 1 times in rJava
extern char *R_GUIType;
extern void R_setupHistory(void);                            // R_setupHistory unused
extern char *R_HistoryFile;
extern int R_HistorySize;                                    // R_HistorySize used 2 times in rJava
extern int R_RestoreHistory;                                 // R_RestoreHistory unused
extern char *R_Home;
void __attribute__((noreturn)) Rf_jump_to_toplevel(void);
void Rf_mainloop(void);                                      // Rf_mainloop unused
                                                             // mainloop unused
void Rf_onintr(void);                                        // Rf_onintr used 216 times in 12 packages
                                                             // onintr used 1 times in rJava
extern void* R_GlobalContext;
void process_site_Renviron(void);                            // process_site_Renviron unused
void process_system_Renviron(void);                          // process_system_Renviron unused
void process_user_Renviron(void);                            // process_user_Renviron unused
extern FILE * R_Consolefile;
extern FILE * R_Outputfile;
void R_setStartTime(void);                                   // R_setStartTime unused
void fpu_setup(Rboolean);                                    // fpu_setup used 3 times in RInside, rJava, littler
extern int R_running_as_main_program;                        // R_running_as_main_program unused
extern int R_SignalHandlers;                                 // R_SignalHandlers used 5 times in RInside, Rserve, rJava, littler

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/Rinternals.h
extern "C" {
typedef unsigned char Rbyte;
typedef int R_len_t;                                         // R_len_t used 2397 times in 70 packages
    typedef ptrdiff_t R_xlen_t;                              // R_xlen_t used 1537 times in 32 packages
    typedef struct { R_xlen_t lv_length, lv_truelength; } R_long_vec_hdr_t;
typedef unsigned int SEXPTYPE;
struct sxpinfo_struct {
    SEXPTYPE type : 5;
    unsigned int obj : 1;
    unsigned int named : 2;
    unsigned int gp : 16;
    unsigned int mark : 1;
    unsigned int debug : 1;
    unsigned int trace : 1;
    unsigned int spare : 1;
    unsigned int gcgen : 1;
    unsigned int gccls : 3;
struct vecsxp_struct {
    R_len_t length;
    R_len_t truelength;
struct primsxp_struct {
    int offset;
struct symsxp_struct {
    struct SEXPREC *pname;
    struct SEXPREC *value;
    struct SEXPREC *internal;
struct listsxp_struct {
    struct SEXPREC *carval;
    struct SEXPREC *cdrval;
    struct SEXPREC *tagval;
struct envsxp_struct {
    struct SEXPREC *frame;
    struct SEXPREC *enclos;
    struct SEXPREC *hashtab;
struct closxp_struct {
    struct SEXPREC *formals;
    struct SEXPREC *body;
    struct SEXPREC *env;
struct promsxp_struct {
    struct SEXPREC *value;
    struct SEXPREC *expr;
    struct SEXPREC *env;
typedef struct SEXPREC {
    struct sxpinfo_struct sxpinfo; struct SEXPREC *attrib; struct SEXPREC *gengc_next_node, *gengc_prev_node;
    union {
 struct primsxp_struct primsxp;
 struct symsxp_struct symsxp;
 struct listsxp_struct listsxp;
 struct envsxp_struct envsxp;
 struct closxp_struct closxp;
 struct promsxp_struct promsxp;
    } u;                                                     // u unused
typedef struct VECTOR_SEXPREC {
    struct sxpinfo_struct sxpinfo; struct SEXPREC *attrib; struct SEXPREC *gengc_next_node, *gengc_prev_node;
    struct vecsxp_struct vecsxp;
typedef union { VECTOR_SEXPREC s; double align; } SEXPREC_ALIGN;
    R_len_t __attribute__((noreturn)) R_BadLongVector(SEXP, const char *, int);
SEXP (ATTRIB)(SEXP x);                                       // ATTRIB used 83 times in 20 packages
int (OBJECT)(SEXP x);                                        // OBJECT used 102 times in 28 packages
int (MARK)(SEXP x);                                          // MARK used 251 times in 21 packages
int (TYPEOF)(SEXP x);                                        // TYPEOF used 2832 times in 195 packages
int (NAMED)(SEXP x);                                         // NAMED used 62 times in 22 packages
int (REFCNT)(SEXP x);                                        // REFCNT unused
void (SET_OBJECT)(SEXP x, int v);                            // SET_OBJECT used 32 times in RSclient, reshape2, Rserve, data.table, actuar, dplyr, proxy, rmongodb, slam, tau
void (SET_TYPEOF)(SEXP x, int v);                            // SET_TYPEOF used 38 times in 21 packages
void (SET_NAMED)(SEXP x, int v);                             // SET_NAMED used 10 times in dplyr, yaml, data.table, iotools, RSQLite
void SET_ATTRIB(SEXP x, SEXP v);                             // SET_ATTRIB used 54 times in 18 packages
void DUPLICATE_ATTRIB(SEXP to, SEXP from);                   // DUPLICATE_ATTRIB used 5 times in covr, lfe, testthat, data.table
int (IS_S4_OBJECT)(SEXP x);                                  // IS_S4_OBJECT used 23 times in Rmosek, Runuran, data.table, xts, Matrix, slam, zoo, HiPLARM, OpenMx, tau
void (SET_S4_OBJECT)(SEXP x);                                // SET_S4_OBJECT used 12 times in RSclient, redland, Rserve, data.table, FREGAT, rJPSGCS, tau
void (UNSET_S4_OBJECT)(SEXP x);                              // UNSET_S4_OBJECT used 2 times in data.table, slam
int (LENGTH)(SEXP x);                                        // LENGTH used 5845 times in 356 packages
int (TRUELENGTH)(SEXP x);                                    // TRUELENGTH used 37 times in data.table
void (SETLENGTH)(SEXP x, int v);                             // SETLENGTH used 65 times in 11 packages
void (SET_TRUELENGTH)(SEXP x, int v);                        // SET_TRUELENGTH used 26 times in data.table
R_xlen_t (XLENGTH)(SEXP x);                                  // XLENGTH used 287 times in 21 packages
R_xlen_t (XTRUELENGTH)(SEXP x);                              // XTRUELENGTH unused
int (IS_LONG_VEC)(SEXP x);                                   // IS_LONG_VEC used 1 times in RProtoBuf
int (LEVELS)(SEXP x);                                        // LEVELS used 18 times in rtdists, rPref, BsMD, data.table, stringi, dplyr, OBsMD, pbdZMQ, astrochron, RandomFields
int (SETLEVELS)(SEXP x, int v);                              // SETLEVELS used 2 times in Rcpp11
int *(LOGICAL)(SEXP x);                                      // LOGICAL used 4473 times in 288 packages
int *(INTEGER)(SEXP x);                                      // INTEGER used 41659 times in 758 packages
Rbyte *(RAW)(SEXP x);                                        // RAW used 880 times in 99 packages
double *(REAL)(SEXP x);                                      // REAL used 30947 times in 687 packages
Rcomplex *(COMPLEX)(SEXP x);                                 // COMPLEX used 1697 times in 71 packages
SEXP (STRING_ELT)(SEXP x, R_xlen_t i);                       // STRING_ELT used 4143 times in 333 packages
SEXP (VECTOR_ELT)(SEXP x, R_xlen_t i);                       // VECTOR_ELT used 8626 times in 291 packages
void SET_STRING_ELT(SEXP x, R_xlen_t i, SEXP v);             // SET_STRING_ELT used 5834 times in 321 packages
SEXP SET_VECTOR_ELT(SEXP x, R_xlen_t i, SEXP v);             // SET_VECTOR_ELT used 9751 times in 391 packages
SEXP *(STRING_PTR)(SEXP x);                                  // STRING_PTR used 65 times in 14 packages
SEXP * __attribute__((noreturn)) (VECTOR_PTR)(SEXP x);
SEXP (TAG)(SEXP e);                                          // TAG used 513 times in 40 packages
SEXP (CAR)(SEXP e);                                          // CAR used 575 times in 63 packages
SEXP (CDR)(SEXP e);                                          // CDR used 4523 times in 76 packages
SEXP (CAAR)(SEXP e);                                         // CAAR unused
SEXP (CDAR)(SEXP e);                                         // CDAR unused
SEXP (CADR)(SEXP e);                                         // CADR used 104 times in 17 packages
SEXP (CDDR)(SEXP e);                                         // CDDR used 52 times in Rlabkey, Rcpp11, dplyr, proxy, Rcpp, slam, tikzDevice, OpenCL, svd
SEXP (CDDDR)(SEXP e);                                        // CDDDR unused
SEXP (CADDR)(SEXP e);                                        // CADDR used 52 times in 11 packages
SEXP (CADDDR)(SEXP e);                                       // CADDDR used 21 times in RPostgreSQL, foreign, actuar, bibtex
SEXP (CAD4R)(SEXP e);                                        // CAD4R used 14 times in earth, foreign, actuar
int (MISSING)(SEXP x);                                       // MISSING used 125 times in 25 packages
void (SET_MISSING)(SEXP x, int v);                           // SET_MISSING used 1 times in sprint
void SET_TAG(SEXP x, SEXP y);                                // SET_TAG used 200 times in 34 packages
SEXP SETCAR(SEXP x, SEXP y);                                 // SETCAR used 4072 times in 47 packages
SEXP SETCDR(SEXP x, SEXP y);                                 // SETCDR used 46 times in 14 packages
SEXP SETCADR(SEXP x, SEXP y);                                // SETCADR used 112 times in 37 packages
SEXP SETCADDR(SEXP x, SEXP y);                               // SETCADDR used 45 times in 14 packages
SEXP SETCADDDR(SEXP x, SEXP y);                              // SETCADDDR used 31 times in 12 packages
SEXP SETCAD4R(SEXP e, SEXP y);                               // SETCAD4R used 15 times in kergp, Sim.DiffProc, tikzDevice
SEXP CONS_NR(SEXP a, SEXP b);                                // CONS_NR unused
SEXP (FORMALS)(SEXP x);                                      // FORMALS used 15 times in qtpaint, RSclient, PBSddesolve, Rserve, covr, pryr, rgp, testthat, RandomFields
SEXP (BODY)(SEXP x);                                         // BODY used 48 times in 15 packages
SEXP (CLOENV)(SEXP x);                                       // CLOENV used 23 times in Rcpp11, covr, pomp, Rcpp, pryr, testthat, qtbase
int (RDEBUG)(SEXP x);                                        // RDEBUG used 69 times in rmetasim
int (RSTEP)(SEXP x);                                         // RSTEP unused
int (RTRACE)(SEXP x);                                        // RTRACE unused
void (SET_RDEBUG)(SEXP x, int v);                            // SET_RDEBUG unused
void (SET_RSTEP)(SEXP x, int v);                             // SET_RSTEP unused
void (SET_RTRACE)(SEXP x, int v);                            // SET_RTRACE unused
void SET_FORMALS(SEXP x, SEXP v);                            // SET_FORMALS used 5 times in covr, rgp, testthat, qtbase
void SET_BODY(SEXP x, SEXP v);                               // SET_BODY used 6 times in covr, rgp, testthat, qtbase
void SET_CLOENV(SEXP x, SEXP v);                             // SET_CLOENV used 6 times in covr, rgp, testthat, qtbase
SEXP (PRINTNAME)(SEXP x);                                    // PRINTNAME used 92 times in 29 packages
SEXP (SYMVALUE)(SEXP x);                                     // SYMVALUE unused
SEXP (INTERNAL)(SEXP x);                                     // INTERNAL used 1014 times in 63 packages
int (DDVAL)(SEXP x);                                         // DDVAL unused
void (SET_DDVAL)(SEXP x, int v);                             // SET_DDVAL unused
void SET_PRINTNAME(SEXP x, SEXP v);                          // SET_PRINTNAME unused
void SET_SYMVALUE(SEXP x, SEXP v);                           // SET_SYMVALUE unused
void SET_INTERNAL(SEXP x, SEXP v);                           // SET_INTERNAL unused
SEXP (FRAME)(SEXP x);                                        // FRAME used 19 times in deTestSet, IRISSeismic, pryr, BayesBridge, datamap, BayesLogit
SEXP (ENCLOS)(SEXP x);                                       // ENCLOS used 7 times in Rcpp, pryr, rJava, Rcpp11, RGtk2
SEXP (HASHTAB)(SEXP x);                                      // HASHTAB used 12 times in Rcpp, pryr, datamap, Rcpp11, qtbase
int (ENVFLAGS)(SEXP x);                                      // ENVFLAGS unused
void (SET_ENVFLAGS)(SEXP x, int v);                          // SET_ENVFLAGS unused
void SET_FRAME(SEXP x, SEXP v);                              // SET_FRAME used 4 times in rgp, mmap, qtbase
void SET_ENCLOS(SEXP x, SEXP v);                             // SET_ENCLOS used 7 times in rgp, RandomFields, mmap, qtbase
void SET_HASHTAB(SEXP x, SEXP v);                            // SET_HASHTAB used 5 times in rgp, mmap, qtbase
SEXP (PRCODE)(SEXP x);                                       // PRCODE used 15 times in dplyr, Rcpp, pryr, Rcpp11
SEXP (PRENV)(SEXP x);                                        // PRENV used 14 times in igraph, dplyr, Rcpp, pryr, Rcpp11, lazyeval
SEXP (PRVALUE)(SEXP x);                                      // PRVALUE used 12 times in dplyr, Rcpp, pryr, Rcpp11
int (PRSEEN)(SEXP x);                                        // PRSEEN used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
void (SET_PRSEEN)(SEXP x, int v);                            // SET_PRSEEN unused
void SET_PRENV(SEXP x, SEXP v);                              // SET_PRENV unused
void SET_PRVALUE(SEXP x, SEXP v);                            // SET_PRVALUE unused
void SET_PRCODE(SEXP x, SEXP v);                             // SET_PRCODE unused
void SET_PRSEEN(SEXP x, int v);                              // SET_PRSEEN unused
int (HASHASH)(SEXP x);                                       // HASHASH unused
int (HASHVALUE)(SEXP x);                                     // HASHVALUE unused
void (SET_HASHASH)(SEXP x, int v);                           // SET_HASHASH unused
void (SET_HASHVALUE)(SEXP x, int v);                         // SET_HASHVALUE unused
typedef int PROTECT_INDEX;                                   // PROTECT_INDEX used 94 times in 27 packages
extern SEXP R_GlobalEnv;                                     // R_GlobalEnv used 1400 times in 79 packages
extern SEXP R_EmptyEnv;                                      // R_EmptyEnv used 16 times in Rserve, dplR, Rcpp11, Rcpp, RcppClassic, pryr, rJava, adaptivetau, qtbase
extern SEXP R_BaseEnv;                                       // R_BaseEnv used 27 times in 15 packages
extern SEXP R_BaseNamespace;                                 // R_BaseNamespace used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
extern SEXP R_NamespaceRegistry;                             // R_NamespaceRegistry used 3 times in devtools, namespace, Rcpp
extern SEXP R_Srcref;                                        // R_Srcref unused
extern SEXP R_NilValue;                                      // R_NilValue used 10178 times in 491 packages
                                                             // NULL_USER_OBJECT used 8268 times in rggobi, XML, rjson, bigmemory, dbarts, lazy, RGtk2
extern SEXP R_UnboundValue;                                  // R_UnboundValue used 73 times in 23 packages
extern SEXP R_MissingArg;                                    // R_MissingArg used 21 times in 12 packages
SEXP R_RestartToken;                                         // R_RestartToken unused
extern SEXP R_baseSymbol;                                    // R_baseSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_BaseSymbol;                                    // R_BaseSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_BraceSymbol;                                   // R_BraceSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_Bracket2Symbol;                                // R_Bracket2Symbol used 4 times in purrr
extern SEXP R_BracketSymbol;                                 // R_BracketSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_ClassSymbol;                                   // R_ClassSymbol used 311 times in 84 packages
extern SEXP R_DeviceSymbol;                                  // R_DeviceSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_DimNamesSymbol;                                // R_DimNamesSymbol used 230 times in 51 packages
extern SEXP R_DimSymbol;                                     // R_DimSymbol used 1015 times in 170 packages
extern SEXP R_DollarSymbol;                                  // R_DollarSymbol used 6 times in dplyr, Rcpp, Rcpp11
extern SEXP R_DotsSymbol;                                    // R_DotsSymbol used 13 times in RPostgreSQL, RcppDE, lbfgs, purrr, RMySQL, DEoptim, qtbase
extern SEXP R_DoubleColonSymbol;                             // R_DoubleColonSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_DropSymbol;                                    // R_DropSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_LastvalueSymbol;                               // R_LastvalueSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_LevelsSymbol;                                  // R_LevelsSymbol used 51 times in 17 packages
extern SEXP R_ModeSymbol;                                    // R_ModeSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_NaRmSymbol;                                    // R_NaRmSymbol used 2 times in dplyr
extern SEXP R_NameSymbol;                                    // R_NameSymbol used 2 times in qtbase
extern SEXP R_NamesSymbol;                                   // R_NamesSymbol used 1373 times in 249 packages
extern SEXP R_NamespaceEnvSymbol;                            // R_NamespaceEnvSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_PackageSymbol;                                 // R_PackageSymbol used 2 times in Rmosek, HiPLARM
extern SEXP R_PreviousSymbol;                                // R_PreviousSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_QuoteSymbol;                                   // R_QuoteSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_RowNamesSymbol;                                // R_RowNamesSymbol used 97 times in 37 packages
extern SEXP R_SeedsSymbol;                                   // R_SeedsSymbol used 2 times in treatSens
extern SEXP R_SortListSymbol;                                // R_SortListSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_SourceSymbol;                                  // R_SourceSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_SpecSymbol;                                    // R_SpecSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_TripleColonSymbol;                             // R_TripleColonSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_TspSymbol;                                     // R_TspSymbol unused
extern SEXP R_dot_defined;                                   // R_dot_defined unused
extern SEXP R_dot_Method;                                    // R_dot_Method unused
extern SEXP R_dot_packageName;                               // R_dot_packageName unused
extern SEXP R_dot_target;                                    // R_dot_target unused
extern SEXP R_NaString;                                      // R_NaString used 36 times in stringdist, RCurl, RSclient, uniqueAtomMat, XML, Rserve, Rblpapi, SoundexBR, rJava, iotools
                                                             // NA_STRING used 574 times in 90 packages
extern SEXP R_BlankString;                                   // R_BlankString used 39 times in 13 packages
extern SEXP R_BlankScalarString;                             // R_BlankScalarString unused
SEXP R_GetCurrentSrcref(int);                                // R_GetCurrentSrcref unused
SEXP R_GetSrcFilename(SEXP);                                 // R_GetSrcFilename unused
SEXP Rf_asChar(SEXP);                                        // Rf_asChar used 246 times in 16 packages
                                                             // asChar used 194 times in 36 packages
SEXP Rf_coerceVector(SEXP, SEXPTYPE);                        // Rf_coerceVector used 44 times in 13 packages
                                                             // coerceVector used 2585 times in 167 packages
SEXP Rf_PairToVectorList(SEXP x);                            // Rf_PairToVectorList unused
                                                             // PairToVectorList used 7 times in cba, rcdd
SEXP Rf_VectorToPairList(SEXP x);                            // Rf_VectorToPairList unused
                                                             // VectorToPairList used 13 times in pomp, arules
SEXP Rf_asCharacterFactor(SEXP x);                           // Rf_asCharacterFactor used 3 times in tidyr, reshape2, RSQLite
                                                             // asCharacterFactor used 11 times in fastmatch, Kmisc, data.table
int Rf_asLogical(SEXP x);                                    // Rf_asLogical used 45 times in 11 packages
                                                             // asLogical used 462 times in 64 packages
int Rf_asInteger(SEXP x);                                    // Rf_asInteger used 746 times in 23 packages
                                                             // asInteger used 1277 times in 140 packages
double Rf_asReal(SEXP x);                                    // Rf_asReal used 113 times in 17 packages
                                                             // asReal used 383 times in 83 packages
Rcomplex Rf_asComplex(SEXP x);                               // Rf_asComplex unused
                                                             // asComplex used 1 times in ff
typedef struct R_allocator R_allocator_t;
char * Rf_acopy_string(const char *);                        // Rf_acopy_string unused
                                                             // acopy_string used 10 times in splusTimeDate
void Rf_addMissingVarsToNewEnv(SEXP, SEXP);                  // Rf_addMissingVarsToNewEnv unused
                                                             // addMissingVarsToNewEnv unused
SEXP Rf_alloc3DArray(SEXPTYPE, int, int, int);               // Rf_alloc3DArray unused
                                                             // alloc3DArray used 21 times in mcmc, msm, TPmsm, unfoldr, RandomFields, cplm
SEXP Rf_allocArray(SEXPTYPE, SEXP);                          // Rf_allocArray used 4 times in h5
                                                             // allocArray used 24 times in unfoldr, kergp, pomp, proxy, kza, slam, mvMORPH, TPmsm, ouch, RandomFields
SEXP Rf_allocFormalsList2(SEXP sym1, SEXP sym2);             // Rf_allocFormalsList2 unused
                                                             // allocFormalsList2 unused
SEXP Rf_allocFormalsList3(SEXP sym1, SEXP sym2, SEXP sym3);  // Rf_allocFormalsList3 unused
                                                             // allocFormalsList3 unused
SEXP Rf_allocFormalsList4(SEXP sym1, SEXP sym2, SEXP sym3, SEXP sym4); // Rf_allocFormalsList4 unused
                                                             // allocFormalsList4 unused
SEXP Rf_allocFormalsList5(SEXP sym1, SEXP sym2, SEXP sym3, SEXP sym4, SEXP sym5); // Rf_allocFormalsList5 unused
                                                             // allocFormalsList5 unused
SEXP Rf_allocFormalsList6(SEXP sym1, SEXP sym2, SEXP sym3, SEXP sym4, SEXP sym5, SEXP sym6); // Rf_allocFormalsList6 unused
                                                             // allocFormalsList6 unused
SEXP Rf_allocMatrix(SEXPTYPE, int, int);                     // Rf_allocMatrix used 122 times in 14 packages
                                                             // allocMatrix used 1577 times in 244 packages
SEXP Rf_allocList(int);                                      // Rf_allocList unused
                                                             // allocList used 60 times in 25 packages
SEXP Rf_allocS4Object(void);                                 // Rf_allocS4Object used 2 times in Rserve, RSclient
                                                             // allocS4Object used 1 times in arules
SEXP Rf_allocSExp(SEXPTYPE);                                 // Rf_allocSExp unused
                                                             // allocSExp used 14 times in igraph, rgp, data.table, RandomFields, mmap, qtbase
SEXP Rf_allocVector3(SEXPTYPE, R_xlen_t, R_allocator_t*);    // Rf_allocVector3 unused
                                                             // allocVector3 unused
R_xlen_t Rf_any_duplicated(SEXP x, Rboolean from_last);      // Rf_any_duplicated unused
                                                             // any_duplicated used 5 times in data.table, checkmate
R_xlen_t Rf_any_duplicated3(SEXP x, SEXP incomp, Rboolean from_last); // Rf_any_duplicated3 unused
                                                             // any_duplicated3 unused
SEXP Rf_applyClosure(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);          // Rf_applyClosure unused
                                                             // applyClosure unused
SEXP Rf_arraySubscript(int, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP (*)(SEXP,SEXP),
                       SEXP (*)(SEXP, int), SEXP);
SEXP Rf_classgets(SEXP, SEXP);                               // Rf_classgets used 27 times in fts, clpAPI, cplexAPI, sybilSBML, Rblpapi, glpkAPI
                                                             // classgets used 91 times in 30 packages
SEXP Rf_cons(SEXP, SEXP);                                    // Rf_cons used 39 times in dplyr, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // cons used 609 times in 39 packages
void Rf_copyMatrix(SEXP, SEXP, Rboolean);                    // Rf_copyMatrix used 8 times in CNVassoc
                                                             // copyMatrix used 7 times in BDgraph, Matrix, kza
void Rf_copyListMatrix(SEXP, SEXP, Rboolean);                // Rf_copyListMatrix unused
                                                             // copyListMatrix used 1 times in Matrix
void Rf_copyMostAttrib(SEXP, SEXP);                          // Rf_copyMostAttrib used 8 times in tidyr, purrr, Rcpp, reshape2
                                                             // copyMostAttrib used 68 times in arules, robustbase, data.table, xts, memisc, proxy, zoo, tau
void Rf_copyVector(SEXP, SEXP);                              // Rf_copyVector unused
                                                             // copyVector used 12 times in tm, kza, mlegp, adaptivetau
int Rf_countContexts(int, int);                              // Rf_countContexts unused
                                                             // countContexts unused
SEXP Rf_CreateTag(SEXP);                                     // Rf_CreateTag unused
                                                             // CreateTag used 1 times in rgp
void Rf_defineVar(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                         // Rf_defineVar used 7 times in purrr, Rcpp, Rserve, Rcpp11
                                                             // defineVar used 218 times in 38 packages
SEXP Rf_dimgets(SEXP, SEXP);                                 // Rf_dimgets unused
                                                             // dimgets used 3 times in CorrBin
SEXP Rf_dimnamesgets(SEXP, SEXP);                            // Rf_dimnamesgets unused
                                                             // dimnamesgets used 24 times in Matrix, RxCEcolInf, lxb, sapa
SEXP Rf_DropDims(SEXP);                                      // Rf_DropDims unused
                                                             // DropDims unused
SEXP Rf_duplicate(SEXP);                                     // Rf_duplicate used 21 times in XML, data.table, Rcpp11, lme4, dplyr, Rcpp, RcppClassic, grr, NMF, copula
                                                             // duplicate used 2088 times in 224 packages
SEXP Rf_shallow_duplicate(SEXP);                             // Rf_shallow_duplicate unused
                                                             // shallow_duplicate used 2 times in tmlenet, smint
SEXP Rf_lazy_duplicate(SEXP);                                // Rf_lazy_duplicate unused
                                                             // lazy_duplicate unused
SEXP Rf_duplicated(SEXP, Rboolean);                          // Rf_duplicated unused
                                                             // duplicated used 402 times in 100 packages
Rboolean R_envHasNoSpecialSymbols(SEXP);                     // R_envHasNoSpecialSymbols unused
SEXP Rf_eval(SEXP, SEXP);                                    // Rf_eval used 105 times in 24 packages
                                                             // eval used 25178 times in 269 packages
SEXP Rf_findFun(SEXP, SEXP);                                 // Rf_findFun used 7 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler, RGtk2
                                                             // findFun used 13 times in sprint, tikzDevice, yaml, unfoldr, TraMineR, RGtk2
SEXP Rf_findVar(SEXP, SEXP);                                 // Rf_findVar used 19 times in R2SWF, Rcpp11, dplyr, Rcpp, pryr, rJava, littler, showtext
                                                             // findVar used 1333 times in 24 packages
SEXP Rf_findVarInFrame(SEXP, SEXP);                          // Rf_findVarInFrame used 7 times in RCurl, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // findVarInFrame used 101 times in 13 packages
SEXP Rf_findVarInFrame3(SEXP, SEXP, Rboolean);               // Rf_findVarInFrame3 used 1 times in pryr
                                                             // findVarInFrame3 used 5 times in datamap
SEXP Rf_getAttrib(SEXP, SEXP);                               // Rf_getAttrib used 256 times in 36 packages
                                                             // getAttrib used 1930 times in 239 packages
SEXP Rf_GetArrayDimnames(SEXP);                              // Rf_GetArrayDimnames unused
                                                             // GetArrayDimnames unused
SEXP Rf_GetColNames(SEXP);                                   // Rf_GetColNames unused
                                                             // GetColNames unused
void Rf_GetMatrixDimnames(SEXP, SEXP*, SEXP*, const char**, const char**); // Rf_GetMatrixDimnames unused
                                                             // GetMatrixDimnames used 2 times in Kmisc, optmatch
SEXP Rf_GetOption(SEXP, SEXP);                               // Rf_GetOption unused
                                                             // GetOption used 5 times in rgl, gmp, Cairo, RGtk2
SEXP Rf_GetOption1(SEXP);                                    // Rf_GetOption1 used 5 times in RProtoBuf, gmp
                                                             // GetOption1 used 1 times in PCICt
int Rf_GetOptionDigits(void);                                // Rf_GetOptionDigits unused
                                                             // GetOptionDigits unused
int Rf_GetOptionWidth(void);                                 // Rf_GetOptionWidth used 1 times in progress
                                                             // GetOptionWidth unused
SEXP Rf_GetRowNames(SEXP);                                   // Rf_GetRowNames unused
                                                             // GetRowNames unused
void Rf_gsetVar(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                           // Rf_gsetVar unused
                                                             // gsetVar used 4 times in RSVGTipsDevice, Cairo, RSvgDevice, JavaGD
SEXP Rf_install(const char *);                               // Rf_install used 990 times in 50 packages
                                                             // install used 3178 times in 224 packages
SEXP Rf_installChar(SEXP);                                   // Rf_installChar used 15 times in dplyr, Rcpp
                                                             // installChar used 4 times in dplyr
SEXP Rf_installDDVAL(int i);                                 // Rf_installDDVAL unused
                                                             // installDDVAL unused
SEXP Rf_installS3Signature(const char *, const char *);      // Rf_installS3Signature unused
                                                             // installS3Signature unused
Rboolean Rf_isFree(SEXP);                                    // Rf_isFree unused
                                                             // isFree unused
Rboolean Rf_isOrdered(SEXP);                                 // Rf_isOrdered unused
                                                             // isOrdered used 65 times in partykit, PythonInR, data.table, RSQLite
Rboolean Rf_isUnordered(SEXP);                               // Rf_isUnordered used 1 times in OpenMx
                                                             // isUnordered used 2 times in PythonInR
Rboolean Rf_isUnsorted(SEXP, Rboolean);                      // Rf_isUnsorted unused
                                                             // isUnsorted unused
SEXP Rf_lengthgets(SEXP, R_len_t);                           // Rf_lengthgets used 7 times in readxl, readr
                                                             // lengthgets used 47 times in 11 packages
SEXP Rf_xlengthgets(SEXP, R_xlen_t);                         // Rf_xlengthgets unused
                                                             // xlengthgets unused
SEXP R_lsInternal(SEXP, Rboolean);                           // R_lsInternal used 5 times in Rcpp, rJava, Rcpp11, qtbase
SEXP R_lsInternal3(SEXP, Rboolean, Rboolean);                // R_lsInternal3 unused
SEXP Rf_match(SEXP, SEXP, int);                              // Rf_match used 2 times in Rvcg
                                                             // match used 8773 times in 388 packages
SEXP Rf_matchE(SEXP, SEXP, int, SEXP);                       // Rf_matchE unused
                                                             // matchE unused
SEXP Rf_namesgets(SEXP, SEXP);                               // Rf_namesgets used 4 times in OpenMx, rpf
                                                             // namesgets used 80 times in 14 packages
SEXP Rf_mkChar(const char *);                                // Rf_mkChar used 517 times in 32 packages
                                                             // mkChar used 4545 times in 287 packages
SEXP Rf_mkCharLen(const char *, int);                        // Rf_mkCharLen used 21 times in refGenome, redland, Rcpp11, stringi, Kmisc, Rcpp, sourcetools, iotools
                                                             // mkCharLen used 38 times in 16 packages
Rboolean Rf_NonNullStringMatch(SEXP, SEXP);                  // Rf_NonNullStringMatch unused
                                                             // NonNullStringMatch used 8 times in proxy, arules, arulesSequences, cba
int Rf_ncols(SEXP);                                          // Rf_ncols used 22 times in fdaPDE, fts, BoomSpikeSlab, Rmosek, ccgarch, rcppbugs, biganalytics, CEC, OpenMx, RTriangle
                                                             // ncols used 3805 times in 182 packages
int Rf_nrows(SEXP);                                          // Rf_nrows used 32 times in 12 packages
                                                             // nrows used 4332 times in 215 packages
SEXP Rf_nthcdr(SEXP, int);                                   // Rf_nthcdr unused
                                                             // nthcdr used 9 times in sprint, rmongodb, PythonInR, xts
typedef enum {Bytes, Chars, Width} nchar_type;
int R_nchar(SEXP string, nchar_type type_,                   // R_nchar unused
     Rboolean allowNA, Rboolean keepNA, const char* msg_name);
Rboolean Rf_pmatch(SEXP, SEXP, Rboolean);                    // Rf_pmatch unused
                                                             // pmatch used 169 times in ore, git2r, AdaptFitOS, data.table, seqminer, locfit, oce, rmumps
Rboolean Rf_psmatch(const char *, const char *, Rboolean);   // Rf_psmatch unused
                                                             // psmatch used 5 times in rgl
void Rf_PrintValue(SEXP);                                    // Rf_PrintValue used 95 times in 19 packages
                                                             // PrintValue used 119 times in 13 packages
void Rf_readS3VarsFromFrame(SEXP, SEXP*, SEXP*, SEXP*, SEXP*, SEXP*, SEXP*); // Rf_readS3VarsFromFrame unused
                                                             // readS3VarsFromFrame unused
SEXP Rf_setAttrib(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                         // Rf_setAttrib used 325 times in 35 packages
                                                             // setAttrib used 1830 times in 251 packages
void Rf_setSVector(SEXP*, int, SEXP);                        // Rf_setSVector unused
                                                             // setSVector unused
void Rf_setVar(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                            // Rf_setVar used 1 times in showtext
                                                             // setVar used 24 times in Rhpc, rscproxy, PythonInR, rgenoud, survival, gsl, littler, spatstat
SEXP Rf_stringSuffix(SEXP, int);                             // Rf_stringSuffix unused
                                                             // stringSuffix unused
SEXPTYPE Rf_str2type(const char *);                          // Rf_str2type used 4 times in purrr
                                                             // str2type used 1 times in RGtk2
Rboolean Rf_StringBlank(SEXP);                               // Rf_StringBlank used 1 times in LCMCR
                                                             // StringBlank unused
SEXP Rf_substitute(SEXP,SEXP);                               // Rf_substitute unused
                                                             // substitute used 255 times in 56 packages
const char * Rf_translateChar(SEXP);                         // Rf_translateChar used 1 times in devEMF
                                                             // translateChar used 59 times in 19 packages
const char * Rf_translateChar0(SEXP);                        // Rf_translateChar0 unused
                                                             // translateChar0 unused
const char * Rf_translateCharUTF8(SEXP);                     // Rf_translateCharUTF8 used 22 times in Rserve, xml2, readr, gdtools, Rcpp11, dplyr, Rcpp, haven
                                                             // translateCharUTF8 used 66 times in 13 packages
const char * Rf_type2char(SEXPTYPE);                         // Rf_type2char used 33 times in 13 packages
                                                             // type2char used 107 times in 12 packages
SEXP Rf_type2rstr(SEXPTYPE);                                 // Rf_type2rstr unused
                                                             // type2rstr unused
SEXP Rf_type2str(SEXPTYPE);                                  // Rf_type2str used 4 times in Rcpp, pryr
                                                             // type2str used 3 times in Kmisc, yaml
SEXP Rf_type2str_nowarn(SEXPTYPE);                           // Rf_type2str_nowarn unused
                                                             // type2str_nowarn used 1 times in qrmtools
void Rf_unprotect_ptr(SEXP);                                 // Rf_unprotect_ptr unused
                                                             // unprotect_ptr unused
void __attribute__((noreturn)) R_signal_protect_error(void);
void __attribute__((noreturn)) R_signal_unprotect_error(void);
void __attribute__((noreturn)) R_signal_reprotect_error(PROTECT_INDEX i);
SEXP R_tryEval(SEXP, SEXP, int *);                           // R_tryEval used 1118 times in 24 packages
SEXP R_tryEvalSilent(SEXP, SEXP, int *);                     // R_tryEvalSilent unused
const char *R_curErrorBuf();                                 // R_curErrorBuf used 4 times in Rhpc, Rcpp11
Rboolean Rf_isS4(SEXP);                                      // Rf_isS4 used 16 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // isS4 used 13 times in PythonInR, Rcpp11, dplyr, Rcpp, catnet, rmumps, sdnet
SEXP Rf_asS4(SEXP, Rboolean, int);                           // Rf_asS4 unused
                                                             // asS4 unused
SEXP Rf_S3Class(SEXP);                                       // Rf_S3Class unused
                                                             // S3Class used 4 times in RInside, littler
int Rf_isBasicClass(const char *);                           // Rf_isBasicClass unused
                                                             // isBasicClass unused
Rboolean R_cycle_detected(SEXP s, SEXP child);               // R_cycle_detected unused
typedef enum {
    CE_NATIVE = 0,
    CE_UTF8 = 1,
    CE_LATIN1 = 2,
    CE_BYTES = 3,
    CE_SYMBOL = 5,
    CE_ANY =99
} cetype_t;                                                  // cetype_t used 47 times in 13 packages
cetype_t Rf_getCharCE(SEXP);                                 // Rf_getCharCE used 13 times in RSclient, Rserve, genie, dplyr, Rcpp, rJava, ROracle
                                                             // getCharCE used 16 times in ore, RSclient, PythonInR, Rserve, jsonlite, tau, rJava
SEXP Rf_mkCharCE(const char *, cetype_t);                    // Rf_mkCharCE used 40 times in readxl, mongolite, xml2, readr, Rcpp11, stringi, commonmark, dplyr, Rcpp, haven
                                                             // mkCharCE used 72 times in 15 packages
SEXP Rf_mkCharLenCE(const char *, int, cetype_t);            // Rf_mkCharLenCE used 68 times in readr, ROracle, stringi
                                                             // mkCharLenCE used 23 times in 11 packages
const char *Rf_reEnc(const char *x, cetype_t ce_in, cetype_t ce_out, int subst); // Rf_reEnc used 5 times in RCurl, RSclient, Rserve, rJava
                                                             // reEnc used 3 times in PythonInR, RJSONIO
SEXP R_forceAndCall(SEXP e, int n, SEXP rho);                // R_forceAndCall unused
SEXP R_MakeExternalPtr(void *p, SEXP tag, SEXP prot);        // R_MakeExternalPtr used 321 times in 102 packages
void *R_ExternalPtrAddr(SEXP s);                             // R_ExternalPtrAddr used 2127 times in 115 packages
SEXP R_ExternalPtrTag(SEXP s);                               // R_ExternalPtrTag used 195 times in 32 packages
SEXP R_ExternalPtrProtected(SEXP s);                         // R_ExternalPtrProtected used 6 times in PopGenome, Rcpp, WhopGenome, data.table, Rcpp11
void R_ClearExternalPtr(SEXP s);                             // R_ClearExternalPtr used 157 times in 64 packages
void R_SetExternalPtrAddr(SEXP s, void *p);                  // R_SetExternalPtrAddr used 23 times in ff, PopGenome, RCurl, rstream, Rlabkey, WhopGenome, XML, RJSONIO, memisc, ROracle
void R_SetExternalPtrTag(SEXP s, SEXP tag);                  // R_SetExternalPtrTag used 16 times in PopGenome, rstream, Rlabkey, WhopGenome, Rcpp11, Rcpp, rLindo
void R_SetExternalPtrProtected(SEXP s, SEXP p);              // R_SetExternalPtrProtected used 9 times in PopGenome, rstream, Rlabkey, Rcpp, WhopGenome, Rcpp11
typedef void (*R_CFinalizer_t)(SEXP);
void R_RegisterFinalizer(SEXP s, SEXP fun);                  // R_RegisterFinalizer used 1 times in XML
void R_RegisterCFinalizer(SEXP s, R_CFinalizer_t fun);       // R_RegisterCFinalizer used 73 times in 27 packages
void R_RegisterFinalizerEx(SEXP s, SEXP fun, Rboolean onexit); // R_RegisterFinalizerEx unused
void R_RegisterCFinalizerEx(SEXP s, R_CFinalizer_t fun, Rboolean onexit); // R_RegisterCFinalizerEx used 152 times in 58 packages
void R_RunPendingFinalizers(void);                           // R_RunPendingFinalizers unused
SEXP R_MakeWeakRef(SEXP key, SEXP val, SEXP fin, Rboolean onexit); // R_MakeWeakRef used 4 times in igraph, svd
SEXP R_MakeWeakRefC(SEXP key, SEXP val, R_CFinalizer_t fin, Rboolean onexit); // R_MakeWeakRefC unused
SEXP R_WeakRefKey(SEXP w);                                   // R_WeakRefKey used 3 times in igraph, Rcpp, Rcpp11
SEXP R_WeakRefValue(SEXP w);                                 // R_WeakRefValue used 7 times in igraph, Rcpp, svd, Rcpp11
void R_RunWeakRefFinalizer(SEXP w);                          // R_RunWeakRefFinalizer used 1 times in igraph
SEXP R_PromiseExpr(SEXP);                                    // R_PromiseExpr unused
SEXP R_ClosureExpr(SEXP);                                    // R_ClosureExpr unused
void R_initialize_bcode(void);                               // R_initialize_bcode unused
SEXP R_bcEncode(SEXP);                                       // R_bcEncode unused
SEXP R_bcDecode(SEXP);                                       // R_bcDecode unused
Rboolean R_ToplevelExec(void (*fun)(void *), void *data);
SEXP R_ExecWithCleanup(SEXP (*fun)(void *), void *data,
         void (*cleanfun)(void *), void *cleandata);
void R_RestoreHashCount(SEXP rho);                           // R_RestoreHashCount unused
Rboolean R_IsPackageEnv(SEXP rho);                           // R_IsPackageEnv unused
SEXP R_PackageEnvName(SEXP rho);                             // R_PackageEnvName unused
SEXP R_FindPackageEnv(SEXP info);                            // R_FindPackageEnv unused
Rboolean R_IsNamespaceEnv(SEXP rho);                         // R_IsNamespaceEnv unused
SEXP R_NamespaceEnvSpec(SEXP rho);                           // R_NamespaceEnvSpec unused
SEXP R_FindNamespace(SEXP info);                             // R_FindNamespace used 14 times in 11 packages
void R_LockEnvironment(SEXP env, Rboolean bindings);         // R_LockEnvironment used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
Rboolean R_EnvironmentIsLocked(SEXP env);                    // R_EnvironmentIsLocked used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
void R_LockBinding(SEXP sym, SEXP env);                      // R_LockBinding used 3 times in data.table, Rcpp, Rcpp11
void R_unLockBinding(SEXP sym, SEXP env);                    // R_unLockBinding used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
void R_MakeActiveBinding(SEXP sym, SEXP fun, SEXP env);      // R_MakeActiveBinding unused
Rboolean R_BindingIsLocked(SEXP sym, SEXP env);              // R_BindingIsLocked used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
Rboolean R_BindingIsActive(SEXP sym, SEXP env);              // R_BindingIsActive used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
Rboolean R_HasFancyBindings(SEXP rho);                       // R_HasFancyBindings unused
void Rf_errorcall(SEXP, const char *, ...) __attribute__((noreturn)); // Rf_errorcall used 27 times in purrr, mongolite, jsonlite, pbdMPI, rJava, openssl
                                                             // errorcall used 103 times in RCurl, arules, XML, arulesSequences, pbdMPI, xts, proxy, cba, rJava, RSAP
void Rf_warningcall(SEXP, const char *, ...);                // Rf_warningcall used 5 times in pbdMPI, mongolite
                                                             // warningcall used 4 times in RInside, jsonlite, pbdMPI
void Rf_warningcall_immediate(SEXP, const char *, ...);      // Rf_warningcall_immediate used 2 times in mongolite, V8
                                                             // warningcall_immediate used 2 times in Runuran
void R_XDREncodeDouble(double d, void *buf);                 // R_XDREncodeDouble unused
double R_XDRDecodeDouble(void *buf);                         // R_XDRDecodeDouble unused
void R_XDREncodeInteger(int i, void *buf);                   // R_XDREncodeInteger unused
int R_XDRDecodeInteger(void *buf);                           // R_XDRDecodeInteger unused
typedef void *R_pstream_data_t;
typedef enum {
} R_pstream_format_t;                                        // R_pstream_format_t used 7 times in RApiSerialize, Rhpc, fastdigest
typedef struct R_outpstream_st *R_outpstream_t;
struct R_outpstream_st {
    R_pstream_data_t data;
    R_pstream_format_t type;
    int version;
    void (*OutChar)(R_outpstream_t, int);
    void (*OutBytes)(R_outpstream_t, void *, int);
    SEXP (*OutPersistHookFunc)(SEXP, SEXP);
    SEXP OutPersistHookData;                                 // OutPersistHookData unused
typedef struct R_inpstream_st *R_inpstream_t;
struct R_inpstream_st {
    R_pstream_data_t data;
    R_pstream_format_t type;
    int (*InChar)(R_inpstream_t);
    void (*InBytes)(R_inpstream_t, void *, int);
    SEXP (*InPersistHookFunc)(SEXP, SEXP);
    SEXP InPersistHookData;                                  // InPersistHookData unused
void R_InitInPStream(R_inpstream_t stream, R_pstream_data_t data, // R_InitInPStream used 2 times in RApiSerialize, Rhpc
       R_pstream_format_t type,
       int (*inchar)(R_inpstream_t),
       void (*inbytes)(R_inpstream_t, void *, int),
       SEXP (*phook)(SEXP, SEXP), SEXP pdata);
void R_InitOutPStream(R_outpstream_t stream, R_pstream_data_t data, // R_InitOutPStream used 4 times in RApiSerialize, Rhpc, fastdigest, qtbase
        R_pstream_format_t type, int version,
        void (*outchar)(R_outpstream_t, int),
        void (*outbytes)(R_outpstream_t, void *, int),
        SEXP (*phook)(SEXP, SEXP), SEXP pdata);
void R_InitFileInPStream(R_inpstream_t stream, FILE *fp,     // R_InitFileInPStream used 1 times in filehash
    R_pstream_format_t type,
    SEXP (*phook)(SEXP, SEXP), SEXP pdata);
void R_InitFileOutPStream(R_outpstream_t stream, FILE *fp,   // R_InitFileOutPStream unused
     R_pstream_format_t type, int version,
     SEXP (*phook)(SEXP, SEXP), SEXP pdata);
void R_Serialize(SEXP s, R_outpstream_t ops);                // R_Serialize used 4 times in RApiSerialize, Rhpc, fastdigest, qtbase
SEXP R_Unserialize(R_inpstream_t ips);                       // R_Unserialize used 4 times in RApiSerialize, Rhpc, filehash
SEXP R_do_slot(SEXP obj, SEXP name);                         // R_do_slot used 162 times in 11 packages
SEXP R_do_slot_assign(SEXP obj, SEXP name, SEXP value);      // R_do_slot_assign used 17 times in excel.link, redland, Rcpp11, Matrix, TMB, Rcpp, FREGAT, HiPLARM, OpenMx, rJPSGCS
int R_has_slot(SEXP obj, SEXP name);                         // R_has_slot used 14 times in Matrix, Rcpp, HiPLARM, OpenMx, Rcpp11
SEXP R_do_MAKE_CLASS(const char *what);                      // R_do_MAKE_CLASS used 6 times in TMB, Rcpp, Rcpp11
SEXP R_getClassDef (const char *what);                       // R_getClassDef used 5 times in memisc, Rcpp, Rcpp11
SEXP R_getClassDef_R(SEXP what);                             // R_getClassDef_R unused
Rboolean R_has_methods_attached(void);                       // R_has_methods_attached unused
Rboolean R_isVirtualClass(SEXP class_def, SEXP env);         // R_isVirtualClass unused
Rboolean R_extends (SEXP class1, SEXP class2, SEXP env);     // R_extends unused
SEXP R_do_new_object(SEXP class_def);                        // R_do_new_object used 9 times in TMB, memisc, Rcpp, Rcpp11
int R_check_class_and_super(SEXP x, const char **valid, SEXP rho); // R_check_class_and_super used 5 times in Matrix, Rmosek, HiPLARM
int R_check_class_etc (SEXP x, const char **valid);          // R_check_class_etc used 41 times in Matrix, HiPLARM
void R_PreserveObject(SEXP);                                 // R_PreserveObject used 112 times in 29 packages
void R_ReleaseObject(SEXP);                                  // R_ReleaseObject used 114 times in 27 packages
void R_dot_Last(void);                                       // R_dot_Last used 4 times in RInside, rJava, littler
void R_RunExitFinalizers(void);                              // R_RunExitFinalizers used 4 times in RInside, TMB, rJava, littler
int R_system(const char *);                                  // R_system used 1 times in rJava
Rboolean R_compute_identical(SEXP, SEXP, int);               // R_compute_identical used 14 times in igraph, Matrix, rgp, data.table
void R_orderVector(int *indx, int n, SEXP arglist, Rboolean nalast, Rboolean decreasing); // R_orderVector used 5 times in glpkAPI, nontarget, CEGO
SEXP Rf_allocVector(SEXPTYPE, R_xlen_t);                     // Rf_allocVector used 1086 times in 59 packages
                                                             // allocVector used 12419 times in 551 packages
Rboolean Rf_conformable(SEXP, SEXP);                         // Rf_conformable unused
                                                             // conformable used 141 times in 22 packages
SEXP Rf_elt(SEXP, int);                                      // Rf_elt unused
                                                             // elt used 2310 times in 37 packages
Rboolean Rf_inherits(SEXP, const char *);                    // Rf_inherits used 530 times in 21 packages
                                                             // inherits used 814 times in 80 packages
Rboolean Rf_isArray(SEXP);                                   // Rf_isArray unused
                                                             // isArray used 34 times in checkmate, PythonInR, data.table, ifultools, Rblpapi, Rvcg, unfoldr, TMB, kza, qtbase
Rboolean Rf_isFactor(SEXP);                                  // Rf_isFactor used 22 times in 11 packages
                                                             // isFactor used 42 times in checkmate, rggobi, PythonInR, data.table, Kmisc, partykit, cba, qtbase, RSQLite
Rboolean Rf_isFrame(SEXP);                                   // Rf_isFrame used 1 times in OpenMx
                                                             // isFrame used 15 times in checkmate, splusTimeDate, OjaNP, PythonInR, data.table, robfilter
Rboolean Rf_isFunction(SEXP);                                // Rf_isFunction used 4 times in Rserve, genie, RcppClassic
                                                             // isFunction used 274 times in 43 packages
Rboolean Rf_isInteger(SEXP);                                 // Rf_isInteger used 39 times in 14 packages
                                                             // isInteger used 402 times in 77 packages
Rboolean Rf_isLanguage(SEXP);                                // Rf_isLanguage unused
                                                             // isLanguage used 63 times in PythonInR, rgp, RandomFields
Rboolean Rf_isList(SEXP);                                    // Rf_isList unused
                                                             // isList used 40 times in 11 packages
Rboolean Rf_isMatrix(SEXP);                                  // Rf_isMatrix used 55 times in 16 packages
                                                             // isMatrix used 293 times in 65 packages
Rboolean Rf_isNewList(SEXP);                                 // Rf_isNewList used 6 times in Rmosek, RcppClassic
                                                             // isNewList used 103 times in 27 packages
Rboolean Rf_isNumber(SEXP);                                  // Rf_isNumber unused
                                                             // isNumber used 14 times in PythonInR, readr, stringi, qtbase
Rboolean Rf_isNumeric(SEXP);                                 // Rf_isNumeric used 31 times in Rmosek, gaselect, RcppCNPy, genie, mets, Morpho, rstan, Rcpp, RcppClassic, OpenMx
                                                             // isNumeric used 468 times in 49 packages
Rboolean Rf_isPairList(SEXP);                                // Rf_isPairList unused
                                                             // isPairList used 2 times in PythonInR
Rboolean Rf_isPrimitive(SEXP);                               // Rf_isPrimitive unused
                                                             // isPrimitive used 7 times in PythonInR, qtbase
Rboolean Rf_isTs(SEXP);                                      // Rf_isTs unused
                                                             // isTs used 2 times in PythonInR
Rboolean Rf_isUserBinop(SEXP);                               // Rf_isUserBinop unused
                                                             // isUserBinop used 2 times in PythonInR
Rboolean Rf_isValidString(SEXP);                             // Rf_isValidString unused
                                                             // isValidString used 26 times in SSN, PythonInR, foreign, pbdMPI, RJSONIO, SASxport
Rboolean Rf_isValidStringF(SEXP);                            // Rf_isValidStringF unused
                                                             // isValidStringF used 2 times in PythonInR
Rboolean Rf_isVector(SEXP);                                  // Rf_isVector used 15 times in RProtoBuf, RcppCNPy, stringi, purrr, RcppClassic, OpenMx, adaptivetau
                                                             // isVector used 182 times in 46 packages
Rboolean Rf_isVectorAtomic(SEXP);                            // Rf_isVectorAtomic used 13 times in agop, tidyr, reshape2, stringi
                                                             // isVectorAtomic used 40 times in bit, matrixStats, checkmate, PythonInR, data.table, Matrix, bit64, potts, aster2, qtbase
Rboolean Rf_isVectorList(SEXP);                              // Rf_isVectorList used 23 times in genie, purrr, RNiftyReg, stringi
                                                             // isVectorList used 12 times in RPostgreSQL, spsurvey, PythonInR, stringi, adaptivetau, PCICt, RandomFields
Rboolean Rf_isVectorizable(SEXP);                            // Rf_isVectorizable unused
                                                             // isVectorizable used 3 times in PythonInR, robfilter
SEXP Rf_lang1(SEXP);                                         // Rf_lang1 used 14 times in PopGenome, WhopGenome, nontarget, Rcpp11, purrr, Rcpp, CEGO
                                                             // lang1 used 30 times in 11 packages
SEXP Rf_lang2(SEXP, SEXP);                                   // Rf_lang2 used 64 times in 13 packages
                                                             // lang2 used 216 times in 75 packages
SEXP Rf_lang3(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                             // Rf_lang3 used 19 times in purrr, RcppDE, Rcpp, lbfgs, emdist, Rcpp11
                                                             // lang3 used 107 times in 28 packages
SEXP Rf_lang4(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                       // Rf_lang4 used 8 times in lme4, purrr, Rcpp, diversitree, Rcpp11
                                                             // lang4 used 65 times in 21 packages
SEXP Rf_lang5(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                 // Rf_lang5 unused
                                                             // lang5 used 11 times in PBSddesolve, GNE, SMC
SEXP Rf_lang6(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);           // Rf_lang6 used 1 times in lme4
                                                             // lang6 used 2 times in GNE
SEXP Rf_lastElt(SEXP);                                       // Rf_lastElt unused
                                                             // lastElt unused
SEXP Rf_lcons(SEXP, SEXP);                                   // Rf_lcons used 26 times in purrr, rcppbugs, Rcpp, pryr
                                                             // lcons used 16 times in rmgarch
R_len_t Rf_length(SEXP);                                     // Rf_length used 662 times in 69 packages
SEXP Rf_list1(SEXP);                                         // Rf_list1 used 1 times in Rcpp
                                                             // list1 used 197 times in 11 packages
SEXP Rf_list2(SEXP, SEXP);                                   // Rf_list2 unused
                                                             // list2 used 441 times in 12 packages
SEXP Rf_list3(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                             // Rf_list3 unused
                                                             // list3 used 72 times in marked, Rdsdp, BH, svd
SEXP Rf_list4(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                       // Rf_list4 unused
                                                             // list4 used 58 times in igraph, PBSddesolve, Rserve, BH, yaml, treethresh, SMC
SEXP Rf_list5(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP);                 // Rf_list5 unused
                                                             // list5 used 63 times in Rdsdp, BH
SEXP Rf_listAppend(SEXP, SEXP);                              // Rf_listAppend unused
                                                             // listAppend used 1 times in ore
SEXP Rf_mkNamed(SEXPTYPE, const char **);                    // Rf_mkNamed used 8 times in Matrix, gmp, RSclient, HiPLARM
                                                             // mkNamed used 12 times in RCassandra, coxme, SamplerCompare, survival, JavaGD, DEoptim, qtbase
SEXP Rf_mkString(const char *);                              // Rf_mkString used 179 times in 24 packages
                                                             // mkString used 814 times in 96 packages
int Rf_nlevels(SEXP);                                        // Rf_nlevels unused
                                                             // nlevels used 546 times in 26 packages
int Rf_stringPositionTr(SEXP, const char *);                 // Rf_stringPositionTr unused
                                                             // stringPositionTr unused
SEXP Rf_ScalarComplex(Rcomplex);                             // Rf_ScalarComplex unused
                                                             // ScalarComplex unused
SEXP Rf_ScalarInteger(int);                                  // Rf_ScalarInteger used 390 times in 20 packages
                                                             // ScalarInteger used 704 times in 88 packages
SEXP Rf_ScalarLogical(int);                                  // Rf_ScalarLogical used 160 times in 20 packages
                                                             // ScalarLogical used 450 times in 64 packages
SEXP Rf_ScalarRaw(Rbyte);                                    // Rf_ScalarRaw unused
                                                             // ScalarRaw used 4 times in qtbase, RGtk2
SEXP Rf_ScalarReal(double);                                  // Rf_ScalarReal used 146 times in 19 packages
                                                             // ScalarReal used 330 times in 65 packages
SEXP Rf_ScalarString(SEXP);                                  // Rf_ScalarString used 33 times in agop, Nippon, Rcpp11, rpf, stringi, purrr, Rcpp
                                                             // ScalarString used 198 times in 37 packages
R_xlen_t Rf_xlength(SEXP);                                   // Rf_xlength used 46 times in WGCNA, Rcpp, Rcpp11
SEXP Rf_protect(SEXP);                                       // Rf_protect used 332 times in 12 packages
                                                             // protect used 599 times in 101 packages
void Rf_unprotect(int);                                      // Rf_unprotect used 289 times in 12 packages
                                                             // unprotect used 110 times in 35 packages
void R_ProtectWithIndex(SEXP, PROTECT_INDEX *);              // R_ProtectWithIndex used 8 times in OpenMx
void R_Reprotect(SEXP, PROTECT_INDEX);                       // R_Reprotect used 2 times in OpenMx
SEXP R_FixupRHS(SEXP x, SEXP y);                             // R_FixupRHS unused

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/Rmath.h
extern "C" {
double R_pow(double x, double y);                            // R_pow used 1521 times in 72 packages
double R_pow_di(double, int);                                // R_pow_di used 384 times in 53 packages
double norm_rand(void);                                      // norm_rand used 408 times in 93 packages
double unif_rand(void);                                      // unif_rand used 2135 times in 327 packages
double exp_rand(void);                                       // exp_rand used 110 times in 25 packages
double Rf_dnorm4(double, double, double, int);               // Rf_dnorm4 used 45 times in 13 packages
                                                             // dnorm4 used 27 times in 11 packages
                                                             // dnorm used 1377 times in 151 packages
double Rf_pnorm5(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_pnorm5 used 143 times in 19 packages
                                                             // pnorm used 1582 times in 159 packages
                                                             // pnorm5 used 77 times in 12 packages
double Rf_qnorm5(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_qnorm5 used 40 times in 13 packages
                                                             // qnorm5 used 30 times in igraph, PwrGSD, geepack, robustvarComp, Rcpp11, tpr, Rcpp
                                                             // qnorm used 444 times in 96 packages
double Rf_rnorm(double, double);                             // Rf_rnorm used 85 times in 13 packages
                                                             // rnorm used 1865 times in 198 packages
void Rf_pnorm_both(double, double *, double *, int, int);    // Rf_pnorm_both used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // pnorm_both used 12 times in MCMCpack, MasterBayes, Rcpp, phcfM, gof, Rcpp11
double Rf_dunif(double, double, double, int);                // Rf_dunif used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // dunif used 120 times in 18 packages
double Rf_punif(double, double, double, int, int);           // Rf_punif used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // punif used 70 times in 11 packages
double Rf_qunif(double, double, double, int, int);           // Rf_qunif used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // qunif used 14 times in RInside, qrjoint, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_runif(double, double);                             // Rf_runif used 112 times in 19 packages
                                                             // runif used 2810 times in 273 packages
double Rf_dgamma(double, double, double, int);               // Rf_dgamma used 13 times in lme4, epinet, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dgamma used 617 times in 57 packages
double Rf_pgamma(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_pgamma used 31 times in TMB, Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // pgamma used 164 times in 40 packages
double Rf_qgamma(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_qgamma used 12 times in TMB, Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qgamma used 58 times in 25 packages
double Rf_rgamma(double, double);                            // Rf_rgamma used 88 times in 14 packages
                                                             // rgamma used 786 times in 104 packages
double Rf_log1pmx(double);                                   // Rf_log1pmx used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // log1pmx used 20 times in DPpackage, BH, Rcpp, Rcpp11
double log1pexp(double);                                     // log1pexp used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_lgamma1p(double);                                  // Rf_lgamma1p used 3 times in OpenMx, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // lgamma1p used 14 times in Rcpp, OpenMx, ergm.count, heavy, mixAK, Rcpp11
double Rf_logspace_add(double, double);                      // Rf_logspace_add used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // logspace_add used 21 times in sna, BMN, Rcpp11, RxCEcolInf, SamplerCompare, STAR, Rcpp
double Rf_logspace_sub(double, double);                      // Rf_logspace_sub used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // logspace_sub used 16 times in sna, Rcpp11, SamplerCompare, truncnorm, STAR, Rcpp, bfp
double logspace_sum(double *, int);                          // logspace_sum unused
double Rf_dbeta(double, double, double, int);                // Rf_dbeta used 14 times in Rcpp, OpenMx, rtkpp, SBSA, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dbeta used 377 times in 54 packages
double Rf_pbeta(double, double, double, int, int);           // Rf_pbeta used 24 times in Rcpp, bcp, OpenMx, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // pbeta used 262 times in 39 packages
double Rf_qbeta(double, double, double, int, int);           // Rf_qbeta used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qbeta used 57 times in 17 packages
double Rf_rbeta(double, double);                             // Rf_rbeta used 14 times in bfa, spBayesSurv, RcppSMC, Rcpp11, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore
                                                             // rbeta used 431 times in 59 packages
double Rf_dlnorm(double, double, double, int);               // Rf_dlnorm used 13 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, RcppProgress, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dlnorm used 68 times in 22 packages
double Rf_plnorm(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_plnorm used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // plnorm used 37 times in 14 packages
double Rf_qlnorm(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_qlnorm used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qlnorm used 11 times in icenReg, RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_rlnorm(double, double);                            // Rf_rlnorm used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, RcppSMC, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rlnorm used 64 times in 18 packages
double Rf_dchisq(double, double, int);                       // Rf_dchisq used 11 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dchisq used 57 times in 14 packages
double Rf_pchisq(double, double, int, int);                  // Rf_pchisq used 9 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, lm.br, Rcpp11
                                                             // pchisq used 152 times in 33 packages
double Rf_qchisq(double, double, int, int);                  // Rf_qchisq used 13 times in robustHD, ccaPP, lm.br, Rcpp11, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore
                                                             // qchisq used 38 times in 21 packages
double Rf_rchisq(double);                                    // Rf_rchisq used 14 times in bfa, MixedDataImpute, rmgarch, Rcpp11, lme4, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore
                                                             // rchisq used 244 times in 54 packages
double Rf_dnchisq(double, double, double, int);              // Rf_dnchisq used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // dnchisq used 7 times in spc, Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_pnchisq(double, double, double, int, int);         // Rf_pnchisq used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // pnchisq used 13 times in spc, Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_qnchisq(double, double, double, int, int);         // Rf_qnchisq used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // qnchisq used 9 times in spc, Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_rnchisq(double, double);                           // Rf_rnchisq used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // rnchisq used 11 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_df(double, double, double, int);                   // Rf_df used 12 times in Rcpp, subplex, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // df unused
double Rf_pf(double, double, double, int, int);              // Rf_pf used 13 times in BIFIEsurvey, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, lm.br, Rcpp11
                                                             // pf unused
double Rf_qf(double, double, double, int, int);              // Rf_qf used 9 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, lm.br, Rcpp11
                                                             // qf unused
double Rf_rf(double, double);                                // Rf_rf used 6 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rf unused
double Rf_dt(double, double, int);                           // Rf_dt used 12 times in TMB, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dt unused
double Rf_pt(double, double, int, int);                      // Rf_pt used 8 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, lm.br, Rcpp11
                                                             // pt unused
double Rf_qt(double, double, int, int);                      // Rf_qt used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qt unused
double Rf_rt(double);                                        // Rf_rt used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, RcppSMC, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rt unused
double Rf_dbinom_raw(double x, double n, double p, double q, int give_log); // Rf_dbinom_raw unused
                                                             // dbinom_raw used 50 times in igraph, MCMCpack, secr, AdaptFitOS, phcfM, gof, MasterBayes, locfit
double Rf_dbinom(double, double, double, int);               // Rf_dbinom used 23 times in mvabund, Rcpp11, rgam, lme4, unmarked, Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore
                                                             // dbinom used 290 times in 40 packages
double Rf_pbinom(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_pbinom used 10 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, mvabund, rtkore, Rcpp11, rgam
                                                             // pbinom used 53 times in 16 packages
double Rf_qbinom(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_qbinom used 9 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, mvabund, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qbinom used 18 times in DPpackage, Runuran, BayesXsrc, mvabund, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, ump, littler
double Rf_rbinom(double, double);                            // Rf_rbinom used 14 times in igraph, mvabund, Rcpp11, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, RcppArmadillo
                                                             // rbinom used 169 times in 50 packages
void Rf_rmultinom(int, double*, int, int*);                  // Rf_rmultinom unused
                                                             // rmultinom used 42 times in 18 packages
double Rf_dcauchy(double, double, double, int);              // Rf_dcauchy used 15 times in lme4, Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dcauchy used 25 times in DPpackage, multimark, vcrpart, kernlab, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, aucm, ordinal, littler
double Rf_pcauchy(double, double, double, int, int);         // Rf_pcauchy used 10 times in lme4, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // pcauchy used 25 times in DPpackage, vcrpart, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, ordinal, RandomFields, littler
double Rf_qcauchy(double, double, double, int, int);         // Rf_qcauchy used 10 times in lme4, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qcauchy used 11 times in RInside, DPpackage, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_rcauchy(double, double);                           // Rf_rcauchy used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, RcppSMC, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rcauchy used 21 times in PoweR, RInside, Rcpp, DEoptim, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_dexp(double, double, int);                         // Rf_dexp used 12 times in unmarked, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dexp used 646 times in 82 packages
double Rf_pexp(double, double, int, int);                    // Rf_pexp used 11 times in unmarked, Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // pexp used 117 times in 26 packages
double Rf_qexp(double, double, int, int);                    // Rf_qexp used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qexp used 20 times in monomvn, GeoGenetix, Rcpp11, icenReg, RInside, TMB, Rcpp, Sunder, RandomFields, littler
double Rf_rexp(double);                                      // Rf_rexp used 20 times in iBATCGH, RcppSMC, rmgarch, Rcpp11, wrswoR, Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore
                                                             // rexp used 224 times in 56 packages
double Rf_dgeom(double, double, int);                        // Rf_dgeom used 11 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dgeom used 16 times in RInside, Rcpp, ergm.count, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_pgeom(double, double, int, int);                   // Rf_pgeom used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // pgeom used 10 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_qgeom(double, double, int, int);                   // Rf_qgeom used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qgeom used 10 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_rgeom(double);                                     // Rf_rgeom used 13 times in igraph, Rcpp, iBATCGH, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rgeom used 25 times in BSquare, sna, ergm.count, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, littler
double Rf_dhyper(double, double, double, double, int);       // Rf_dhyper used 11 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dhyper used 14 times in AdaptFitOS, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, CorrBin, locfit, littler
double Rf_phyper(double, double, double, double, int, int);  // Rf_phyper used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // phyper used 17 times in Runuran, Rcpp11, cpm, RInside, Rcpp, RandomFields, vegan, littler
double Rf_qhyper(double, double, double, double, int, int);  // Rf_qhyper used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qhyper used 11 times in RInside, Runuran, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_rhyper(double, double, double);                    // Rf_rhyper used 8 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rhyper used 13 times in kSamples, RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_dnbinom(double, double, double, int);              // Rf_dnbinom used 22 times in inarmix, Rcpp, rtkpp, mvabund, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dnbinom used 170 times in 27 packages
double Rf_pnbinom(double, double, double, int, int);         // Rf_pnbinom used 10 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, mvabund, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // pnbinom used 29 times in 13 packages
double Rf_qnbinom(double, double, double, int, int);         // Rf_qnbinom used 10 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, mvabund, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qnbinom used 12 times in RInside, Runuran, Rcpp, mvabund, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_rnbinom(double, double);                           // Rf_rnbinom used 9 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, mvabund, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rnbinom used 41 times in 18 packages
double Rf_dnbinom_mu(double, double, double, int);           // Rf_dnbinom_mu used 1 times in Rcpp
                                                             // dnbinom_mu used 18 times in RDS, KFAS, Rcpp11, unmarked, Rcpp, sspse, Bclim
double Rf_pnbinom_mu(double, double, double, int, int);      // Rf_pnbinom_mu used 1 times in Rcpp
                                                             // pnbinom_mu used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_qnbinom_mu(double, double, double, int, int);      // Rf_qnbinom_mu used 1 times in Rcpp
                                                             // qnbinom_mu used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_rnbinom_mu(double, double);                        // Rf_rnbinom_mu used 1 times in Rcpp
                                                             // rnbinom_mu used 7 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_dpois_raw (double, double, int);                   // Rf_dpois_raw unused
                                                             // dpois_raw used 25 times in igraph, MCMCpack, AdaptFitOS, phcfM, gof, MasterBayes, locfit
double Rf_dpois(double, double, int);                        // Rf_dpois used 28 times in mvabund, Rcpp11, rgam, lme4, unmarked, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore
                                                             // dpois used 212 times in 37 packages
double Rf_ppois(double, double, int, int);                   // Rf_ppois used 13 times in mvabund, Rcpp11, rgam, TMB, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore
                                                             // ppois used 62 times in 18 packages
double Rf_qpois(double, double, int, int);                   // Rf_qpois used 10 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, mvabund, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qpois used 23 times in 11 packages
double Rf_rpois(double);                                     // Rf_rpois used 22 times in mvabund, Rcpp11, Rcpp, RcppOctave, fwsim, rtkpp, rtkore
                                                             // rpois used 157 times in 51 packages
double Rf_dweibull(double, double, double, int);             // Rf_dweibull used 11 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dweibull used 38 times in 16 packages
double Rf_pweibull(double, double, double, int, int);        // Rf_pweibull used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // pweibull used 42 times in 14 packages
double Rf_qweibull(double, double, double, int, int);        // Rf_qweibull used 7 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qweibull used 16 times in BSquare, Rcpp11, icenReg, RInside, TMB, extWeibQuant, Rcpp, littler
double Rf_rweibull(double, double);                          // Rf_rweibull used 6 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rweibull used 35 times in 12 packages
double Rf_dlogis(double, double, double, int);               // Rf_dlogis used 14 times in lme4, Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // dlogis used 91 times in 18 packages
double Rf_plogis(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_plogis used 8 times in lme4, Rcpp, rtkpp, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // plogis used 125 times in 21 packages
double Rf_qlogis(double, double, double, int, int);          // Rf_qlogis used 9 times in lme4, Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // qlogis used 16 times in DPpackage, geoBayes, Rcpp11, RInside, TMB, qrjoint, Rcpp, littler
double Rf_rlogis(double, double);                            // Rf_rlogis used 10 times in Rcpp, rtkpp, BayesFactor, rtkore, Rcpp11
                                                             // rlogis used 32 times in MCMCpack, phcfM, gof, Rcpp11, MasterBayes, PoweR, RInside, Rcpp, littler
double Rf_dnbeta(double, double, double, double, int);       // Rf_dnbeta used 4 times in OpenMx, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // dnbeta used 6 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_pnbeta(double, double, double, double, int, int);  // Rf_pnbeta used 4 times in OpenMx, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // pnbeta used 23 times in bayesSurv, Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_qnbeta(double, double, double, double, int, int);  // Rf_qnbeta used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // qnbeta used 8 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_rnbeta(double, double, double);                    // Rf_rnbeta used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // rnbeta used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_dnf(double, double, double, double, int);          // Rf_dnf used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // dnf used 13 times in RxODE, Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_pnf(double, double, double, double, int, int);     // Rf_pnf used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // pnf used 12 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_qnf(double, double, double, double, int, int);     // Rf_qnf used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // qnf used 8 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_dnt(double, double, double, int);                  // Rf_dnt used 4 times in BayesFactor, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // dnt used 17 times in alineR, DNAtools, gmum.r, Rcpp11, Rcpp, bayesLife, spc
double Rf_pnt(double, double, double, int, int);             // Rf_pnt used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // pnt used 111 times in BayesXsrc, hypervolume, Rcpp, spc, Rcpp11
double Rf_qnt(double, double, double, int, int);             // Rf_qnt used 3 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // qnt used 12 times in ore, Rcpp, spc, Rcpp11
double Rf_ptukey(double, double, double, double, int, int);  // Rf_ptukey used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // ptukey used 6 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_qtukey(double, double, double, double, int, int);  // Rf_qtukey used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // qtukey used 6 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_dwilcox(double, double, double, int);              // Rf_dwilcox used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // dwilcox used 12 times in clinfun, fuzzyRankTests, Rcpp11, RInside, Rcpp, DescTools, littler
double Rf_pwilcox(double, double, double, int, int);         // Rf_pwilcox used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // pwilcox used 16 times in fuzzyRankTests, Rcpp11, FRESA.CAD, RInside, simctest, Rcpp, littler
double Rf_qwilcox(double, double, double, int, int);         // Rf_qwilcox used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // qwilcox used 10 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_rwilcox(double, double);                           // Rf_rwilcox used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // rwilcox used 11 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_dsignrank(double, double, int);                    // Rf_dsignrank used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // dsignrank used 7 times in RInside, Rcpp, fuzzyRankTests, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_psignrank(double, double, int, int);               // Rf_psignrank used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // psignrank used 11 times in FRESA.CAD, RInside, Rcpp, fuzzyRankTests, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_qsignrank(double, double, int, int);               // Rf_qsignrank used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // qsignrank used 6 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_rsignrank(double);                                 // Rf_rsignrank used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // rsignrank used 11 times in RInside, Rcpp, Rcpp11, littler
double Rf_gammafn(double);                                   // Rf_gammafn used 7 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // gammafn used 374 times in 46 packages
double Rf_lgammafn(double);                                  // Rf_lgammafn used 61 times in epinet, spBayesSurv, AdaptFitOS, rmgarch, Rcpp11, icenReg, TMB, Rcpp, locfit, OpenMx
                                                             // lgammafn used 407 times in 66 packages
double Rf_lgammafn_sign(double, int*);                       // Rf_lgammafn_sign used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // lgammafn_sign used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
void Rf_dpsifn(double, int, int, int, double*, int*, int*);  // Rf_dpsifn used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // dpsifn used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_psigamma(double, double);                          // Rf_psigamma used 6 times in TMB, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // psigamma used 9 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_digamma(double);                                   // Rf_digamma used 47 times in inarmix, stochvol, Rcpp, frailtySurv, Rcpp11
                                                             // digamma used 20689 times in 54 packages
double Rf_trigamma(double);                                  // Rf_trigamma used 10 times in stochvol, Rcpp, frailtySurv, Rcpp11
                                                             // trigamma used 128 times in 24 packages
double Rf_tetragamma(double);                                // Rf_tetragamma used 5 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // tetragamma used 22 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11, RcppShark
double Rf_pentagamma(double);                                // Rf_pentagamma used 5 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // pentagamma used 8 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_beta(double, double);                              // Rf_beta used 8 times in Rcpp, iBATCGH, RandomFields, Rcpp11
                                                             // beta used 32773 times in 615 packages
double Rf_lbeta(double, double);                             // Rf_lbeta used 24 times in Rcpp, poisDoubleSamp, bcp, Rcpp11
                                                             // lbeta used 213 times in 23 packages
double Rf_choose(double, double);                            // Rf_choose used 9 times in DepthProc, Rcpp, bfp, polyfreqs, Rcpp11
                                                             // choose used 1368 times in 287 packages
double Rf_lchoose(double, double);                           // Rf_lchoose used 38 times in Rcpp, bfp, poisDoubleSamp, noncompliance, Rcpp11
                                                             // lchoose used 54 times in 17 packages
double Rf_bessel_i(double, double, double);                  // Rf_bessel_i used 3 times in OpenMx, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // bessel_i used 29 times in BiTrinA, Binarize, overlap, RCALI, Hankel, Rcpp11, rotations, Rcpp, moveHMM, dti
double Rf_bessel_j(double, double);                          // Rf_bessel_j used 3 times in OpenMx, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // bessel_j used 25 times in SpatialExtremes, constrainedKriging, BH, Rcpp, RandomFields, Rcpp11
double Rf_bessel_k(double, double, double);                  // Rf_bessel_k used 7 times in TMB, Rcpp, OpenMx, rmgarch, Rcpp11
                                                             // bessel_k used 127 times in 26 packages
double Rf_bessel_y(double, double);                          // Rf_bessel_y used 3 times in OpenMx, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // bessel_y used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_bessel_i_ex(double, double, double, double *);     // Rf_bessel_i_ex used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // bessel_i_ex used 5 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11, dti
double Rf_bessel_j_ex(double, double, double *);             // Rf_bessel_j_ex used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // bessel_j_ex used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_bessel_k_ex(double, double, double, double *);     // Rf_bessel_k_ex used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // bessel_k_ex used 9 times in geostatsp, Rcpp, tgp, Rcpp11
double Rf_bessel_y_ex(double, double, double *);             // Rf_bessel_y_ex used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // bessel_y_ex used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_pythag(double, double);                            // Rf_pythag used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // pythag used 105 times in 21 packages
int Rf_imax2(int, int);                                      // Rf_imax2 used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // imax2 used 150 times in 37 packages
int Rf_imin2(int, int);                                      // Rf_imin2 used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // imin2 used 193 times in 28 packages
double Rf_fmax2(double, double);                             // Rf_fmax2 used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // fmax2 used 345 times in 60 packages
double Rf_fmin2(double, double);                             // Rf_fmin2 used 4 times in TMB, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // fmin2 used 224 times in 46 packages
double Rf_sign(double);                                      // Rf_sign used 4 times in OpenMx, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // sign used 5291 times in 389 packages
double Rf_fprec(double, double);                             // Rf_fprec used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // fprec used 38 times in wfe, Rcpp, msm, list, Rcpp11
double Rf_fround(double, double);                            // Rf_fround used 8 times in Rcpp, RcppClassic, Rcpp11
                                                             // fround used 13 times in bioPN, exactLoglinTest, frontiles, Rcpp11, FRESA.CAD, Rcpp, rmetasim, treethresh
double Rf_fsign(double, double);                             // Rf_fsign used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // fsign used 66 times in 15 packages
double Rf_ftrunc(double);                                    // Rf_ftrunc used 4 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // ftrunc used 123 times in 22 packages
double Rf_log1pmx(double);                                   // Rf_log1pmx used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // log1pmx used 20 times in DPpackage, BH, Rcpp, Rcpp11
double Rf_lgamma1p(double);                                  // Rf_lgamma1p used 3 times in OpenMx, Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // lgamma1p used 14 times in Rcpp, OpenMx, ergm.count, heavy, mixAK, Rcpp11
double cospi(double);                                        // cospi used 1 times in Rmpfr
double sinpi(double);                                        // sinpi used 1 times in Rmpfr
double tanpi(double);                                        // tanpi used 1 times in Rmpfr
double Rf_logspace_add(double logx, double logy);            // Rf_logspace_add used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // logspace_add used 21 times in sna, BMN, Rcpp11, RxCEcolInf, SamplerCompare, STAR, Rcpp
double Rf_logspace_sub(double logx, double logy);            // Rf_logspace_sub used 2 times in Rcpp, Rcpp11
                                                             // logspace_sub used 16 times in sna, Rcpp11, SamplerCompare, truncnorm, STAR, Rcpp, bfp

# /Users/ls/Source/git/fastr/com.oracle.truffle.r.native/include/S.h
extern "C" {
extern void seed_in(long *);                                 // seed_in used 11 times in raster, excursions, IGM.MEA, GENLIB, VLMC, maptools, robust
extern void seed_out(long *);                                // seed_out used 7 times in GENLIB, raster, VLMC, maptools, robust, IGM.MEA
extern double unif_rand(void);                               // unif_rand used 2135 times in 327 packages
extern double norm_rand(void);                               // norm_rand used 408 times in 93 packages
typedef struct {
 double re;
 double im;
} S_complex;                                                 // S_complex used 2 times in ifultools


              0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10+
     Macro: 129  12  15  12  12   4   8   3   0   7 208  (usage count)
     (410)  129  34  20  12  22  12   9  11   5   6 150  (distinct package count)
  Function: 259  32  35  25  33  15  18  16  11   9 351  (usage count)
     (804)  259  65  50  41  48  27  29  13   9  21 242  (distinct package count)
  Variable:  32   2   6   4   2   1   2   1   0   0  22  (usage count)
      (72)   32   8   5   3   1   1   1   2   0   1  18  (distinct package count)
   TypeDef:  10   0   1   2   0   0   0   2   2   0  13  (usage count)
      (30)   10   1   2   2   0   1   0   2   2   0  10  (distinct package count)
     Alias:  68  14  26  14  13   8   6   6   4   4 213  (usage count)
     (376)   68  42  41  18  20  10  12  16   9   3 137  (distinct package count)

(for a quick explanation of these stats see Native_API_stats_of_R.h)